Chapter 35 Check in

Han Li got the firewood from Aunt Zhang, and didn't say thank you yet. Aunt Wang beside him also spoke.

"Han Zhiqing, when picking up firewood, you can only stay outside. Don't go too deep into the mountains."

"If you get lost, you can say that everyone will go to the mountain to look for you when they find out. It's just that people suffer a little."

"It's really dangerous if you encounter wild animals. If you run into wolves and wild boars fast enough, you will have a chance to survive."

"But if we meet blind bears, leopards and wild civets, they will surely die, and those beasts will climb trees."

"And those beasts can hide. If you have no experience, you can't see them when you go to their mouth."

"In addition, there are some condoms left by people in the mountain, and the general problem of condoms is not too big."

"If you step on the kind of cover specially used to cover wild boars, you can directly cut off people's feet."

Han Li shuddered when Aunt Wang said that if he stepped on this kind of condom, he would become disabled immediately, and then he could go back to the city.

Aunt Zhang: "Han Zhiqing, these are true things, but there are at most several rabbit traps outside."

"No one dares to catch wild boars outside. If he is caught and killed, no one will help him to avenge him."

Aunt Wang: "But you should hold the corn stalks after the autumn harvest, or you won't be able to ignite the fire."

After thanking the two aunts, Han Li met Hao Hongmin and them when he got off work in the morning.

The news received by both parties was similar, and they agreed to go up the mountain together to see the situation after work in the afternoon.

When they got off work in the afternoon, Han Li took the basket on his back and two ropes with Hao Hongmin and they set out.

When I waited at the foot of the mountain, I found that it was really busy here.

Half of the children in the village are looking for wild fruits, some are collecting firewood, and many sister-in-law are also going this way.

All of us have the same goal. We dig wild vegetables and collect firewood for living.

Han Li: "There are many people around the mountain. Let's pick them up separately. We can't get much firewood together."

"Don't go inside together, just yell at me if you need to."

It sounds easy to pick up firewood, but it's not comfortable at all.

Because you keep bending down to pick up those branches and sticks on the ground, and then gather them into a pile.

Finally, find a fresh tree or vine to make a waist to trap them, and finally bring them home for use.

Some are carried directly, some are dragged, some are carried well with ropes, and some are carried with carrying poles.

In order to get these firewood home, we are all eight immortals crossing the sea.

Hao Hongmin and Yang Xiuying stopped working after picking them up for a while. They exchanged fruit candy with the child for firewood.

Help gather a small bundle to get a piece of hard candy, and a large bundle to get a piece of hard candy plus an orange candy.

It's not a big deal for these half aged children to bend down to pick up firewood. The children will not feel lumbago even if they have no waist.

Sugar can be exchanged during the play. These little guys can't look for wild fruits. They pick up firewood quickly one by one.

Hao Hongmin and his wife hired a child to pick up firewood. The two of them went to learn to identify wild vegetables from the village's sister-in-law.

After separation, Han Li is not afraid to pick up firewood. He needs all the big and small firewood.

From time to time, I also decompose some large trunks and sticks into the decomposition space.

When you return to your yard, you can gradually put the firewood in your shed.

Unconsciously, there are a lot of firewood in Hanli's decomposition space, which are the source of winter happiness.

At this time, it was getting dark. Hao Hongmin and her friends were greeting him down the mountain.

Han Li tied two bundles of branches on the bright side, then dragged them back one by one.

Hao Hongmin and them each carried a small bundle of firewood, and they still had a bundle on their hands, so they were both happy.

"Alas, we knew that we could ask these children to pick up firewood with two pieces of candy. We shouldn't have exchanged firewood with the villagers."

"It has cost me several cents just to change firewood these days. I feel I am in a panic when I think about it. The price difference is several times higher."

Han Li smiled and didn't answer. When he got back to the yard, it was already dark.

Han Lixian lit his stove and let his fire wall and kang dry early.

He was very calm when he saw the orange flame burning after the firewood was lit.

This is my home and the beginning of my life in the next 2000 days. I still need to change my mind a little bit.

The next day, the carpenter came to help them close the street door and the doors and windows of the house.

One piece was also delivered by Han Li with their customized kang mat, kang table, kang cabinet, cabinet, and a large box.

The moment the street door was closed, the "home" was completely completed, and Han Li chose to move.

Go to the Educated Youth Academy and move all your luggage and food to your own home

Hao Hongmin and Yang Xiuying have been choking up these days, so they are still acting like Han Li.

Han Li's house was lit with a lantern, which lit up the whole room like a bean.

At this time, he was laying the kang. First, he wiped it and put the mat on it. Then, he put the kang cabinet aside and the bedding code on it.

Usually, the kang is the sofa in the living room, and the kang table is the tea machine for entertaining guests. When it is cold, people come to greet the kang first.

When sleeping at night, you can pull the kang table and put on bedding to sleep comfortably.

At this time, he found that there were still many things missing. Newspapers should be pasted around the kang, otherwise it would be easy to rub dirt on the bedding.

We need to get a console by the outside stove, otherwise we can only cut vegetables on the kang.

It's easy to talk about the console. Go outside and find some stones. Disassemble some boards and build them yourself.

However, the newspaper that has been plastered on the wall can only go to the county town once, and go to the waste station there to pick up some newspapers.

In addition, we don't have a big water tank at home, so we need to buy it from the county seat.

If you want to pickle pickles for winter, you should prepare two pickle jars or small water tanks.

And my new home is good. It covers too much land and the yard is very long.

These lands should be reclaimed as soon as possible, and it will be time to plant winter vegetables such as cabbage and radish.

Han Li plans to plant two fruit trees in front of the main house so that he can enjoy the cool in summer. The tree can eat its own fruit.

Speaking of winter vegetables, the cellar must be dug out in advance, so there is a lot of work in this family.

While Han Li was pondering what to buy in the county seat, the street door was knocked.

Han Li has to walk a long way from the house to the street gate. Oh, the street gate opens southwards to occupy the southeast.

Hao Hongmin's street also opens to the south, but occupies the southwest.

When Han Li opened the door, it was Hao Hongmin and her two. What did they come here to do when it was time not to cook?

"Han Li, we still need a lot of things at home. We are going to ask for leave to go to the county town tomorrow. Would you like to join us?"