Chapter 18 You don't want to miss Xiao Wei, do you? (Seeking collection and reading)

With slight emotion, Cheng Feng pulls out the key and gets out of the car directly.

At the same time, he took out the drugs and bandages he had bought in the drugstore before and prepared to bind Bai Xiaofei.

After all, jumping off the sixth floor was not a minor injury.

Plus hiding in the garbage can all night

High fever, infection, dehydration, hunger, fracture... are all predictable things.

I can't let Bai Xiaofei die.

Otherwise, without the main character, who can fight the dead king and dragon right?

You should know that Bai Xiaofei is the only descendant of Long You's friend. Without him in the early stage, Bai Xiaofei and Long You would have died dozens of times.

Instead of pointing out Bai Xiaofei as he treats younger generations.

Teach him the ancestral skills of the Bai family, but also specifically integrate a drop of his own blood essence into Bai Xiaofei's body to help him speed up his cultivation.

All kinds of behaviors are the treatment that the protagonist can have.


With a gentle breath, Cheng Feng squats down and opens the trash can.

He was not surprised.

In the trash can was a young man with his eyes wide open.

The man's hair was messy, emitting a sour smell, and his face was gray.

It seems to be stained with a layer of grease.

Can't see the true face.

However, Cheng Feng recognizes this guy as Bai Xiaofei at a glance.

Because at this stage, no one can meet his current conditions.

Seriously injured, his voice was hoarse due to thirst, and his forehead and body were stained with a little blood stain.

"Uh... uh..."

Hearing Bai Xiaofei's vague words and looking at his anxious eyes, Cheng Feng can't help laughing in his heart.

"Little brother, why are you here?"

He said jokingly.

To tell the truth, Cheng Feng is also the first time to meet such a hero.

It is hard to accept the contrast between the future and the present.

Now Bai Xiaofei is just a loser who wants to see Xiaowei, but what about the future?


It seems that nothing has changed.

Just changed from Wei to Hui


Subconsciously holding his forehead, Cheng Feng becomes even more speechless.

"Well, no matter what, Bai Xiaofei is always the absolute protagonist of Brother Shi."

After regaining consciousness, Cheng Feng thinks like this, and then carefully takes Bai Xiaofei out of the trash can.

Soon, he took out bandages, boards, and wound disinfection drugs, and bound Bai Xiaofei tightly.

Lying on the ground, like a rice dumplings.

At the same time, when Bai Xiaofei saw that he was wrapped like this, his mood fell to the bottom.

"I wipe, did I encounter a kidnapper?"


"Ah, my grandson, how can he play with my feelings like this? I thought I met a kind-hearted man, but I didn't expect that he had just left the wolf's den and entered the tiger's mouth!"

"Xiao Wei, wait for me, I will escape from here!"

Bai Xiaofei could not help crying, because he could not make a sound, he ignored the pain, and his body was like a caterpillar.

Want to escape from here.

Just before turning it on for a while, Cheng Feng picked up Bai Xiaofei, opened the rear door, and threw him straight in.


Cheng Feng gets on the bus.

"Don't worry, Bai Xiaofei, I know you. I'm here to save you."

Looking up at the twisting white rice dumplings on the rearview mirror, Cheng Feng calmly opens his mouth.

"I know you are confused and angry, but I'm doing it for your own good,

You don't know what the injury is like. Three ribs are broken, the right leg is also broken, and there are many fractures all over the body. You say, if I don't tie you up, what will you do if you run around at that time? "

"Even if you don't run around, your calf is injured. What if you accidentally hit flowers and plants?"

Cheng Feng turns around and explains to Bai Xiaofei in a hearty tone.

However, in Bai Xiaofei's mind, the words seemed quite strange.

He doesn't know Cheng Feng at all, and what is for his own good?

This is kidnapping!

It's too perfunctory to say the reason of flowers and grass!

Bai Xiaofei is extremely angry, but because Cheng Feng is tied too tightly, he can only be impotent and furious.

At this time, Cheng Feng paused and continued, "But if you want to get rid of the current situation, you can nod your head. If you don't want to listen, just stay in the back seat."

"When you are well, I will untie your bandage."

Hearing the words, Bai Xiaofei's anger swept away and nodded wildly.

Nonsense, who wants to be tied all the time!

We must seize the opportunity, even if it is a lie.

Better than nothing.

He still wants to save Xiaowei.

How can I fall down here!

For Xiaowei, all compromises are worth it!

At this moment, Bai Xiaofei seems to have a flame burning in his eyes. Cheng Feng is just observing, and vaguely feels the surging will in his heart.

"Very good!"

He smiled and nodded.

It seems that what I have done is not in vain.

How to save the main character? At least let him regain his fighting spirit.

Then let him meet the right person with the right track.

After all, his appearance has already represented a change in the plot.

What we are doing now, from beginning to end, is to retrieve the plot.

Cheng Feng clearly knows that Bai Xiaofei exists to save Xiaowei from beginning to end.

Then you just pretend to control him, and then tell him that he can't go, or you can't move until ten days later,

Then, out of fear for Xiaowei, he will deepen his obsession with saving Xiaowei.

This can be seen from the plot.

After Bai Xiaofei jumped down from the sixth floor, he didn't worry about his body for the first time, but worried about what to do if he couldn't see Xiaowei because he was injured.

Even before the coma, what he shouted was Xiaowei's name.

Pure spoony seed.

Of course, this is the saying of this era.

As for now


It doesn't seem like licking a dog. After all, Xiao Wei also likes Bai Xiaofei. The two Lang have a crush on each other,

It's just that Bai Xiaofei is trapped too deeply.


"You know that!"

After a pause, Cheng Feng smiled and said something slowly.

At the same time, after confirming Bai Xiaofei's compromise, he conveniently pulled the bandage off Bai Xiaofei's lips, opened a bottle of water, and fed him a mouthful.


When half a bottle of water came into his stomach, Bai Xiaofei's throat became wet and his words were no longer hoarse.

He hesitated and said, "Yes, why did you ask me this?"

"Don't worry about this. As long as you buy that one, I will untie most of your bandages."

Cheng Feng sees that Bai Xiaofei is almost finished drinking, so he draws the water back. "This money should not be too much for you. You have a deposit of your own, plus 100000 yuan from your grandmother, and it should be easy to buy one."


Hearing the words, Bai Xiaofei was stunned for a moment, and only felt his skin hairy,

At the same time, a chill felt through the bone marrow, straight to the heart.

This guy, why did he know that Grandma gave him a sum of money to marry his wife!

Even know the specific figure of 100000 yuan!

Who the hell is he!