Chapter 47 Suspicion of Neighbors

After seeing off the second uncle and six people, Chu Xiangqian felt relieved.

Then he went out for a walk and released the two hounds, Dazhuang and Hongniu, from the novice game village.

I will lead them to patrol the streets tomorrow.

He made a simple dog lead rope with hemp rope, took Dazhuang and Hongniu back to the quadrangle, and saw that the third uncle was just at the time to close the door.

"Wow, these two big dogs are really big."

Chu Xiangqian didn't introduce it too much, but said it was his hunting dog.

The third uncle said hurriedly, "Xiao Chu, you must watch carefully. If such a big dog is scared or mad, let alone the children, adults will be hurt by them."

Chu Xiangqian knew that Dazhuang and Hongniu had the same intelligence as five or six year old children, and even had the same execution as soldiers.

But outsiders don't know that anyone will be afraid when they see a big dog that is nearly one meter high and weighs 80 to 90 kilograms.

The third uncle did not directly say that the quadrangle would not allow dogs, which was very good.

Chu nodded forward, "Don't worry, Third Uncle, I will take these two dogs to work in the daytime, just to be patrol dogs.

At night, they are tied to their homes or locked in the street to ensure that they will not hurt people. "

"That's good." Then the third uncle felt relieved, closed the door, told Chu Qianqian the time of closing the door every day, and went home by himself.

Chu Qianqian glanced at the Liu family in the east wing room and secretly said that he had lived in the room for two days, but he had never seen anyone.

I can't help thinking silently, but the Liu family will go to the northwest after the New Year and plan to ask relatives if anyone has bought their own house?

After all, Aunt Wang of the neighborhood committee said before that no one in the quadrangle knew that the Liu family was transferred to the northwest.

The Liu family probably knew that the quadrangle was full of troubles, so they didn't plan to tell the old neighbors of the quadrangle that they were leaving.

When it comes to selling houses, I must first ask my relatives and friends I know.

Lest Yan Fugui, Jia Zhang and other people take the Liu family's hurry and use various means to calculate his family.

Chu cursed in front of him. It seemed that he had to get some money quickly.

Otherwise, even if you find where Liu works, it's not easy to talk about it.

No, the New Year is still a month away. I can talk about it first, pay some deposit, and then make money during this time.

Lock Da Zhuang and Hong Niu at home, and turn around to find the Third Uncle.

He knocked on the door and said a few words.

"Third Uncle, I just moved here. I thought that I was a neighbor next to the east wing. I tried to recognize the door several times, but I didn't see anyone in his house."

The third uncle didn't think much about it. "His family heard about visiting relatives the day before yesterday. They should be back in two days."

Chu nodded forward and asked, "What does this family do?"

The third uncle could not help admiring his face, "Master Liu was a truck driver before the founding of the People's Republic of China.

After liberation, he entered the coal company and continued to work as a driver. His daughter-in-law also sought connections and recruited a bus company as a conductor.

In our yard, his family is the best and most respectable. "

Chu nodded forward, not to mention the early 1990s, when drivers were popular jobs.

Moreover, Master Liu's daughter-in-law is also a bus conductor, which is also an enviable job.

Say goodbye to the third uncle. Chu Xiangqian goes home and closes the door. He enters the novice village and lies in the fountain pool to take a bath. He plans to wait until after 12:00 to brush all the fresh 15 pheasants before returning to reality and going to bed.

But when I was soaking, my heart suddenly moved.

In the TV play, Liu Guangqi, the eldest son of the Second Uncle, applied to be transferred to the northwest after he got married, in order to avoid the Second Uncle's parents' behavior.

I'm also afraid that I will have children in the future, and I am scared to see my grandfather beating two uncles all day long.

In case that the hair in the bangs is nervous, it is only for the eldest grandson.

If you take the second or third grandson as a person, everyone will fall out with Liu Haizhong.

In this case, we should stay away from the fringe.

Liu Guangqi even transferred himself back to the capital in case he wanted to find a relationship. He applied to go to the northwest by himself.

In this way, even if Liu Guangqi and his wife repent, it will take more than ten years to return to the capital, 20 years later.

So why did Master Liu and his wife, who work well and live well, apply to go to the northwest?

Of course, dedication is not excluded.

But Chu thought about it and still thought that there might be something wrong with it.

Just a few seconds later, I thought I was crazy about the house.

The third uncle said that he was just going to visit relatives.

Since we are going to transfer, we don't walk around with our relatives at this time. When we meet again, we don't know how many years later it will be.

After lying back in the pool again, Chu Qianqian hesitated until 12 o'clock, and immediately ordered Dazhuang and Red Niu to brush pheasants with silver throated tits.

More than ten minutes later, Chu Qianjin added 150 points of experience.

Class 5, 150/1600.

Constitution 3.8.

Strength 1.9.

Agility 2.7.

Dazhuang and Hongniu level 4, experience 200/800.

After the titmouse rose to Level 1, Chu Xiangqian thought about it and added 1 point to the titmouse's physical strength.

Physique 1.5, strength 0.1, agility 2.5.

Previously, 0.5% of the body can fly for half an hour. Now, one and a half hours is enough to do many things.

Then Chu Xiangqian took eight wolf skins and one fox skin from the warehouse and went to the armour shop.

Sure enough, wolf fur can be made into fur clothes.

In addition, you can not only choose coats, but also make waistcoats and leather coats for spring and autumn wear.

Even boots, hats and gloves can be made.

What pleased Chu most was that normal tailors needed at least six or seven wolf skins to make fur coats.

But only 4 pieces are needed in the game.

But the production cost is not silver coins, but gold coupons.

The game also has text instructions. This is fashion, not equipment.

Fortunately, no matter the size and difficulty of Level 1 fashions, they are all at 2:00.

Looking at the remaining 28 points coupons, I thought for a moment and made a coat, boots, fur hat and vest according to Xu Damao's figure.

Just need an excuse to say that there is already a set, or even several sets of good before.

As for the fox skin, Chu Xiangqian made himself a pair of gloves that were not smooth and looked dusty, but were absolutely warm.

After spending 10 points of coupons to make four dresses and gloves, Chu Qianqian is going to leave the game.

Then I saw the hemp rope on the neck of Dazhuang and Hongniu.

He took out a piece of wild boar skin, made two sets of leather collars and traction ropes, and spent another 4 gold coupons.

This is when we leave the game.

Just lying in bed, I couldn't sleep. I always thought that maybe Master Liu and his wife would find the secret room in the east chamber.

There are many treasures hidden inside.

Then Master Liu took advantage of his position as a truck driver of the coal company to transport things away little by little.

Chu went forward and let the titmouse out. It was better to go to the east wing room first than to think all the time.

When the long tailed titmouse came out of the house, Chu kept pace with what the titmouse saw.