Chapter 41 Instructions

Lunch soon ended, and my husband did not rest.

We also listened to the report from the relevant personnel of the headquarters.

In the afternoon, my husband went to the construction sites of various disciplines for investigation.

Especially in the main building of the station, my husband put forward some suggestions.

'' At that time, the photos of leaders must be placed in this position.

In front of the main building of the station, the gentleman pointed to the completed main frame and said.

When people looked in the direction pointed out by their teacher, they saw the position directly above the main building gate. The commander in chief and the decoration team quickly wrote down the problems and promised to complete the task.

Mr. A also pointed to the huge clock on the clock tower.

He said, "Can this pointer bend inward a little? Is it more accurate when you look from a distance below, and will the visual effect be better? You are all experts, so you can go to argue and try."

Mr. A also went to the line construction site to check the construction progress.

When the construction of the line group is very characteristic, questions are also raised.

Luo Gong hurriedly reported to his teacher the construction method invented by Yan Jiecheng. And it is greatly affirmed that this method has greatly accelerated the construction progress.

The gentleman was curious and called Yan Jiecheng. Let him explain it on the spot.

Yan Jiecheng stepped out of the crowd.

The linemen on the construction site are actively greeting Yan Jiecheng.

Sir also smiled.

This young man is so powerful here. The elder loves him and his peers support him. It's not easy.

The gentleman just sighed in his heart, and didn't pay attention to it.

It really doesn't matter to him. He has seen too many young talents over the years. Isn't he the best among them?

On site, Yan Jiecheng specially explained the process and advantages of this construction method to Mr.

He also reported the construction progress, construction arrangement and some technical problems on the site.

Mr. Yan said with a smile, "Comrade Xiao Yan is really an expert. He not only talks about his own professional problems, but also is simple and easy to understand. I, an old man, can understand them. I will certainly be able to teach students well in the future, and will certainly be a good teacher."

Yan Jiecheng's whole body is numb.

He thought that Luo Gong would say something at random, and his teacher would listen to him, and the matter was over.

Who knows that Mr. Li is busy with his affairs every day, but he still keeps this matter in mind.

He had to smile innocently. People thought he was a simple young man.

He couldn't stop lamenting that he was trapped by Luo Gong this time.

He wants to make contributions to the country, the nation and the land.

However, there is one premise: it is within our ability, without harming his interests, without being too tired, and without worrying.

He was a bit in a trance. He was trapped without paying attention to himself.

Who asked him to be a teacher these days? If it was normal, he would have used his old hand.

At this moment, although my heart was already jumping, I still had to act as if nothing had happened.

As the saying goes, people are not as good as the sky, the sky is not as good as the leader, and the leader is not as good as the teacher!

Yan Xie thought to himself: Not all teachers will be involved. He has no experience of studying abroad, and he is a real worker. Even if I became a teacher later, it should be a typical model that has been publicized. After all, I represent the advanced nature of the working class.

Secondly, born as a human being, who has a warm heart? The teacher did it by himself, which was regarded as throwing his head and blood for the country and the nation.

If I don't go to hell, who will go to hell.

Besides, in case things change, I can run away and become a hero ten years later.

Mr. Yan Jiecheng explained the construction method of the line. We have created infinite value under the most limited conditions. Has displayed the superior creativity.

Smiling, he said, "Well, your method is good. We will promote it to the whole country and let the people all over the country learn from it."

Finally, he sighed and said: "If you are strong in youth, your country will be strong."

When Mr. Fan Jinjun saw them working, he turned over the rails with a crowbar.

When Fan marched in and they rested, he stepped forward.

"Sir, sir..." Fan Jinjun shouted excitedly.

"Young man, how old are you? I think you have good skills and work well. How many people in your family? Are you full of food on the stove?"

Fan Jinjun: "Sir, my master taught me well. There are four people in my family, and my mother has two younger sisters.

The headquarters issues meal tickets according to the type of work and manages the food supply. "

"Ha ha, that's good. I'm full."

Then he said, "Who is your master? Let me see which famous master taught you this outstanding disciple."

Yan Jiecheng hurriedly stood up and said, "Sir, you praise me falsely. It's the boy who is willing to learn."

Seeing that it was Yan Jiecheng, the teacher smiled and said jokingly to the people around him, "We little comrade Yan, I heard that he has been working for a long time, but he has already had a lot of money."

After everyone laughs, sir

He told everyone: "You must pay attention to safe production and ensure the personal safety of our workers.

Although our project is important, everyone's life is the first. The station can be built again when it is gone. There is only one life. They are the pillars of our family. We must be worthy of them.

In the war years, we were short of weapons, and the soldiers used their own flesh and blood to fight against Chiang's army and the devil.

Now, in the age of peace. We can no longer make such unnecessary sacrifices.

We have shed too much blood these years.

We must remember that we can sweat. We sweat a lot. In order to build a rich and powerful country without oppression, exploitation and exploitation, we are willing to sweat our sweat. But we can't sweat and bleed.

I once heard that there is a corpse of Chinese laborers under each sleeper on the railway in the western part of the beautiful country.

We are not capitalists, but people's railways, which are irrigated with sweat and clean. "

Then he said, "You must ensure the quality of the project. This is our first stop to welcome guests and our window to the people of the world.

It is an important achievement of our construction over the years.

So, comrades. Our task is arduous and glorious.

Don't let organizations and leaders down. So I'm here, please. I hope to hear your good news as soon as possible.

Finally, the inspection ended.

Mr. Zhang shook hands with the Commander in Chief, Secretary Cao and some other workers.

When Yan Jiecheng arrived, his hands were tense and sweating. The old man held his hand and said earnestly: "Young people, Comrade Xiao Yan, should not stay in one place. You should go out more, broaden your vision, and increase your knowledge in order to work and live better."

Yan Jiecheng was at a loss and just smiled foolishly.

With a few clicks, the camera took a picture of the two shaking hands.