Chapter 40 Reasons for Gathering at Night

Han Li shook his head when he heard what Hao Hongmin said.

"I am reclaiming the yard. I will plant winter vegetables in a period of time. Now when I reclaim the yard every day, I will not be in a hurry."

Yang Xiuying: "I said why did you go to the warehouse just after work? You must have borrowed tools."

"Show us what you borrowed, and tomorrow we'll borrow it to reclaim the yard."

"I use a pickaxe. You may not be used to it."

"Let me try."

Yang Xiuying, unconvinced by the evil, grabbed the pickaxe and waved it, but almost didn't cut it on her feet.

Yang Xiuying's face turned white with fright. If she cut it hard, she would lose her toe.

Hao Hongmin quickly took her arm and said, "Not afraid, not afraid. We won't need this pickaxe at that time. We can borrow an iron shovel to do it slowly."

"Sister Hong Min, my legs are weak..."

Han Li: "Learn slowly. Don't hurt yourself."

"Anyway, it's still some time before we grow vegetables. I'll help you when I finish here."

After seeing them off, Han Li continued to wave his pickaxe.

The yard has been basically reclaimed until it gets dark.

Han Li also sweated heavily, which was very hot from inside to outside.

When I came to the water tank, I picked up the ladle from head to foot, and the heat disappeared.

After washing, he returned to the house and lit a lantern. He stewed two air dried rabbits on the stove. He turned it into a slow stew.

Han Li sits on the kang and takes out the letter he received today. He first opens Han Ma's letter.

It briefly describes the family situation, and the most important thing is to let him work less and pay attention to his health.

Sister Han has a tin ticket in her envelope, and Sister Han has a tea ticket in her envelope.

Han Xiaomei didn't clip anything in the envelope. She explained in detail the reaction of Han's father and mother after Han Li left.

As for the other two letters, which were all about complaints and maladjustment, were the students I met on the train.

Looking forward to returning to Sijiu City one day, one of them even vaguely asked Han Li to borrow money.

After reading the letter, Han Li began to eat. He had just cleaned the dishes.

It seemed that someone in the village was shouting something. He had always avoided such things.

But just after dinner, I was also idle. I couldn't sleep at all or I would go out and have a look.

As a result, when he just walked into the yard, the bell rang in the distance, and the door of his own house was also knocked.

"Han Zhiqing, Hao Zhiqing, Yang Zhiqing, the village head, asked everyone to take flashlights or lanterns to the threshing ground to gather quickly."

"Yes, I'll be there in a minute."

It seems that something is wrong. Han Li hurries back to the house, puts on yellow rubber shoes, and walks out with a flashlight.

As soon as the street door was closed, Hao Hongmin and her friends came out, and the three of them went to the threshing ground together.

When passing the gate of the Educated Youth Academy, all the people inside came out.

The old educated youth look calm, while the new educated youth look a little flustered.

Yang Xiuying asked in a low voice, "Han Li, do you know what happened in the middle of the night?"

"I don't know about that, but no matter what happens in the dark, you should stay close to me."

There are many people on the threshing ground now, and a bonfire is lit in front of the warehouse.

Most of the other lights are emitted from the lantern, and the flashlights will be turned off after arriving here, because the batteries are not cheap when you buy them.

The team leader is counting the number of people in their team, and then tells Village Head Zhao.

"Don't make any noise. Now that everyone is almost here, listen to me."

"Just now, we received a report from the superior assistant investigator that two criminals were suspected to have escaped to us."

"Our superiors asked us to guard the boundary of Shanghe Village and never let them slip under our noses."

"The other side is extremely vicious and has hurt several people, but they don't have guns. Don't worry about that."

"When we are grouped, we should at least work in groups of three. Later, we will get some handy guys from the warehouse to defend ourselves."

"Next, the team leaders will tell everyone where they want to defend, and call someone immediately if they find out."

Han Li took a spade from the warehouse and pressed it in his hand, so that he could use it as a six way gun.

Hao Hongmin and others choose sickles, hoes and rakes.

However, Han Li estimated that they would choose anything for nothing. Maybe they would become the other party's courier.

Then the three of them and Aunt Zhang were divided together, and four of them were responsible for a section of the river bank.

Everyone also brought out a pile of firewood from their home and lit it in front of their responsible area.

See that Han Li praised the three giants of Shanghe Village in his heart, why? You can understand everything you know.

If you look down from the sky of Shanghe Village at this time, you will find that the whole village has been surrounded by a pile of bonfires.

In the middle of the night, they could not sleep or speak loudly, only the sound of firewood burning in the distance.

Han Li: "Aunt Zhang, Hao Hongmin and Yang Xiuying, take a nap. I will guard here

"Han Zhiqing, isn't that good?"

"Nothing bad. I'm young and strong, and I can stay up all night. How can you start work tomorrow if you don't take a nap?"

"Han Zhiqing's heart is good, so I will be confused for a while."

"Thank you, Han Li."

Han Li waved his hand to show that it was nothing, but only Aunt Zhang could calmly close her eyes and rest.

Hao Hongmin and her colleagues have never experienced this. Sitting there, they can see that they have no rest.

Yang Xiuying asked in a low voice, "Han Li, do you think we can go back to the city?"

She has suffered more in recent days than in the past ten years, and her body and mind have already reached the limit.

If we hadn't met Hao Hongmin on the road, they would not have been able to keep encouraging her.

When Hao Hongmin heard Yang Xiuying's words, she also looked up at Han Li.

After all, she is just a teenage girl, whose mind is clear and heart is clear.

There is no shortage of psychological and physical dependence on men, not to mention their good relationship with Han Li.

Han Li: "Are you homesick? Or do you feel like you can't carry it?"

"Yes, especially when I received a letter from my family today."

Han Li: "In fact, the moment we boarded the train, everyone had their own answers."

"Although I don't know how your family is, I found it is not bad through this period of contact."

"So you should change your mind and have confidence in the country and your family."

"Actually, I don't know what you think. Anyway, I feel it's good to stay in Shanghe Village."