Chapter 56 Rain

Han Li opened his eyes and waited until he came to his senses. A carp straightened out from the quilt.

We started our daily activities, such as boiling water, stretching tendons, and training our resistance to attack.

When the bell rings, you can brush your teeth and wash your sweat with your face, and simply deal with breakfast.

Fill the kettle with water, put on the straw hat and go to the threshing ground.

Han Li feels that he is very self-discipline now. It is hard to find such self-discipline in the 996 of later generations.

In addition, there are only two days of vacation every month, which was revised in the 1970s.

However, the policies of each place are different, and the time of this holiday is also different.

Take Hecun as an example. Han Li specifically asked the brigade leader about the holiday last time.

The team leader said: "Our village also has two days a month, but... we are not allowed to rest during spring ploughing, autumn harvest and some special times."

Han Li stood in the threshing ground listening to the gossip of aunts and aunts while waiting for the village to assign today's tasks.

"Have you heard? The reward for the two fugitives that our village helped catch last time has been given."

"Really? What reward will be given to our village this time?"

"The reward is also given to the village, which has nothing to do with our members."

"Well, you can't prove that I heard that this reward is very useful to our village."

"What is it?"

"One horse, two donkeys."

"Isn't it true that you can exchange three big animals for two people?"

"When my family got up early to look at the condom, they met the village head and the team leader. There was still something wrong with what they said. It was still dark when they left. It was estimated that we could see the new animals at noon."

"That's great. We can save a lot of energy after we have more big animals in our village."

"Who can say no? If we serve these three big animals well, we can share more food next year."

"By the way, did your family's condom catch anything?"

"No, it's empty again. I don't know what happened this year."

"How is your old man?"

"All the same. This year is a bit weird."

"Shh... I dare not say that."

Han Li listened to the words of aunts and aunts, and unconsciously it was time for division of labor.

Han Li saw that only accountant Zhang led the three team leaders to divide the work, and he knew that the news from the village intelligence station was not bad.

Today's task is the favorite work of the villagers in this season, that is, turning sweet potatoes in the field.

Although this job is not easy, you can pick out some tender leaves when turning the sweet potatoes.

At home, it can be made into cold mixed sweet potato leaves. This dish only needs two cloves of garlic, a little salt, and other condiments can be used for luxury dishes.

It can also add a little corn flour or white flour, stir them together, and steam them in a pot. This practice has many names.

For example, steaming vegetables, steaming bitter grains, coolies, bitter tiredness, and kuoli are similar to the Artemisia rice in the south.

Of course, it is made of elm coin, locust flower and various wild vegetables. It is a staple food between rice and vegetables.

Sweet potato leaves can also be made into vegetable buns and dumplings. Of course, if you have conditions at home, you can also fry them with oil.

A potato vine is seven or eight meters long, and the shortest one is two or three meters long. The overturned vine seedlings are straightened along the ridge.

The sweet potato was broken when it was turned over for too long, so it could not be done alone.

Han Li's partner is Aunt Zhang, who is listening to Aunt Zhang talk about Gu while turning over sweet potatoes.

Aunt Zhang: "Now the life is much better. We can eat all kinds of food with good work. In the most difficult year in our village, there was no need to turn over the sweet potato in the sweet potato field."


Aunt Zhang: "Of course it's because of hunger. Nobody dares to move the sweet potato, but all the leaves of the sweet potato have been stripped away by the villagers."

"Ninety percent of sweet potatoes died that year, and there was almost no harvest in this large area."

"In the next two years, we will eat sweet potatoes for half a year, and eat sweet potatoes every day."

"Steamed, boiled, dried and roasted for a long time. Later, I would rather be hungry than eat sweet potatoes."

"But in the end, I couldn't bear to be hungry, and then I continued to eat."

"At that time, I told myself in my heart that I would not eat sweet potatoes for a lifetime if I could."

"But it's impossible. It won't last until the next year without some sweet potatoes."

Han Li: "Aunt Zhang, if you think about those years and look at the present, our life will be better and better."

"Ha ha ha... That's right."

Today's sky is covered with dark clouds. Although there is no sun, the weather is not cool at all.

On the contrary, there was a feeling of stuffiness before the rain. Han Li's feeling did not last too long.

At about eleven o'clock, a cold wind suddenly blew in the sky.

The people working in the field cheered, and Aunt Zhang looked up at the sky and said.

"Han Zhiqing, get ready. The team leader will come to call us to stop working soon."

Han Li: "Is it going to rain?"

"Well, it hasn't rained much this year, and there are fewer mushrooms on the mountain."

"If it rains too hard, no one can enter the crops for the time being."

"The big guy can still rest for a day and a half, just enough to go up the mountain to pick up mushrooms."

Other people in the field were also talking about the rain, but the team leader could not stop working without a minute's notice.

Because the team leader is not completely out of work, and people are also working there.

When the rain fell, the voice of the team leader came.

"When it rains, everyone comes home from work in a leisurely way. Keep an eye on the kids at home and don't make fun of them everywhere. Don't tell them if they are buried in mud. If they don't feel good, they will spend money to see a doctor."

As soon as the captain's words fell to the ground, everyone went back immediately. On the way, the villagers were still discussing how many mushrooms they could pick up in the rain.

As soon as everyone walked out of the field, there was a loud thunder in the sky, and sporadic raindrops turned into pouring rain.

At this time, all the people did not look slow just now. They all ran to their homes with their heads down.

No one cared whether getting covered in mud would kill him. Han Li followed him for two steps and stopped running.

According to the speed of the rain, he would get home at the fastest speed, but he would also get soaked.

In this case, why should he run so fast? Anyway, his physical quality does not care about rain.

However, the situation of female educated youth is different. They are not only running home with their lives.

Moreover, one hand is put on the eyes to block the rain, and the other hand is pressed on his chest.

Hao Hongmin and her husband ran together, and Yun Jingjing said as she ran.

"Hurry home and boil some brown sugar and ginger water. It will be terrible if you catch cold."

Yang Xiuying: "Now the weather temperature is still high, shouldn't you catch a cold in the rain?"

Yun Yingying: "My sister is talking about that. She works harder than others in those days every month."

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