Chapter 60 Qi Zhaodi faints

Faced with so many agaric, Han Li had to work hard to be a little boy picking mushrooms.

"He picked the most mushrooms, like countless stars

Humming a tune that he didn't know very well, Han Li soon lit up the fungus on the two dead trees.

At this time, Han Li was about to hurry down the mountain. He walked deep into the mountain under the leadership of the sparrow.

But sparrows are born with night blindness. If it is too late, they will not be able to see the way.

Time is pressing. Han Li is walking back very fast. He wanted to hurry home early.

But when he was near the foot of the mountain, he saw a very thin figure.

Although most of them were thin in this era, Qi Zhaodi was alone when Shanghe Village was so thin.

At the moment, she is walking back with the basket on her back. Han Li didn't care about it. It was only the educated youth who said hello when they arrived.

"Comrade Qi, you have just picked up mountain goods?"

However, Qi Zhaodi didn't answer his question. Han Li was surprised that he didn't get an answer. Did he not use his skin?

When he looked past, he found that Qi Zhaodi was not right. The girl's face was red and her eyes were blurred.

She was still standing in front of her, her eyes empty as if she didn't see Han Li at all.

No, Han Li put his hand on Qi Zhaodi's forehead,.

Boy, the temperature is almost enough to make an omelette. The whole person is confused.

"Comrade Qi, Comrade Qi."

Han Li hurriedly shouted a few words, and Qi Zhaodi's blurred eyes regained a little consciousness.

But her eyes were still very dull, and she answered with a weak and hoarse voice.

"Comrade Han, I..."

She fell forward before saying that she was perfect. Her body had already reached the limit.

Only her last will left her to go to the Educated Youth Academy. Just now, Han Li felt relieved and fainted.

Although Han Li responded quickly and directly to her, the tragedy of her disguising was avoided.

But the current situation is still not optimistic, no one knows how long she burned.

This high temperature is no joke. Qi Zhaodi must see a doctor at once.

Han Li's prescriptions are all for practicing martial arts. There is no prescription for this type. He dare not make fun of others' lives. Now he is going to send Qi Zhiqing to see a doctor.

Han Li turned his basket to his chest, and then carried it together with Qi Zhaodi and her basket.

Then he trotted all the way to the village head's house. Shanghe Village didn't even have a barefoot doctor.

Because in this era, people who have a moderate illness all rely on carrying it. If they can't carry it, they will go to the health center to spend money.

The nearest one is the health center of Hongqi Commune, but the commune is more than 20 miles away from Shanghe Village.

It takes more than 40 miles to get to the county seat. It's unrealistic to rely on Han Li's two legs.

Han Li was carrying a basket in front of him, and a man with a basket behind him. As soon as he entered the village, he became the object of onlookers.

"Han Zhiqing, what's your situation? Who's behind you?"

"When I came down from the mountain, I met Qi Zhiqing who fainted at the roadside. Her face seemed to have passed out with fever. Now I have to go to the village head's house to borrow a car."

"Ouch, isn't it? Look at Qi Zhiqing's face is burned and discolored."

Han Li ran towards the village head's house while talking. There was no small noise on the way.

Hao Hongmin and some of them also ran to the village after hearing that Han Li had already come to the village head's house.

He briefly told the village head about the situation and asked him to send a female comrade to take Qi Zhaodi to the doctor by bike.

Village Head Zhao: "What kind of bicycle? It's just raining now, and you have to stop riding a bicycle for tens of meters to catch mud. It's not as fast as you can. Go find someone to put the carriage on. The old woman quickly throws a cool towel to Qi Zhiqing and puts it on her forehead. Don't burn the pitiable baby."

Han Li turned around and asked someone to set up a carriage. He patted his head on the way.

Why did he forget to wipe his body with high alcohol to cool down better,

However, we need to find a female comrade for this operation process, and we just met Hao Hongmin and them not far away. Han Li made a long story short.

"Go and fetch the bottle of Beidachang in my cupboard, and then help Qi Zhiqing clean it..."

Hao Hongmin looks at Han Li in bewilderment. At this time, He Mi stands out and says something.

"Let me do it. I helped Grandma clean it when I was at home."

Han Li nodded and said, "Qi Zhiqing is not in good condition, so you should hurry up a little."

When Han Li arrived at the barn to explain the situation, he didn't expect the uncle who specially served the big animals to say a word.

"This horse just came to our village yesterday, and today it can help, even pulling the patient."

Han Li.

Uncle went to the shed nearby to lead the horse, and Han Li pulled the carriage out of the other shed.

There are two very dilapidated houses nearby, and it is self-evident who lives in them.

When Han Li and the old man arrived at the village head's house with the carriage, they were about to leave, but the village head caught them.

"You can't leave yet."


"Because you found out about Qi Zhiqing, you should follow him to the hospital."


Village Head Zhao coughed for a while, then said shyly.

"Everyone knows about Qi Zhiqing. She certainly has no money to cure her illness, and there is no money in the village now (money can't be used for educated youth, otherwise the villagers will have a problem). You were the first to find someone, and you don't lack money, so..."

Han Li curled his mouth and said, "I can help Comrade Qi pay for medical treatment, but it's inconvenient for me to go to the hospital with a man."

Village Head Zhao: "If you are willing to help pay for it, I don't know whether you need to take care of it or not. Even if you need someone to take care of it, I think He Zhiqing has done a good job. If you want to follow me, I'm afraid the carriage will get stuck in the mud on the road. You can also help lift the cart when you are around."

Han Li.

He Mi sits in the middle of the carriage holding Qi Zhaodi, and Han Li sits in the passenger seat behind the horse.

The carriage got bogged down three times along the way, and Han Li's two trouser legs were already covered with mud.

If it were not for the rain shoes, his feet would be soaked.

After arriving at the commune's health center, the driver felt sorry for the horses. After putting them down, he went to the cart and horse shop.

It can not only feed the horses, but also let people lie down and have a rest.

"I will go back to the village early tomorrow morning. If you want to take a bus, you can go to the cart and horse shop to find me early."

Han Li nodded and hurried to pay the money. He Mi took Qi Zhaodi to see the doctor behind him.

The doctor said it was better to send it early after the examination, otherwise Qi Zhaodi's pneumonia caused by this condition was the lightest.