Chapter 113 [No.122] Horror Pursuit

The tattoo bully sneered: "Two hundred, hum, that's the principal, and the total is one thousand yuan with interest."

"I haven't heard of it. We all borrow as much as we can at school. I don't know what interest is. Two hundred yuan is there. You don't need to check it. We are going to leave." Xie Wenjun said with his glasses in his arms and turned away.

"Fuck you!" The tattooed gangster grabbed a billiard pole and threw it over. Ya was not sure. The billiard pole rubbed Xie Wenjun's body and flew to the front.

Zheng Gang, who just came in, saw all this and hurried to stand with Xie Wenjun and them. Zheng Gang was on alert, but he didn't

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