Chapter 42 Wang Guoxing, the Kingdom of Light Joins

Soon they informed Jiang Yu that they were all ready. They had to say that the people of both countries were very open-minded and had no problem joining the Wanjie City.

So Jiang Yu returned to the City of Ten Thousand Boundaries, took out the token of the city master, and opened the two channels to connect the Kingdom of Light and the Kingdom Star.

Soon, there will be four worlds in Chaos. The red one is the newly formed Daming World, the white one is the wandering earth world, the blue one is the country of light, and the gold one is the King Star.

Then Jiang Yu picked up Noah's place and put it between the Kingdom of Light and the Kingdom Star. He was ready to tell them about Noah's resurrection.

Finally, Jiang Yu opened two areas outside the South Gate as the foothold of the two countries.

After all this, Jiang Yu returned to the Kingdom of Light.

In the Land of Light, people are still discussing the vision of the Land of Light when it entered the City of Ten Thousand Realms just now.

It is impossible to describe the scene of them who are knowledgeable.

When Jiang Yu arrived, he exchanged two authorization tokens, one for Debei and one for Jonias, and then transferred Saiwen's authorization token to the King of Ott.

Jiang Yu first taught the three people how to use the token.

"Why do you have so many lucky coins?" Debbie glanced at them.

"Hehe, the universe still hasn't forgotten me." Pike smiled. It is not surprising that Pike has contributed a lot to the universe in 400000 years. There are so many initial Qi Yun coins.

"Why do you have so many?" Debbie glanced at Jonias again, and it was hundreds of thousands.

Jonias looked at Debbie with distaste. Do you think everyone, like you, claims to be the most extreme life, causing trouble everywhere?

De Pei glanced at his Qi Yun coin, which was fifty thousand yuan, even less than half of Zhu Yuanzhang's.

He was also a famous hero in the universe at the beginning, but he fell asleep for so long and didn't do anything harmful. How could he be so unpopular with the will of the universe.

Someone must have corrupted the reputation of our people in Abu Saliut.

The little golden man in the distance shivered and said to Cyrus, "Why is your country of light so cold?"

Cyrus is playing with the Ten Thousand Order just issued by King Ao, and has no time to answer the little golden man.

"You've done too much for your own sake."

Soon, the little golden man and his party also had a token, but it was only the token that Debei borrowed from the King of Austria.

There are so many tokens that Jiang Yufa can't die of fatigue, so he gave this power to the authority token owner, Zhu Yuanzhang, Grey Wolf, Xiong Da, and Wuyanzi, who can all issue orders to people in their own world.

The coalition government is special and needs the consent of five people.

Soon everyone was bound to the Ten Thousand World Order, and Jiang Yu had to sigh, "How fat! The lowest Dekai has a fortune of 110000 yuan.".

The country of light of rich families.

After seeing that almost everyone would use it, Jiang Yu decided to take a big one.

"In fact, Noah can be resurrected."



The king couldn't hold his breath and looked at Jiang Yu.

"Cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough.

After the people accepted the bomb, Debbie said, "Noah and my family have created again, and I will pay for his fortune in Abusolete."

Debbie patted his chest, and the little golden man also lifted his chest proudly. See, our men, we are loyal!

"You should pay back the money first." The king choked.

When the little golden man heard that, his chest was obviously shrunk and he still owed money to others.

"We, the Kingdom of Light, will handle Noah's affairs." Father Ao said in a deep voice, and the rest of Altman nodded. We should have our own people to handle our family affairs.

After the people had made a decision, the king looked at Jiang Yu. He felt that Jiang Yu had something to say. Sure enough, he spoke again

"In fact, Rajado and Saiga can also revive. Only..."

"Just what?"

"Ask for money."

The king touched his beard, which did not exist on his chin, and fell into meditation.