Chapter 113 Conan's Last Justice Is Broken

"Clean the scene?" Mu Mu Shisan didn't bother to smile, and then stamped out the cigarette end after smoking, covered his head and shouted, "Oh, I seem to have high blood pressure, and my head is dizzy. Hurry to send me to the hospital!"

The policemen who fished looked at each other and smiled. Many of them said that they were sick and wanted others to send them.

In Conan's dumbfounded expression, the police officers of the Eye Tomb Thirteen One Sect left quickly.

Finally, Ren Sanlang, the white horse, also whispered, "Mr. Maori, you are busy first!"

Then he covered his hands and shouted, "Ah, my hand is hurt, I have to go to the hospital!" Then he left

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