Chapter 171 [No.188] Police and Wall

Zheng Gang, whose pornographic index has risen somewhat, dragged Song Lei, who was slapped twice, to the game room of Er Gou and called Xie Wenjun. The three people came to the video hall introduced by Zheng Gang and saw that it was really a guest like a cloud. The two guys were at the door, soliciting customers like a procuress. When they saw Zheng Gang coming, they also brought two friends. One of them smiled and offered cigarettes, Let Zheng Gang and others enter the arena quickly, and the "wonderful show" is about to start.

This video hall is opened in a small courtyard, which is divided into several halls. Zheng Gang, with Xie Wenjun and Song Leiluo, who are familiar with cars, found a luxurious hall with leather sofa and melon seed soda on the table. Zheng

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