Chapter 786 Completion

Han Li put on his clothes, pushed the door open and went out in Fu Weihong's reluctant eyes. Moreover, he locked the outside of the street door. This was not for fear of Fu Weihong going out, but for fear that Fu Weiyi might bring someone here at this time.

Han Li waited for Fu Weiyi on her way home from school, bought her an ice lolly and two people chatted on the roadside.

At first, Han Lixian tried Fu Weiyi. After confirming that she did not know that her cousin Fu Weihong was going to be married to a cripple in the village.

Han Li began to tell the story little by little. He showed his affection and reasoned. In the end, he scared her to say that there were cars in front of her, and that there were cars behind her

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