Chapter 107 An old man in 106 families is like a treasure

Seeing that Nan Guangsheng understood his meaning, Chu smiled forward and said, "Come on, accompany me to the Drum Tower. After finishing the patrol today, we will come back to fish."

Nan Guangsheng's eyes brightened. He didn't even care about the four fishing rods and horse posts in the corner and jumped into the back seat of his bicycle.

This is the first time he has made a bike, and he was very excited.

At the same time, he was more and more impressed with Chu Xiangqian.

More than ten minutes later, Chu Xiangqian did not return to the courtyard, but went to Yuhe in his military coat.

In any case, if you have received special allowance, it is equivalent to actual street outsourcing procurement.


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