Chapter 56 Trouble

At present, the whole Lin family is very happy. Lin Nan and Fan Jue fought each other. Lin Nan was the best in the purple flame for a while, and the Lin family has also risen a lot with its prestige. It can be regarded as one person's success.

In addition, one of the reasons why everyone is happy is that because Lin Nan is the backstage, this holy weapon is almost in the pockets of the Lin family.

Lin Nan had an appointment with the other seven families to talk about the holy martial arts. At the meeting, Liu Xiangwu of the Liu family suggested that the holy martial arts should come from the Lin family, and other families also followed. Lin Nan also pushed the boat along the current and accepted their good intentions. Some things had to be fought for. Don't be polite. The eight families reached an agreement that the holy martial arts should be taken by the Lin family.

Lin Han, Lin Nan's grandfather, who benefited most from the battle for holy martial arts, is humming songs when he walks. Since the war between Lin Nan and Fan Jue, those elders have been stimulated and are ready to devote themselves to training. They hope to go to the Holy Land as soon as possible, so no one will participate in the battle for holy martial arts. Now eight families have proposed Lin's people as the successor of holy martial arts. Lin Han is the only one in the battle for holy martial arts. It doesn't mean that holy martial arts are in Lin Han's pocket, so Lin Han always smiles when he dreams.

That day, He Da came to the Lin Family again and looked at Lin Nan with a smile.

Lin Nan said angrily, "What are you doing again? I promised you to do soft advertising, and I selected some items from them for use. Don't talk about them again. It's useless if you shove them to me."

He Da was not angry at Lin Nan's bad tone, but said, "Don't you support the Lin family to compete for holy martial arts? Then we have many places to deal with."

"What's the matter with you this time? Go away quickly after farting." Lin Nan is depressed now. He is hurt by this culprit, so he can't go anywhere now. He stays at home every day and gets moldy. It's not good to be admired too much. A few days ago, he went out in disguise, but was recognized by others. As a result, only his underpants were left.

After Lin Nan checked on the Internet, the person who recognized him boasted on the Internet that he could recognize Lin Nan no matter how he dressed up, because he remembered the mouth shape and ear shape, and could recognize Lin Nan at a glance. Shit, that's OK, Lin Nanxin said. But what surprised him more was the post at the back of that post. Those people had studied Lin Nan's facial features thoroughly, even the lines on her face, which made people not live. Lin Nan was a little discouraged.

Based on the above experience, Lin Nan is not happy with He Da now.

He Da was not annoyed. He said in a good voice, "I have two things to talk about with you this time."

Because Lin Nan is extremely powerful, He Da inadvertently uses a honorific title when he speaks.

"What's the matter? Tell me. I'm listening."

"This time, dozens of palace warriors decided not to participate in the holy war after consultation, but --" a turning point will not be good.

"They want you to go to the hall to make a report, talk about your martial arts experience, and interact with them." Sure enough, it's really troublesome.

"In addition..."

At this time, Lin Nan interrupted He Da by saying, "What! There is something else? One trouble is enough, and there is something else?"

Ignoring Lin Nan's darkening face, He Da continued, "This time it's for the people's sake. People hope to see you at the fireworks festival, a major festival of Ziyan, so please be sure to attend the celebration in the central square of the city center."

"Don't go."

He Da continued to persuade: "Your presence this time can not only create momentum for Lin Han's coming to the holy martial arts, but also achieve the people's desire to see you. Kill two birds with one stone. Why not?"

Alas, I know that the battle of holy martial arts is a big trouble. Look, it's a lot of trouble. After thinking for a while, Lin Nan felt that he should attend the ceremony, but he asked He Da, "Can you guarantee that I will not be invaded when I attend?"

He Da smiled and said, "No, but we will prepare many clothes for you. If you want to show your proud figure, I think people will be more happy, especially women."

I knew, I knew, that someone would embarrass him with this. Lin Nan's heart was broken. According to Lin Nan's idea, I don't care what happens when I slap my buttocks. I go to other planets to find Tiancai and Dibao. But his character does not allow him to do so. Lin Nan's character is to do everything from beginning to end. He can't do anything that leaves a mess behind.

"Well, I will attend." Lin Nan compromised. It's not like going up to the Daoshan Mountain and down to the sea of fire. Lin Nan is not afraid of going up to the Daoshan Mountain and down to the sea of fire. What's more, this small excited and crazy people is not a monster. Why does Lin Nan avoid it.

Wait a minute. It seems that these crazy people are more terrible than the fierce beasts. He Lin Nan has to think about it carefully.

He Da looks at Lin Nan's changing face and sees the young man's worries written on his face. He can't help smiling. The young man is really simple.

If Lin Nan knew what He Da thought, she would have to go all out with him, because it is a synonym for simple stupidity on earth.

As the saying goes, the king of hell is easy to find, but the devil is hard to deal with. Here, it should be changed into holy martial arts, which is easy to find. It is difficult to deal with palace warriors.

Lin Nan attended the party held in the Hall of Warriors. Forty eight of the Hall of Warriors were all here, including Lin Han, Lin Nan's grandfather. Lin Nan met at home every day. Why do you join in the fun here? This is the truth of meeting Lin Han and Lin Nan.

Lin Nan had planned to make a passionate speech in the Hall of Samurai before coming to the hall, and all the drafts were ready. But when he arrived in the hall, he was completely surrounded by these people, and asked many questions. Finally, someone offered a martial arts contest guide, and others followed.

Seeing Lin Nan's impatience on her face, her grandfather Lin Han stood in the way: "I understand the feeling that everyone wants to compete with Lin Nan, but everyone's level is too different, and it's not worth looking at. Think about it, Lin Nan can seize the weapons of two gold medal elders' strength with his bare hands. Now, if we fight with you, we may just move our little fingers. I think we should forget about the competition. How about I invite the gold medal elders of other families to fight with you some other day? "

The people were right when they thought about it, so they stopped pestering Lin Nan in the martial arts contest. But they still wanted to know about their martial arts experience. Lin Nan thought that the pursuit of martial arts should be to return to nature and talked to these palace warriors. For a while, everyone had a heated discussion, but it was also the guest and host who enjoyed it.