Chapter 91 Fighting for Boar

When Silly Zhu left happily with three hares, patriotic and patriotic people jumped off the carriage.

He walked up to Chu and said, "Brother, do you want us to put that Liu Guangqi sack on?"

Chu Xiangqian smiled and rubbed his patriotic and people loving head.

When it's time for you to help me, I'm not polite. "

"That's good." Patriotic and patriotic people nodded happily and followed Chu forward all the way to the street.

Seeing that Uncle Sun was still at the gate guard on Sunday, Chu hurriedly took out the blue peony, scattered a cigarette and said with a smile, "Uncle, please call my section chief.

Let's say I got a wild boar weighing 260 jin after slaughter. "

Old Sun didn't care to persuade Chu to move forward. Don't beat the front door or the blue peony.

He also refused to answer the smoke. He habitually took a holster and left the guard post.

Quickly walked to the carriage, lifted the hay, and suddenly a surprised smile appeared on his face.

Then I carefully looked at the wounds on the wild boar's neck and head, and found that the tunnel was actually killed at close range with a steel fork.

"Good boy, you are not bragging about your hunting skills."

The boar is more difficult to deal with than the wolf.

It's not that wild boars are more lethal than wolves, but that they bump into each other when they see something bad. Once they see something bad, they run no slower than tigers.

Therefore, it is very difficult to kill in close range.

But it would be much easier if I had a rifle in my hand.

One or two hundred meters away, one or two rifles can kill a wild boar.

After confirmation, Old Man Sun did not say a word. He turned into the gate guard and picked up the phone to call Chen Huaili.

But even if Chen Huaili is the section chief, there must be no telephone at home.

So when Chen Huaili received the notice and came back, it was already an hour later.

Silly Column just followed a middle-aged man on a bicycle to the street.

When Chen Huaili saw that the man was Xie Zhende, the logistics director of the rolling mill, he said to himself, 'Oh, no!'.

Shouting to Chu, "Go ahead, pull the carriage into the yard."

Xie Zhende was even more anxious when he heard this. He stepped on his bike a few times and almost lifted the silly post sitting on the back seat off the car.

He shouted, "Old Chen, it's your turn to see. Don't try to eat it alone."

Chen Huaili was very worried, but he saw Old Man Sun frowning and coming forward, shouting at Director Xie, "Xie Zhende, you dare to come to my place to rob things. Are you tired of living?"

Director Xie was stunned and cursed the damned. In such a hurry, he forgot that there was an old man named Sun in the street.

The attitude immediately counseled, got off and asked for cigarettes. He said with a smile, "Uncle Sun, depending on what you said, I don't dare to rob in front of you.

This is not because the production task in the factory is too heavy. Not only are the workers short of oil and water, but if they want to mobilize all kinds of raw materials, they have to ingratiate themselves with their brother units. "

"All right, all right."

Old Sun waved his hand impatiently, knowing that Xie Zhende would not lie about it.

And when it comes to production, he doesn't say much.

After receiving the cigarette, he walked to the gate guard post with his hands behind his back and said, "Forget it, discuss the points with Xiao Chen."

After saying that, he looked forward and suddenly said with a smile, "Besides, Xiao Chu, the great hero, is right in front of him, so you won't find a way to solve his difficulties and let him go to the mountain again?"

Chen Huaili and Xie Zhende's eyes lit up at the same time, and they secretly said that they were right.

As long as we guard Chu forward, we are afraid of no meat?

Of course, Chu Qian is not the only hunter around the whole capital.

The units that stare at the game are also not only steel mills and Jiaodaokou streets.

Some large factories and units have spontaneously organized hunting teams to hunt in the mountains before.

Even the rolling mill has organized more than a dozen people to carry guns into the mountain, but compared with the food and time spent, plus often three or four days without anything.

This efficiency is really not worth it.

After a long time, the leaders of the factory naturally stopped hunting.

Of course, the main reason is that there was no shortage of food before.

Chu Xiangqian had no problem with hunting in the mountains again. After all, there were 155 pheasants and 60 hares in the warehouse.

Moreover, they still exist every day. If they can sell them openly, fools will not do it.

Xie Zhende directly crossed Chen Huaili and said to Chu with a smile, "Xiao Chu, if you have any difficulties, as long as the factory can solve them, I will make a decision for you on the spot."

There was a blind bear in front of him, and Chu came forward with a silly roe deer and pheasant to treat at the forest farm. Now there was a real boar in front of him.

Xie Zhende doesn't believe Chu's ability to hunt.

If Chu Xiangqian hadn't promised to enter the factory, he would now dare to turn around and run to the factory director's house, and truly implement Chu Xiangqian's promise that he would be the security chief of the factory.

Chu was also rude to move forward, beckoning to patriotism and people.

Then he looked at silly Zhu and said, "Zhu, what do you think of my two cousins?"

Silly Column was stunned. Although he was puzzled, he was not stupid. It was impossible for him to say something bad about patriotism and people in front of Chu.

Chu went forward and saw that Silly Zhu was praising patriotism and loving the people. He took the opportunity to say, "I know that there are many rules of Tanjia cuisine. I don't ask you to teach them Tanjia cuisine, but how about letting patriotism and loving people follow you to help you learn Sichuan cuisine?"

Silly Zhu unconsciously wanted to refuse. Chu Xiangqian said that he was only learning skills, not learning from teachers.

In the circle of cooks, this is a violation of the rules.

Chu Xiangqian also knew that even if he didn't kowtow, gifts were indispensable.

"So, for my two brothers, I am willing to be a big brother. I will get you five pheasants and five hares as a gift.

In the future, there will be no shortage of gifts during the holidays. Just pay attention to the master, so that I won't be a generation shorter in front of you. "

Chu Xiangqian thought clearly.

Don't look at silly column's cooking skill. He boasts himself, as if he is much better.

But his cooking skill is really excellent. Can he be a chef in a foreign-related hotel?

Moreover, Silly Zhu is only 23 or 4 years old at this time, and he lacks the ingredients to practice. He may be familiar with Tan's dishes by heart and can stir fry them, but his craftsmanship is definitely not top.

Even some big dishes, whether they have been cooked or not, are all problems.

If you can learn authentic Tan Family Cuisine, thanks to him.

If you can't, it's better to learn the basics around him first, and then inquire about other teachers who have real skills.

As soon as Silly Column heard Chuqian's words, he really thought he didn't want to be inferior to his own generation.

Since there are many benefits, the apprenticeship is not important.

Besides, after a second thought, Silly Zhu became the de facto master of Chu's former two cousins, and was afraid that he would not be able to buy pheasants, hares and other game in the future?

Xie Zhende's eyes brightened after hearing this, and he wanted to draw Chu forward.

Now he asked his two cousins to learn cooking skills from Shazhu. He made it clear that he wanted them to become apprentices in the rear kitchen of the rolling mill.

"Silly column, your monitor is going to retire. I think you should bring two apprentices or helpers earlier."