Chapter 109 Two Prices for One Job

Seeing that Liu Yifa still wanted to test himself, Chu Xiangqian scolded Liu Yifa and shook his head, "It's OK to rent the east wing room. After I marry my daughter-in-law and have children in the future, if you suddenly come back to take the house back, I will have to catch the blind.

Since you don't sell it, I will go to the street archives department tomorrow to check whether there is any suitable house for resale. "

Liu Yifa can't hold his breath anymore. If Chu Qianqian goes to the archives, he may find out the name of his youngest son and buy a small yard in Maoer Alley.

"Wait a minute", Liu Yifa tried to suppress his anxiety, pretended to hesitate and asked, "Comrade Chu, you really

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