Chapter 18 War of Survival

All the people were randomly sent to each corner of the map by the system. Lin Nan carefully identified the terrain. The map is a combination of mountains, rivers and trees. The time is when the sky is full of rosy clouds in the evening.

Lin Nan looked around and found that the map was not very big. The edge of the map was cut off by a stone wall of ten thousand feet. It would take 20 minutes to run the whole map. Two hours of survival time was really tight, but not all people were killed by one person, so it was OK.

Lin Nan plans to save her strength first, and then fight when everyone is frightened. It will get unexpected results, so Lin Nan decides to find a place to hide where a stone can combine with the forest.

Lin Nan used the "Hongmeng Taoism" to communicate with the earth. Lin Nan felt that he was slowly merging with the earth. At this time, he felt that the earth was him, he was the earth, regardless of each other. After Lin Nan became part of the earth, he opened his six senses and found that he could catch the activities of the other ten or nine people, which made Lin Nan ecstatic. Such words meant that he had a super radar, How can these people do better than him.

As he expected, now a warrior has been killed. Skill is not everything in the survival battle, but comprehensive quality is the most important.

Other people were carefully exploring. To his surprise, one of the three newcomers was very smart. He hid without moving, and the shelter he found was also very good. It was difficult for others to find him. The remaining Samurai Liang swaggered in the open area with his own strength. Isn't this stupid X for killing.

Unexpectedly, the samurai came towards him. Lin Nan was a little uncertain, but he knew he could not panic at the critical moment, so he tried to control his emotions. Slowly calmed down, the man was getting closer and closer to him, and gradually came into his sight.

Lin Nan looked at the man and observed his exposed weaknesses. He was ready to kill him when he entered his attack range. Slowly, it gets closer and closer. Ten meters, nine meters, eight meters. Lin Nan's nerves get tense.

At this time, a sudden "snap" came out - the man broke a branch. If Lin Nan had not become strong after learning the Taoism, he would definitely cry out. The warrior himself was also shocked. He looked down at the broken branch, smiled and shook his head, as if he was too nervous.

The man continued to walk towards Lin Nan. When it was only five meters away, the man stopped. Lin Nan listened carefully to the sound coming from the side. Lin Nan and the man looked at the place where the sound came from, and found it was a gopher.

Lin Nan is a bit puzzled. This system is too realistic. 'Dead branches' and' hamsters' are all moved into the map. But Lin Nanchao thought on the other hand, relieved that he was also using the realistic settings of the system, or how could his six senses sense the actions of others.

The man stopped when he saw the gopher. He said to the gopher in a good mood, "Little guy, come out and be carefree." Lin Nan knew that it was time to be patient, so he couldn't hurry, so he tried to adjust his mood so that he didn't show any signs.

The time was very difficult. The guy teased the gopher for a while. Then he seemed to realize that it was a battle for survival. He raised his head and looked around cautiously, as if nothing was wrong. Then he turned around and said goodbye to the gopher: "Little guy, talk about it next time. Now I must deal with the garbage."

Lin Nan is very angry, and the consequences are serious.

What is this stupid X doing in the survival war? To feel the nature? And so disrespectful of opponents. To belittle the enemy is to pay a price. He Lin Nan will let this person know who is the garbage.

The man left the gopher and continued to walk towards Lin Nan. It was only a dozen steps away, and slowly got closer and closer, only ten steps away.

Lin Nan kept silent for dozens, nine, eight, seven, six, five in her heart. Now, when people came out, the dagger appeared and a red seal appeared on the man's neck.

The man could not believe that he covered his neck with his hands to prevent blood from flowing out. Unfortunately, the bright red color slowly infected his hands, his sleeves and his whole body. Finally, the man fell down unwilling and refused to close his eyes.

Looking at the white light in front of him, Lin Nan didn't react properly for a long time. After all, the first time he killed someone, even if it was a virtual killing, it made him sick. It was all because the damn system was so real.

Now Lin Nan uses six senses to sense, and there are only about half of the people left. The novice hiding has perseverance. Since hiding there, he has never moved.

Lin Nan felt that it was time to hunt, so instead of hiding, he slowly leaned towards a weaker person under the cover of various things.

The man seemed to know that his comprehensive strength was weak, so he was very cautious. Every time he moved from one place to another, he first observed for half a day and confirmed that no talent was moving from three steps to five steps. The man was still a little smart. Before moving, he threw fast stones to deflect.

Lin Nan also had a way to deal with such a man. He picked up some small stones on the road and took them in his hands, then slowly moved closer to the man.

Near the man's warning edge, Lin Nan stopped. After hiding his body, he picked up the stones with his right hand, and then hit the stones at the trees in three directions around the man with concealed weapons.

"Dong dong dong", the sound of small stones embedded in the tree came one after another, and the man was shocked. He could not hide his figure, but flew towards Lin Nan with his feet scattered.

Lin Nan smiled, and it seemed that his strategy had achieved results. When people feel that they are surrounded, they will subconsciously move towards the breakthrough. Lin Nan has taken advantage of such people's hearts to let the cautious person fall for the bait and send him to kill him.

The man seemed to wake up when he was not far away from Lin Nan, and suddenly stopped. Unfortunately, it was too late to wake up. Lin Nan's dagger was sent into his abdomen. At first, the man was unwilling, and finally he gave Lin Nan a thumbs up when he was about to turn into white light.

Kill the man Lin Nan and use Six Senses to find that there are only three people left. He is Lin Nan, the initiator 'hunter', and the newcomer who has not moved since he started hiding.

Lin Nan decided to solve the 'hunter' first, and then pick up the new man. Lin Nan hides her body and slowly approaches the 'hunter'.

The hunter is still so capable. His eyes are shining and he observes the surroundings. The sixth sense he has learned from his long-term survival battle tells him that there are still people on the map, so he can't relax. The hunter also leans towards Lin Nan by feeling.

Lin Nan knew that this opponent was stronger than the two just now, so he was very careful and tried to keep his momentum down while walking.

When Lin Nan slowly reached the warning distance, she stopped. Unexpectedly, the 'hunter' also stopped. Lin Nan could not help admiring in her heart: It's really an old Jianghu who has participated in many survival wars. It's not simple, but it can be avoided by instinct. However, it's a pity to meet Lin Nan. Even if it's no longer simple, it's only for the faint.

Lin Nan found a big tree to cover her figure, and then blended herself into the earth. Then she was ready to wait for the hare. This is the only stupid way to deal with the old Jianghu.

The 'hunter' stopped to observe for half a day and found that his previous sense of vagueness had disappeared, and the forest in front of him was calm. This makes the 'hunter' feel numb all over. The forest seems calm, but in fact, it is full of wind and rain. Unexpectedly, the opponent was so powerful that he completely hid his momentum in a moment.

The most terrible thing about participating in the survival war is that you know that there is an enemy, but you can't feel the enemy there. It seems that the enemy's momentum has no space limit around you. It used to be his "hunter" who gave others this feeling, but now it is his opponent who gave him this feeling. The "hunter" smiled bitterly at himself.

The hunter is going to retreat to the open area. Unfortunately, this road is not easy because Lin Nan is in the middle of this road.

Looking at the hunter's slowly approaching figure, Lin Nan closed her eyes and felt the hunter's movements and flaws with heart.

It's getting closer and closer. Well, right now, Lin Nan is fighting hard.

Lin Nan was surprised that his determined strike was blocked by the hunter with his sword. Putting away her surprise, Lin Nan quickly turned around and slipped away, then found a place to hide. The enemy is alert when he misses a blow. If he fights again, he will become entangled. It is better to hide and find another opportunity.

After the hunter instinctively blocked Lin Nan's attack, he didn't chase after her. Instead, he fled like Lin Nan to find a place to hide. It seems that Lin Nan met his opponent.

After the hunter hid well, the sense of fear crept into the hunter's heart again, and the hunter was shocked: How could it be? He had a fight with his opponent just now, but now when he turned around, he could not feel his opponent. What a terrible opponent! How could he hide so quickly.

The hunter is better than before because he already knows that his opponent is around him, and worse than just because his fear is deepened. Just now, he didn't know that the opponent was around, but felt that the opponent was around, so he was skeptical and less afraid. Now he knows that the opponent is around, but still can't feel the opponent. The omnipresent threat made him afraid.

A few minutes later, the hunter felt as if a century had passed. He felt as if a clock was ticking him.

A few minutes later, the hunter could not stand the atmosphere. He simply went out and said, "Come out, I surrender. If this continues, I will become a psychopath."

Lin Nan is not afraid of the hunter's attack, and says to the hunter with a voice and a voice: "Yes, yes." The reason why Lin Nan is so sure is that he knows that masters like hunters have their pride, and he doesn't bother to win the battle of survival with despicable means.

The hunter put away his sword, ran over and patted Lin Nan on the shoulder and said, "You are the first person to make me feel scared, and the first person to make me feel inferior to you. It's not easy, young man."

Lin Nan smiled and said, "I accept your praise."

The hunter burst out laughing with pride: "Good, good, good. The real man is the man without affectation."

Then he said to Lin Nan, "I'm leaving." Then he cut his throat with his sword.

Now only the novice has to solve the problem. Lin Nan takes a dagger and walks to the hiding place of the novice.

"Come out." Lin Nan shouted.

Nothing happened.

"Brother, you've been hiding there since you entered the map. Your perseverance is really good."

When the novice saw that his tracks were exposed, he pushed aside his hide and got out.

Lin Nan looked at it, and the young man blushed.

After the novice came out, he rubbed his hands, and Lin Nan noticed that he was not armed.

The novice accepted it for a long time, and finally squeezed out a word: "Brother, can you talk about it and let me stay until the end?"

Lin Nan took a look at the novice and said, "OK."

The novice was stunned and asked, "You agreed without asking me why?"

"Men sometimes insist on it because they have reasons to insist on it. Those are your private affairs. Why should I ask again?"

Tears flashed in the eyes of the novice, who was too excited to know what to say, and finally said, "Brother, you are a good man."

Lin Nan was noncommittal about this sentence, but said to the novice, "I can let you kill me if necessary." Then he handed the dagger to the novice.

The novice quickly waved his hand and said, "No, no, no, I just want to stay with you until the end."