Chapter 43 Revenge Never Overnight


It's about 550 kilometers from Tokyo.

If you follow the general travel method, you may need to take the Shinkansen, and it takes more than two hours to reach here, even if it is a plane, it also takes more than an hour.

However, if the square tong speed is fully open, there is no need for such trouble.

With the help of supersonic speed, Fang Tong was able to get here from Tokyo in less than half an hour.

But his goal is not Osaka, but a barren mountain on the outskirts of Osaka City.

Since I said that I still have something to deal with, it's true that I have something to do.

He was attacked by the ghosts. Is it reasonable to retaliate?

Fang Tong never keeps an overnight revenge.

Looking from the high altitude, Fang Tong soon observed the buildings twinkling with bright lights in this remote place.

The destination is here!


Blissful Hall

In the name of Blissful, we can imagine where this place is. Naturally, it is a place where guests can enjoy their lives at will.

Although it has just been put into operation, as a casino, it has attractive capital.

It is said that as long as you can win money here and are willing to donate some of the money, you will be able to complete any wish you want.


This includes making your rivals disappear, or trying to communicate with a big star in simple terms.

Only unexpected, nothing can not be done.

So just a few days after opening, it became very popular here.

This is not a building, but a group of buildings. Entering from the gate, you can see a magnificent Japanese style house, built in the middle of the mountainside.

It looks like a palace. Further ahead are beautifully shaped rockeries and bridges. The artistic conception is really good.

Although it is night, the Blissful Hall is surrounded by bright lights, and there are charming girls in gauze standing at the gate to greet guests.

The parking lot next to it is full, including millions of luxury cars and sports cars.

In the past, it is rare to see it on the street, but it is not strange here. It is like holding a luxury car exhibition.

In addition to the beautiful girls who greeted the guests, there were also many tall bodyguards who wore black suits and directly held full-automatic assault rifles or shotguns, with the momentum of keeping strangers away.

They are densely distributed around the whole Blissful Hall, and are alert to every move within a few kilometers.

Any abnormal behavior can not escape their eyes. The most surprising thing is that they are tall, strong and handsome.

None of the staff in the Blissful Hall looks mediocre, which is why it can become the most famous "pleasure" place in the Kanto region.


Just when everything seems calm.

A yellow haired young man with bulging travel bags walked up the mountain from the highway down the mountain in a different way, attracting the attention of many security personnel in the Blissful Hall.

Monitoring Room.

The security captain in charge of this area frowned and signaled to the earphone to stop this unusual guy.

Are you kidding

It is a few tens of kilometers away from Osaka. Among the guests, there are some who come by car. They have seen many top tycoons who come by helicopter, but it is the first time for them to walk here.

Soon, several armed security guards rushed to the gate of the square.

"Sir, please stop."

Looking at the yellow haired youth who was wearing a white shirt and rolled his sleeve over his forearm, he slowly seemed to be walking downstairs.

Several security guards quickly surrounded the suspicious guy.

The other side also looked very cooperative, put the heavy bag on the ground, made a heavy noise, and then raised his hand.

There was still a bright smile on his face.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I am a guest who comes here to play in admiration of my reputation. I have no malice."

"Well, how did you come here? What's in this bag?"

Although the yellow haired youth looked harmless to humans and animals, the security personnel did not relax their vigilance, but still questioned steadily at the gunpoint.

Although they don't think that anyone will dare to make trouble here, they should take precautions.

What's more, this guy doesn't look like an ordinary person.

The young man shrugged his shoulders and did not speak, but stretched out his hand to the bag on the ground.

This has aroused the vigilance of security personnel.

"Hey, don't move!"

See the black hole gun muzzle second come.

The other party had to give up.

"Well, well, I think you can't know what's in it until I open it, can't you?"

"Don't worry, it's just my gambling money."

After hearing the reasonable words and looking at the innocent expression on the other side's face, the security personnel hesitated.

At this time, the commotion here has attracted more attention. An order came from his headset, asking him to solve the problem as soon as possible.

"You, go and open this bag slowly, understand? And this gentleman asks you not to do anything that makes people misunderstand."

"Of course."

When the person who was ordered came forward quickly, he began to slowly open the zipper of his travel bag as if he were dealing with the demolition of bullets.

Fang Tong, standing beside him, smiled more and more, holding his arms and tilting his head.

At the moment when the zipper was slowly opened, several security guards were stunned and watched a golden light emerge from the simple black travel bag.

Soon, the travel bag was fully opened.

The truth of Lushan Mountain was revealed that this package was not a possible bomb, nor was it anything else.

Even money is not But a bag full of gold!

A whole bag is full of them, and now they are sending out dazzling golden light.

The security personnel who were on guard just now are all looking at this bag of gold bullion and speechless.

Only Fang Tong stood beside him calmly, taking a panoramic view of their appearance and smiling more brightly: "Look, I said this is my gambling money."

Wait for half a ring.

These people finally recovered from their stupor. They didn't have time to say anything to Fang Tong, but they reported to the radio in their ears.

The security guard who opened his travel bag tried to lift the bag, but he couldn't lift it at all. The density of gold causes that a very small piece of gold will have a large weight.

If a ton of gold is melted into a block, it may not be the size of an ordinary chair.

This bag is full. It must weigh a lot


Find the great people of the real ghosts.

A coldly beautiful woman in a cheongsam appeared from the Blissful Hall, chasing the stars and holding the moon. The moonlight fell on her, putting on a holy coat for her.

Swaying her beautiful body, she walked towards Fang Tong.

It was not until it approached Fang Tong that it stopped.

The beautiful face smiled and bowed to Fang Tong.

Speak softly.

"Hello, sir. Welcome to Blissful Valley Hall. I'm Sakurai Xiaomu, the manager here. I just had a bad reception. Please forgive me."