Chapter 12 Huang Family Girl

When Lin Nan came home from school with a relaxed mood, he saw his grandfather, Lin Han, talking with a girl in the lobby. Lin Nan intended to go upstairs without disturbing them, but he was called by his grandfather.

"Nan'er, come here and let me introduce you."

Lin Nan passed by quietly.

"This is the granddaughter of the current owner of the Huang family. Her name is Huang Ju, and she is also a student of Shenwu College. You young people can get closer." The Huang family is also one of the eight families.

Lin Nan took a closer look at the girl. She was small, delicate, and extremely smart. She felt like a weak Liu Fufeng. She thought that Lin Daiyu was just like that, but she was less sick than Lin Daiyu and more healthy.

"Don't be fooled by my appearance, I'm very strong." The girl has a strange personality different from her appearance.

Seeing that they had a conversation, Grandpa was ready to retire. He said, "You young people talk. I'm an old man going out for a walk."

Only Huang Jie and Lin Nan were left in the hall. The atmosphere was a bit awkward. Huang Ju first broke the silence: "I can't help it. I'm also forced. Adults always want to consolidate their relationship by political marriage. We younger generation can only be victims, but we don't have to follow their path. We can try to be friends." Then he extended his hand, Then he said, "Hello, I'm Huang Ju. Nice to meet you."

"Hello, my name is Lin Nan. Nice to meet you."

So the atmosphere is relaxed. Lin Nan simply sat down on the sofa beside the girl.

This is Huang Ju's expression of a girl's gossipy personality. She asked Lin Nan, "What do you usually do?"

Lin Nan thought for a moment and said, "Go to school, practice martial arts, and listen to music when you are relaxed."

Huang Jie curled her mouth and muttered, "It's boring. There's no entertainment. I like Wu Huayong best. I will go to see every performance of him?"

"Who is Wu Huayong? Is he a singer?"

"No, Wu Huayong doesn't know him. Are you an antique like my great grandfather and live in a vacuum?"

"I don't know. I don't usually follow stars."

"Che, who can tell you about those soft singing stars who are humming and hawing? Wu Huayong is the most popular player in today's Samurai class challenge arena. He rose from a regretful Samurai to a Samurai class within a year by playing in the challenge arena, and has been promoted to two levels. He is a talented Samurai. He is handsome and handsome. I admire him so much. My room is full of his posters."

It turned out that Lin Nan was a contestant in the challenge arena. Lin Nan had watched the broadcast challenge arena on TV before, and he didn't pay attention to it because he didn't think it was interesting. It turns out that teenagers and girls on this planet are obsessed with this. No wonder he didn't think he had much in common with those people when he was at school. It seems that he needs to make up for this knowledge.

"He is handsome and can eat as a meal. He is so capable of directly taking the grade skipping exam. Why play in the challenge arena?" Lin Nan was a little sour.

After hearing this, Huang Ju looked at him sheepishly and apologized to him: "My words have no other meaning. I didn't mean to satirize you. Please don't think so, really."

Lin Nan was so angry that he vomited blood, but he didn't refute Huang Ju, because after all, Lin Ruoshui's influence was so brilliant.

Lin Nan quickly changed the topic. He asked, "I don't know what level or class you are in. How are the warriors in your class?"

"Ho ho, I am most proud to ask this question. I am now the most elite class in Dingwu Class 1. I am going to take the Dingwu exam next quarter. After graduation and entering the society, I will quickly get the qualifications of junior warrior and Lingwushi, and then play in the challenge arena. This feeling is closer to my idol Wu Huayong." It seems that this girl is still an unusual fan of the challenge arena player.

"What about the strength of some students in your class?" Lin Nan is also going to skip the exam to take the top martial arts exam of the school next quarter, so she wants to know more about the opponent. It's called knowing yourself and the enemy.

"It can be said that everyone's strength is not weak. Where is the school, they can only learn some public martial arts. However, those who can enter the elite class have a little private work. Usually they don't show up. They don't make moves until the exam. Although they are classmates, they are rivals when the exam comes. They want to win from each other, so they all hide their secrets. However, I think that at the level of our class, there is no problem to graduate next quarter. After all, it is only 30% of the winning rate. "

It turns out that there is another layer. Lin Nan didn't think of it. It seems that he needs to find some people to practice more. Although he believes in his own strength, he doesn't know much about some martial arts moves in the world after all, so he will be in trouble if he suffers a dark loss.

"Why do you ask these questions? It's said that you are very powerful in your class 25 of Dianwu level. Nobody dares to offend you? Why did you become so powerful?" Huang Ju asked carefully.

Lin Nan did not notice Huang Ju's expression, but answered Huang Ju's question directly: "It's not very powerful, just to make life easier for him, and show his strength to frighten them."

"Then why did you become so powerful? It's said that you got a fist manual a while ago, and the martial arts in this fist manual have become the unique martial arts of your Lin family, isn't it?"

Lin Nan looked at Huang Ju with a strange look. Huang Ju was embarrassed, and finally had to say, "Well, well, I told you that grandpa asked me to ask this. Alas, it seems that I am not suitable for spying, and people said everything when they stared at me."

Lin Nan felt that the girl showed her true nature. He smiled for a moment, and decided to answer her so that she could tell her grandpa: "What you said is true. And I can also tell you that the new martial arts is the martial arts of using the soft to overcome the strong and using the weak to control the strong.

"Well, it seems that those old men have to worry again, hee hee..." The girl's voice was a little gloating.

"It's nothing, but our family has a new kind of martial arts."

"But they don't think so. What they think is that your Lin Family will have more strength than other families if you have more martial arts. This will overwhelm them in the situation, so they are afraid all day long. They think about things all day long, thinking that people all over the world want to fight for power and power, and they are really tired. Hehe. But it seems that my grandpa and your grandpa are one of the people I mentioned. It's a bit bad to talk about elders behind their backs. " Then he poked out his tongue playfully.

Lin Nan felt that the girl was becoming more and more popular with him, so he patted the table and said, "I've decided that we will be good friends in the future."

The girl was startled by the slap, but soon came to her senses and said in surprise, "Ah, you haven't regarded me as a friend after talking to you for a long time!"