Chapter 83 Enclosure Plan

On a wasteland, a group of Ming cavalry was strangling a group of wild animals.

"Third, be careful." The team is holding a saber, cutting a primitive beast in two, reminding the soldiers on the side.

The called soldier turned his head and saw that a primitive animal was attacking him with its sharp claws close at hand.

The third man caught the horse's belly with his legs, turned over and fell down with his horse, and stabbed the spear into the belly of the original beast.

The team was relieved to see that their subordinates were all right.

"Clean the battlefield, the pronucleus is at the heart, and dig it out." The team is standing on the ground, pulling out the broken blade, walking to the nearest carcass of an original beast, and starting to dig the pronucleus.

There are thirty Ming scouts in this team, all of whom are first-order accomplishments. The team is in the middle of the first order.

In such a team configuration, when there are less than 20 original animals, they will kill at random.

"Rest for half an hour, then continue to patrol and clean up the original animals!" The team was sitting on a big stone, took out its own token, opened the real-time map, and looked for the position of its team.

On the map, the blue dot at the center is where the base and portal are located. Taking this as the center of the circle, the radius is ten kilometers, and a square is drawn.

The task of the twenty thousand cavalry of the Ming Army is to eliminate all the original animals in the square.

The coalition government is transporting the city walls along the side of the square area and building official works.

The team was looking at the map when a grunt came from above.

He looked up and saw a group of helicopters flying over his head, flying fast to the east.

"Hey, brother! Go on!" The machine gunner in the back of the helicopter saw the Ming Army resting in the lower team, took out a packet of cigarettes in his pocket and threw them at the team.

The team was catching up with the smoke, took one out of its mouth and waved in the direction of the helicopter.

"Go on, continue patrolling."

The rest of the soldiers hung the bag with the original core on the horse, then turned on their horses and continued to search for the lonely original beast.

On a helicopter.

"What did you lose to the low army just now? Don't break the discipline." The driver asked.

"A pack of cigarettes," the gunman said, leaning against the back seat.

"Don't tell me, I didn't expect to be able to fight side by side with the army of the Ming Dynasty one day." The machine gunner seemed very excited and patted the Vulcan energy machine gun hard.

"It's a big surprise that the brother of the Air Force has Altman flying with him, but he doesn't fly the fighter as usual," said the pilot.

"Well, here we are, just ahead of us." The driver looked at the spectacular city wall in front of him.

In order to effectively resist the attacks of the original beasts in the early stage, and to provide a stable and safe rear base for the support forces of the original world's humans and other worlds.

The coalition government put forward the plan of besieging the city, that is, building a city wall 50 meters high and 150 meters thick at the periphery of the region.

Protect the area within the enclosure in the form of a square enclosure to resist animal tide.

With the unanimous consent of all members of the Wanjie City Committee, the implementation began.

The Ming army is responsible for clearing all the original animals and matrixes within the enclosure.

The coalition government and the State of Light are responsible for building the city wall, bases and facilities

Some of Wang Guoxing's soldiers were responsible for cooperating with the Ming army to eliminate the guardians and advanced variants within the fence, and some were assigned to eight fence building bases.

One is responsible for protecting the construction site, and the other is to help build the city wall. After all, it is a giant, which is much more convenient, at least saving the work of cranes and cranes.

The machine gunner stepped out of the helicopter and looked up. He was shocked by what he saw.

A blue giant was holding something like a gun. Wherever the ray was swept, it immediately began to form the city wall in situ.

In only five minutes, a section of the city wall has been built.

"I'm going, what kind of black technology is this?" The machine gunner looked at the giant who had gone to the next place to start printing the city wall, and his eyes were almost falling off.

This is the joint invention of Grey Wolf and Hickali.

In order to complete the construction of the wall before the animal tide, Grey Wolf invented a fast printer. As long as you add materials, you can start printing the wall you want to build.

However, the printed wall was too small, so he went to find Hickali, who directly amplified the light and got it done.

Then put it into mass production.

"This is a turret." Hickali looked at the wall drawing in his hand and adjusted the device.

Hickali aimed at the position and pressed the trigger. Soon, an energy cannon was generated.

The drawing was drawn by Tom and Jerry together. These two brothers are good at making weapons.

Here's the thing. Liu Peiqiang's wall drawing was accidentally seen by Tom, who was cleaning the house.

Tom looked at it for a while, and immediately laughed heartlessly.

The ridicule attracted Jerry, and soon they both laughed together.

Tom threw the broom away, loaded the drawings into the creaky nest, and took Jerry to find Liu Peiqiang.

Although I don't know what happened in the meeting room of the Bureau that day.

Anyway, after that, Tom and Jerry received almost all the invitations and honorary professor appointments from the world's top universities on the wandering earth.

Four worlds, one world is responsible for one wall, which is jointly built by the coalition government and the State of Light.

Eight bases are set behind the wall, and a central base is built outside the original underground city.

There will be one base in each of the four corners, one base in the middle of each side, and many small and medium-sized bases between the eight major bases.

As the strength of Wanjie City slowly recovers and more and more worlds join, the recovery area will only grow larger and larger.

In Jiang Yu's imagination, Yuanmu's world would drag on the abyss and slowly bleed, so he could kill Yuanmu directly.

But enemies in the open are better than those in the dark.

The picture returns to base 1.

The machine gunner stood on the street and rubbed his eyes as he looked at the No. 1 base where the painting style was cut apart.

In front of me, a tank troop is moving outside the wall, and I don't know where to go.

The tank troops are followed by a group of military heavy trucks, each loaded with DF.

After that, the fully armed cavalry, holding up the military flag embroidered with the word "Ming", roared past and also drove out of the wall.

In the sky, sometimes there is a harsh roar, which is the coalition government's warplanes whistling past,

Sometimes, sharp animal cries came from the clouds. It was Daming's air force, the Griffin Cavalry Corps.

Sometimes a light from the sky passes by. It may be the giant of light, or it may be the people of Abusoleum.

The machine gunner looked at the scenes and could not help but lift his chest.

Although he is just a small machine gunner, he can fight side by side with soldiers from other countries.

Later, old people and grandsons will stand on their heads when they brag.

Your grandpa and I were at the front line when the Ming army handed cigarettes, riding a griffin between their legs, holding a dragon slaying knife, the giant of light on the left, and a dragon fighter on the right.

Loser or not?

But a voice broke the fantasy of the machine gunner.

"Wang Yousheng, it's a mission! Don't stand there foolishly. Get on the plane quickly!"