Chapter 166 [No.183] Wisdom as Fool

Li Yuling asked herself that she could not reach Cao Yunfang's "level" and that she still had to intervene in her daughter's affairs. She asked Xie Wenjun, "Xiaojun, you are more sensible than our family. What are you going to do now?"

What does Xie Wenjun want to do? Does Tang Xin want to marry me before he is 28? At that time, I was almost at the legal age of marriage, but I couldn't do that either. Coincidentally, what should I do with Yuan Jia? So I had to say, "Godmother, what should I do?"

Li Yuling thought that if I knew what to do and asked you what to do, I would have to go back to discuss it with her husband, so she said: "Let's go first, it's almost done

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