Chapter 43 Enter the Mountain Two (Pursuit of Reading)

Han Li walked under the birch tree and found that it had been absorbed almost by the birch velvet.

Even if Han Li helps it take down the birch velvet, this birch may not survive.

Looking at the birch velvet growing six or seven meters from the ground, if ordinary people need to climb trees to get down.

But this distance is just within Han Li's decomposition ability, so he doesn't need to climb trees at all.

As soon as I thought about it, the birch velvet, which is the size of the washbasin, disappeared out of thin air, and it became pieces and pieces and lay in the decomposition space.

The birch forest brought Han Li good luck. The sparrow took him to find a large area of raspberries beside the forest.

A large area of red raspberries is like a small lantern, which makes Han Li very happy.

Raspberries: also known as trays, raspberries, and mops, these little things are sweet, sour, delicious, and fragrant.

After eating, the fragrance will remain on your hands for a long time, and it is called "lingering fragrance" at the boundary of wild fruits.

This raspberry not only tastes good, but its main effect is to benefit the kidney, consolidate essence, lock urine, nourish the liver and improve eyesight.

If you have spermatorrhea, skittiness, frequency of urination, urgency of urination, or even Y flaccidity, Z diarrhea, you can eat it.

In a word, raspberry, a small thing, has a good effect on tonifying the kidney.

There is a local saying that raspberry is called raspberry because of its efficacy.

Older people get up very often, and the urinal is used frequently.

But after eating raspberries for a period of time, the urinal can be buttoned up after sleeping until dawn.

Another theory is that after eating for a period of time, men in the same year can directly turn over the urinal when urinating.

Either way, this raspberry is a man's treasure. No one thinks that he will be stronger.

Raspberries are not easy to pick for others because they are small, soft and easily crushed.

But this is not a problem for Han Li at all. He decomposes together with the soft branches under the fruit.

I picked up all the ripe raspberries very soon, and took a pity look at the immature fruits when I left.

Later, a pile of black fungus was found on a dead tree. Since it hadn't rained for a long time, these fungus had dried up. These fungus could be put in the basket as their booty.

However, Han Li still has some regrets. It may not have rained recently, and there are not many fungi on the mountain.

At this time, Han Li looked at his watch. It was time to go down the mountain.

The mountain road is difficult to walk and far away, which makes Han Li waste most of his time on the road.

When he went back, Han Li followed the little sparrow on another road, hoping to find something new.

Although some herbs were collected, Han Li was a little dissatisfied with the quantity and variety of herbs.

On the way back, I found a bud of thorns, but it's too old to eat now.

Han Li can only remember the place in his heart and pick it next spring.

The spiny buds are also called Aralia elata, spiny crows and spiny dragon teeth. Their taste and nutritional value are known as the king of wild vegetables.

On the way down the mountain, I found clumps of wild chrysanthemums. This kind of thing is not good to drink or eat, so nobody paid attention to it.

Wild chrysanthemum is cold, heat clearing, detoxification, purging fire and calming the liver, which is just suitable for such a powerful man.

So Han Li collected a basket full of wild chrysanthemums, and just after collecting these little sparrows, they flew over.

He said that there were two pheasants in front of him, and Han Li couldn't help sighing at the news.

He was humiliated by the army of passers-by. As soon as people entered the mountain, pheasants and hares attacked them like locusts.

With the help of two little sparrows, he found two pheasants for a whole day.

This is really annoying, but Han Li grabbed all the pebbles he picked up on the road in two hands.

Now he has no other tools, so he can only touch them with his own power and the power of the beautiful male scattered stones.

Han Li followed the little sparrow's hint and walked forward step by step.

I have to say that the vigilance of wild animals is high, and Han Li has not yet reached the position that sparrows said.

Just heard a few crows, and then two pheasants flew up.

Gong Liang and Mu Hui are just a pair of pheasants. They didn't do anything good when they were in the bushes.

But their brains didn't seem very good, and they flew towards Han Li.

Han Li quickly threw all the small stones with both hands, and the strength and accuracy were quite high.

In addition, the pheasant flew in his direction, and he hit both of them.

Before Han Li was happy, the gray female pheasant quickly took off again after landing, and disappeared in a twinkling of an eye.

At this time, Han Li was too complacent and ran to the place where the pheasant fell.

At this time, he found this colorful pheasant lying on the ground motionless.

It turned out that its head was blown up by the stones thrown by itself. No wonder it didn't fly again.

Han Li took out his knife and bled it on the spot, otherwise the blood would not taste good if it coagulated into it later.

After releasing the blood, tightly wrap it with leaves, throw it into the basket, and quickly follow the sparrow away from here.

The smell of blood in the mountains may be able to summon some animals to run away from the original place all the time.

As Han Li ran, he thought about what kind of weapon he should get if he went into the mountain to find food.

Don't worry about guns. Although they are in flood now, even the village head has two guns in his house.

But as long as there is a gun in an accident, people will be the first to suspect, and it is not easy to add bullets.

It doesn't conform to his low-key approach, so there is only bow and crossbow left.

But how to deal with it is still unclear. Otherwise, he could go to the black market in the county or city.

It is said that you can get everything in that place, and you need to add your own decomposition space.

Han Li was dreaming all the way. He thought of another purpose when he was about to run out of the mountain.

That is to get some stronger tree trunks, and repair them for your own practice.

Although there are not many trees falling down by the wind, it is not too difficult to find them.

Han Li soon found one. These things are going through Minglu.

So he had to pick up an axe and start to repair the tree. First, he cut off all the branches on it.

I lifted it with my hands and felt that I could resist it for a long time.

The incoming space is decomposed into its own length, because both sides of the decomposition are very smooth.

So Han Li needs to disguise them with an axe to make them look like they were cut by an axe.

Finally, he lifted the end of the tree trunk and gradually transferred it to his shoulder.

The tree trunk was thrown on his shoulder, and Han Li's body involuntarily bent and sank.

"Hey, it's really exciting."

At this time, the eagle bear stake can give full play to its greatest effect. The tip of the tongue should be lifted, the pubic field should be held tightly, the neck should be straightened, the arms should be slightly bent, the legs should be slightly bent, and the wrist and the tiger mouth should be rounded to exert force.