Chapter 382 Your Kid is dishonest

The Lou family purchased the second level deer glue from Chu Qianqian, occupying the middle and low end market, and the customer group is not small.

Chu Qianfeng has occupied the high-end, stabilized the high added value and Hong Kong Island market, and also made the rich people in London and the island country feel that what they bought is really good.

This is good for both families.

Chu Xiangqian didn't hesitate, but he was sure and sold the deer glue to the Lou family.

Look at Xu Damao, "1000 plus 10 double large yellow croakers, I'll count you 23 thousand, and my deer glue will be 25 for one or two. How much do you want?"

Xu Damao swallowed his saliva and said, "Go forward, can you buy all of them

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