Chapter 9 Entry Point

The two rode a motorcycle together, Zhang Hua drove, and Li Fusheng sat in the back, just as he had come. The car soon returned to the downtown area. It was the same store they went to last time. The owner of the store gave a warm reception. After all, all the guests came here. They knew about Zhang Hua. Their protection fee was paid to Zhang Hua, but Zhang Hua is not the kind of villain who is always ready to fight and kill.

I didn't order so many dishes this time. After all, only Zhang Hua and Li Fusheng were there. After ordering two meat dishes, two vegetable dishes and one soup, Zhang Hua said frankly, "Lao Li, you are all members of our management committee. You can't always go to see the doctors for those cats and dogs. It's hard for me to work as the boss. "While talking, she squinted at the gold coins in the bag beside Li Fusheng.

”Brother Zhang, I'm going to talk to you about this. You're coming. I just want to make more money. When I officially join the club, it will bring a lot of benefits to the club and improve the quality of life of my brothers“

”OK, since you have said so, when do you plan to officially come here? I will prepare for you. "Zhang Hua covered his stomach and frowned after saying that.

”I think tomorrow is better. Today I will also go back and prepare. Tomorrow I will get some gifts for my brothers. Some of the gifts I worked with for the first time are not "Li Fusheng said with a smile.

”OK, you can see it. "At this time, Zhang Hua has sweat streaming down his forehead.

Li Fusheng saw all these things. At this time, he really felt that the time was coming. It was better to let Zhang Hua have more pain. At that time, he helped to earn some face and gain some good feelings. Then I was looking for an almost small plot. Zhang Hua could not escape from Li Fusheng's one mu of land. But he thought that Zhang Hua might be a simple disease and not a fatal one, so he hoped that Zhang Hua's pain would be more severe.

But some things are not developed according to your ideas, which is the fate of the arrangement.

By this time, Zhang Hua had buried his body under the table in pain, and could hear him moaning constantly.

Li Fusheng suddenly realized the seriousness of the problem, so he put his mind away. He knew that the medical treatment and medicine in this world are very expensive, and people could be killed if they got some common colds in previous lives, not to mention this sudden disease. Anyway, he can't see any symptoms now, Because perspective skills have not been upgraded to that stage.

Li Fusheng soon went to hold Zhang Hua who was already squatting under the table. "What's wrong with you, Brother Zhang?

At this time, Zhang Hua has no strength to speak.

Without delay, Li Fusheng took the purse and said a few words to the boss here. If the food is not cooked, don't cook it. If it is cooked, keep it. He will come to eat at night. If he doesn't come to eat at night, he will throw it away. As for the meal money, he can only settle it when he comes back.

The boss was very particular and readily agreed.

Li Fusheng knows that there is a clinic near this shop. The clinic is already very large. After all, the medical level of the world is limited or someone deliberately controls it. All clinics can almost determine your life and death.

Soon came to this clinic. This is the first time for Li Fusheng to come to this clinic. He thought that the clinic was just a doctor sitting there with a stethoscope, but when he really arrived here, he found that it was not like that at all. Although the place is not very large, the equipment should be able to see what CT, ECG, MRI, including the previous high-end 3D scanning.

But the clinic is a clinic, which does not need registration. This is very human. Unlike his previous life, he went to the hospital to see a doctor and registered a doctor. There are several kinds of doctors, experts and professors. The real doctors are still those advanced equipment. The so-called professors and experts just look at the results of the instrument analysis, and give people medicine and injections according to the book.

If you want to say something powerful, he still admires Chinese traditional medicine, mysterious pulse, acupuncture, and those strange Chinese medicines. Compared with those devices, this is what a master should have. A good Chinese doctor can cure a patient with three fingers.

This is Li Fusheng's first reaction after seeing these advanced equipment.

Zhang Hua was sent to the CT room and soon got the result that he had acute appendicitis. Even in his previous life, this disease was also a very troublesome disease. If he did not remove the rotten tail, it would probably lead to intestinal perforation and damage the internal organ function. Those who are serious will go to pick up boxed lunch.

So when he heard this, Li Fusheng was still shocked and broke into a cold sweat. Is his little brother whom he had taken a fancy to so badly going to die? I'm a little reluctant. But he knows more or less about the medical ability here. Because on his first day in the world, the fishmonger Lao Mo warned him not to get sick.

As soon as I entered the clinic just now, I felt that there were few patients and doctors in the clinic, which also confirmed from another aspect that the world should not be disorderly sick, otherwise I don't know how to die.

While Li Fusheng was struggling, two of Zhang Hua's attendants also came to the clinic. They are told that although the news has no legs, it runs faster than those who have returned.

Li Fusheng told two people about Zhang Hua. Both of them were sad after hearing this. It seems that they don't know what to do next. At this time, the attending doctor came up and said, "The patient is in a critical situation. Please decide immediately whether to treat or give up. If you give up, please go to the payment office to pay the instrument detection fee of 10 gold coins. If you plan to continue the treatment, you can also go to the payment office to pay 500 gold coins in advance. It is just enough. It depends on the actual focus of the patient." The doctor spoke concisely and clearly.

When they heard 500 gold coins, their faces turned green. They had not seen so many gold coins before, but they could not collect all of them for a while. They were rushing to make money and spend money. If they had more than 10 or 20 gold coins on their bodies, they would have a large deposit. They really could not take out 500 gold coins. Even if they could, they would not take them out. After all, the 500 gold coins were only budgeted, There may be more in the future,

”Doctor, you tell me the probability of success of the patient's operation. "Li Fusheng cares very much, in case the doctors here have poor surgical skills, after all, the medical condition is very poor.

”Ninety nine percent will make me succeed“

”That's OK. Let's ask the doctor to perform the operation immediately. I will pay the money now. After that, Li Fusheng went to the payment office to pay the money when Zhang Hua's two younger brothers were sluggish.