Chapter 24 Abe Feng, No Escape

In an abandoned house in Mihuacho, the middle-aged man woke up slowly on the chair and wanted to speak, but he sobbed. Only then did he find that his mouth was blocked by a smelly rag.

Unable to move, hands and feet are firmly tied.

The young man entered the room and pulled a stool to sit opposite him.

"*!&... @ # ¥ (What do you want to do!?)"

"Oh, I'm sorry." Chenshi carefully wrapped his fingers in paper and took out the smelly rag. "Go on."

Abe Feng resisted the urge to vomit and asked, "Aren't you afraid that I will report you?"

"I'm afraid, of course!" Chen Shi smiled, "so I'm not going to let you report me."

"You want to kill me? That's illegal!"

Chen Shi smiled more, "Since you know that killing is illegal, why do you want to kill Gengan Zhengshu?"

"I......" Abe Fenggan opened his mouth, and his language organization ability temporarily failed.

"Because you are greedy, because you have no way out." Xiuchun Dao was pulled out of his arms, and the cold blade regarded flesh and blood as nothing, "so you chose to trample on the law and friendship."

In the abandoned house, Abe Feng wakes up on the chair, utters frightened sobs, and struggles to fall to the ground under the firm restraint.

Chen Shi enters the room and walks in front of him.

"You should not feel that you can escape without telling me. Your destiny is always under my control."

Using the ground friction force to rub the rag out, Abe Feng shouted, "What have you done to me?"

"I said, your destiny is under my control."

The heavy hammer fell, and red and white things splashed on the wall.

Abandoned houses, Abe Feng trembled all over, and his eyes swept around.

Chen Shi enters the room with a thick hemp rope in his hand.

"You know what I want."

The hemp rope is put around his neck and slowly tied to the dangling chandelier on the roof. As long as there is a slight movement on this side, the chandelier will fall in an instant.

"Hypnosis?! Do you want to know my bank card password?"

Abe Feng laughed and said crazily, "I won't tell you, I will take this money to hell even if I am afraid of death!"

"It's OK, take your time." Chen Shi walked to the door with a smile, turned his head and said, "Do you think this time... is it realistic?"

After leaving, Chen Shi never came back.

On the first day, Abe Feng was in high spirits and tried all kinds of ways to break free.

The first night, he was tired because he consumed too much physical strength during the day, but he dared not sleep, because whenever he lowered his head, the chandelier would fall.

The second day, he no longer wanted to leave, but was desperately controlling the position of his head. His bloodshot eyes were full of fear.

The second night, hunger, thirst and sleepiness were eroding at the same time. He couldn't hold on. His eyelids dropped and he thought, "As long as his head doesn't move, it will be OK."

In the dream, Gen'an Zhengshu climbed out of the raging fire and hugged him with its scarlet twisted appearance. The burnt brown, hard and broken skin kept rubbing against him.

"No, no, no! Wake up, wake up!" Abe Feng screamed bitterly, losing his reason gradually.

As he wished, with the sound of "clicking", the chandelier fell and hit him on the head.

The pain made him unable to close his eyes, and the bondage made his body unable to move, so he could only watch the blood drain and lose consciousness.

Abe Feng looks dull and shivers all over the abandoned house.

After seeing Chen Shi, he quickly held back his nausea and pushed out the smelly rag with his tongue. "The bank card password is 897467, so don't torture me anymore!"

"Thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Abe Feng." Chen Shi bowed gracefully, walked to Abe Feng's side and untied him. "Now, you are free."

With his hands and feet moving, Abe Feng's dull look suddenly became fierce. He quickly picked up the stool and threw it on Chen Shi's head. Taking advantage of Chen Shi's backward space, he dodged the blade at his waist, pulled it out with his back hand and cut it off at his waist.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!" Abe Feng was crazy from his eyes to his actions. "What if you know the password? Can you take it if it's already two pieces?!"

The blade cut on the furniture and wall of the room again, "you damned detectives, damned policemen! I will kill you all!!!"

"How can you be sure that it is the reality now?" Chen Shi, with his head propped up by his upper body, quipped.

Then the two halves of the body began to deform, pulling up the scorched root bank tree, two!

Abe Feng retreated in fear and wielded his knife. There were four scorched trees on the root bank!

Eight, sixteen, thirty-two, sixty-four.

Whether it is the ends of the earth or the end of the universe, Abe Feng has nowhere to escape!

After exiting the shadow vortex, Chen Shi wiped off his nosebleed and said to Asai: "The password is 897467, clean up the money, and then you are in charge."

This kind of illusion that directly creates multiple repetitions consumes too much mental energy.

Fortunately, after getting the password, the illusion will be taken over by the shadow vortex, otherwise it will not be as simple as a nosebleed.

Physical points have no effect on mental strength. It seems that the next plan will add a mental strength training.

"What about him? Kill him?" Asai Chengshi asked Abe Feng, who was as expressionless as a dead man.

"Just throw it in the street."

This body without soul will repeat muscle memory and part of brain memory, that is to say, know the way home, know where the company is, and repeat the previous work.

Can't speak autonomously because they don't have the ability to think; Will pursue entertainment, because dopamine secretion does not need the soul.

At last, others found something wrong, and finally, they were imprisoned for mental illness according to modern scientific judgment.

So when Abe Feng, who has lost his soul now, is thrown into the street, he will follow the memory in his head and return home. He will bathe, eat and sleep as usual until he is caught by Conan.

Since the Maori detective office confronted him in the police department, Kogoro has always been absent-minded, and he even rarely drinks alcohol.

Sitting on the sofa all day, repeatedly pondering Abe Feng's means of committing the crime, trying to find the flaws.

Pour the photos of the exhibits taken from Mumu Shisan's relationship on the table, and Xiao Wulang's eyes are burning, and his spirit is highly concentrated.

Half an hour later, the photo was thrown back on the table, writhing and jumping on the sofa like a fish fished out of the water.

"Why, I can't find the flaw, why!" Grasping the hair hard, it seems that this can let the light come to this dry brain, and Xiao Wulang is in despair. "Is that guy really the murderer?"

Whether Conan, who has been struggling to help Kogoro for a long time, now sees his misery, or is soft hearted, picks up two of the photos and says, "Uncle, why does Masahiro Onan eat with his right hand in this photo, but eat with his left hand in this photo?"

Yiyu wakes up the dreamer, Xiaowulang comes back to life with full blood, screens out the photos of the target in the past three days, and compares them. It's true that from the third day, Gen'an Zhengshu has changed from a right-handed person to a left-handed person!