Chapter 126 It's Convenient to Have a Gun in Hand

Qin Dakui told Chu forward, "Go early and return early. I haven't got any. I can make do with some dried meat in the forest farm."

Xie Zhende, Xu Damao and 12 militiamen felt Qin Dakui was showing off.

Chu smiled and nodded forward, untied the dog rope on Dazhuang's and Hongniu's necks, nodded to the crowd and shouted, and the two hounds immediately rushed into the mountain.

Xu Damao quickly followed Chu forward, "Forward, take my brother with me."

Chu didn't care about it either, but he summoned the titmouse in his heart.

There are two hunting dogs on the ground and tits in the sky. Find some hares and pheasants

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