Chapter 26 [No. 028] The Story of Watermelon

When the middle-aged man stopped his car, Xie Wenjun followed him to the river. The middle-aged man reached out his hand and said, "Hello, I'm Zeng Wei's father, Zeng Hongzhang."

Xie Wenjun shook hands with Zeng Hongzhang, thinking that he was powerful, and Zeng Guofan added Li Hongzhang.

Zeng Hongzhang lit a cigarette and handed another to Xie Wenjun, "Don't say you can't."

Xie Wenjun took the cigarette and lit it: "Uncle, what do you want from me?"

"What do you think?" Zeng Hongzhang's smile seemed extremely scary to Xie Wenjun, as if he could wear everything.

"Oh, uncle, do you want to know about Zeng Wei's study? Zeng Wei is our monitor. He studies carelessly, gets along well with his classmates, and loves work..."

Zeng Hongzhang did not interrupt Xie Wenjun's nonsense, but waited for him to finish his nagging, and then laughed: "I was not sure about some things at first, but now I am sure after listening to you. Do you know why some people sell chameleons in the flower and bird market? Because no matter how well it is disguised, smart people will always see through it."

"Er... uncle's words are so philosophical!" Xie Wenjun really doesn't know what to say now.

Zeng Hongzhang saw that the time was ripe, He came straight to the point and said: "Why did Zeng Wei spend more than 10000 yuan to buy a pile of garbage? I think you should know the answer, money... I don't plan to come back. It's fair to buy and sell. What Zeng Wei bought is worthless. No one can blame it. It's his own problem. But if I don't get an answer today, your teachers, headmasters and even parents will know about it immediately. I think in their opinion It can't be a good thing. "

Zeng Hongzhang has talked about this. Is there any need to hide it? Xie Wenjun asked, "That's a good thing in my uncle's eyes?"

"More than that, at least not a bad thing in the eyes of shrewd businessmen," Zeng Hongzhang smiled and shook his head

"Uncle, I want to ask you a question first. You want to know about Zeng Wei's purchase of foreign paintings. Why don't you ask others about me?" Xie Wenjun wanted to know the answer first.

"It was Li Qiang who first provoked this, and Zheng Gang who was the only one who sold foreign paintings for money. I remember correctly that these two students are from your class, and their best friend is Xie Wenjun. I don't know how capable any of you three are, but Zeng Wei knows," Zeng Hongzhang patted Xie Wenjun's head, "so it's not hard to guess."

Indeed, if there had been no fool Zeng Wei's intervention, no adult would have taken care of this mess, nor would they have guessed that it was they who made it. But Zeng Wei's 13000 yuan is too conspicuous, and parents can easily understand the truth as long as they carefully examine it. It is all caused by greed! Anyway, Zeng Hongzhang didn't plan to ask for the money back, so he told the whole process of selling foreign paintings. Finally, Xie Wenjun added, "I planned everything myself. It's not about other people. No matter what your plan is, I hope you don't involve other people."

"You really planned it? Nobody else behind it?" Zeng Hongzhang only guessed one thing and another. He never thought that this plan was actually made by a junior one student.

Xie Wenjun nodded: "Yes, uncle, I have told you everything. If you want to fight or punish, you can do as you please."

Zeng Hongzhang said with a smile, "It's against the law to beat you. You don't have money to punish you. What do you think you should do?"

"In fact, I didn't think Zeng Wei would spend so much money to buy foreign paintings at the beginning, but it's also my greed that I will return the money to you." Xie Wenjun doesn't want to spend any more with him.

"You are the first person to use the stock market set for small foreign paintings," Zeng Hongzhang became more and more interested in Xie Wenjun. "As I said just now, I don't plan to get the money back, but I want to know how you came up with the idea of selling foreign paintings like this?"

Of course, I can't tell the truth, but I can't say that I thought of it out of thin air. Isn't it really a genius? Xie Wenjun thought about it, After finishing the script, I began to make a myth: "My family was poor and often hungry when I was young, so I thought about making more money. After studying, I often went to the stock market to talk to some adults, and gradually had my own opinion on these things. I imagined that I could make a fortune on them one day. When I entered the Second Middle School, I saw many people playing foreign paintings, and I came up with this idea."

Of course, Zeng Hongzhang didn't believe Xie Wenjun was poor or hungry, but he believed that the kid in front of him really had his own opinion on the stock market, otherwise he would not want to sell the plan of foreign paintings, so he said: "Because I also buy stocks, I want to hear your opinion on the stock market."

Having said so much, Xie Wenjun didn't care about boasting more. He found a clean place to sit down and said, "The stock market is too complicated. Let me simplify it and tell you a story about watermelon. Suppose there is a fruit market and only two people are selling watermelon. Let's call them watermelon A and watermelon B. First, the price of their watermelons is not supervised by the Price Bureau. They can sell at 10000 yuan each, as long as someone buys them; Second, they can keep their capital by selling one yuan each watermelon; Third, they have the same number of watermelons. If their business is not good, and there is no one to buy watermelon, they will stand for a long time in boredom... "

"Wait a minute," Zeng Hongzhang thought this statement was very fresh, but he was afraid that he could not hear it clearly, so he took out a pen and paper from his wallet and "continued."

Xie Wenjun smiled and continued: "The weather is hot and there is no business. Watermelon A and Watermelon B are bored. This shows that the market is not active at this time. In order to make everyone not bored, Watermelon A suggested that Watermelon B play a game. Watermelon B agreed, so the story began..."

"What, you haven't started your talk for a long time?" Zeng Hongzhang was puzzled.

"Ho ho, don't interrupt me, uncle. It will be clear after hearing this." Xie Wenjun took the cigarette and continued: "A spent one yuan on a watermelon from B, and B spent one yuan on a watermelon from A, all of which were paid in cash; Then A spent two yuan to buy one of B's watermelons, and B also spent two yuan to buy one of A's watermelons, which is also a cash delivery... The two people kept playing like this, so everyone who came to the fruit market saw the price of watermelons soaring, and soon it rose to 60 yuan per watermelon, but as long as the number of watermelons on hand of A and B was the same, no one made money, No one lost money, but their assets' increased '. Both of them have' wealth 'many times higher than in the past. Their value has increased a lot, and their' market value 'has also increased a lot. Right, uncle. "

Zeng Hongzhang looked at his notes and nodded: "Yes."

"At this time, a passer-by C came. He remembered that when he passed an hour ago, watermelons were still one yuan, but now they are 60 yuan. He was surprised. Another hour later, passer-by C found that watermelons were already 100 yuan each, and he was even more surprised to open his mouth. When passer-by C passed the watermelon stall again, watermelons were already 120 yuan each, and he did not hesitate to buy one, because passer-by C liked to speculate and rake, and he was sure that the price of watermelons would rise. Under the demonstration effect of watermelon A, watermelon B and even passers-by C, more and more passers-by buy watermelons, and the price of watermelons is rising. All the people who buy watermelons are very happy, because it is strange that everyone has not lost money, and everyone's assets are increasing. " When Xie Wenjun saw Zeng Hongzhang's frown, he must be thinking about it carefully, so he stopped to have a rest.