Chapter 72 Destination Magnetic Island

Just when everyone was excitedly digging diamonds, Li Fusheng suddenly remembered that the purpose of their coming to this island was not to dig diamonds. This island was just a springboard. They were going to another island, the last destination of this time, Magnetic Island. So he quickly stopped everyone and told them his idea and final destination. Although everyone is still excited about digging diamonds, Li Fusheng's goal has not yet been achieved, and they can't say no, so they can only put aside the diamond business first, and dig these diamonds for free after coming back from the magnetic island.

After picking up some diamonds, Li Fusheng and his colleagues took the boat and rowed to the magnetic island manually.

Although the magnetic island is not far away from the island, standing on the island, you can vaguely see the outline of the magnetic island, but the speed of manual rowing is not as fast as the power of steel machinery. The reason why we don't need a big ship is that we are afraid that there will be something abnormal in the magnetic island. For example, the magnetic force is strong, and all iron products and metals will be adsorbed on it. Then the big ship will be completely abandoned. After all, that island is called the magnetic island.

A group of people took turns rowing. It took about 2 hours to get to the magnetic island.

Although it is called Magnetic Island, Li Fusheng's compass is actually useful here. Why this island is called Magnetic Island remains to be studied.

There are also some vegetation on the magnetic island. They are common shrubs on other islands and some trees whose fruits can be used. They can also be found here. There are several tall coconut trees in front of them, and several coconut trees are hanging on the trees.

Li Fusheng and his colleagues were like bandits. The wild goose plucked its feathers and the land they passed was barren. A few coconuts were soon knocked down by Li Fusheng and his colleagues. After drinking coconut juice and eating the coconut paste inside, they felt their energy slowly. Start a new round of exploration of the magnetic island.

The magnetic island covers an area of no small size, with dozens of square kilometers. In the middle of the island is a depression, where a fresh water pool is formed at the lowest point, where many small plankton are fed. There are no large carnivores on the island, but some seabirds can be seen occasionally coming to the small pool to drink water.

The terrain of the small pool seems to be lower than the sea level, but the surrounding terrain is much higher than the sea level, so this kind of natural landscape phenomenon of mountains and lakes is created.

There is a dense forest in the area between the coastline and the small pool. There are many small animals in the dense forest. Occasionally, you can hear the screams of small animals. On both sides of the dense forest are low shrubs, and between the low shrubs are dense forests. This is the vegetation coverage of Cici Island. Li Fusheng and his colleagues pass the zone between the dense forests and low shrubs. Walking there, they can see the dense forests and observe some things happening in the low shrubs. After all, there may be some danger between such low shrubs, so careful observation of such low shrubs is not guaranteed.

Since getting off the boat, Li Fusheng has started his perspective skills. With little by little deepening, Li Fusheng found that under the magnetic island, there are many good things, such as sunken ships, and some drifting wooden boxes, all covered by the magnetic island. Several wooden boxes also have a lot of gold coins, and the gold coins emit more or less dazzling light. After all, there are too many, If all these things were given to Li Fusheng, he would not have to travel around all his life.

But how to transport so many treasures is the key, and the most important thing is how to turn these treasures into his legal property.

If all of these wealth are taken out, the market will collapse. Sometimes, people have to bear making money and never finish it. Therefore, some things should be taken into consideration. They should not only increase their value, but also build good relationships to ensure that their social circle is growing.

A circle of people soon left. Some things on the island are recorded by them in mind. They might as well dig diamonds on the other side of the island if they were depressed about what they found.

"Brother Sheng, it seems that there is nothing worth exploring after we have spared a circle. Do we give up this land and not waste time and life here?" Zhang Hua said

"Some things you don't really want to see, maybe they are more incredible than you think," said Zhang Hua.

"Brother Sheng means there may be treasures under the ground.". Zhou Yun seems to have guessed something before he said

"The underground treasure, if it is indeed an underground treasure, do we have to celebrate this time“

Li Fusheng said, "To celebrate, we need to think about how we can transport these treasures and how we can launder them, which is the key point.

"Xi Bai, I'm not good at this. I'd better find Hua Zi. He has a wide way to go," Lao Mo suddenly replied.

"It doesn't matter if you are small, but I'm afraid I have difficulties if the wealth exceeds a certain amount." Zhang Hua expressed his concern. After all, Li Fusheng said that he would wash away the wealth, so the value of these wealth must be an astronomical figure. If you hit the existing market, you will make the market higher or worse. When the time comes, people will kill them even if they have the ability.

"Nana, do you have any way to transport the wealth here?" Li Fusheng communicated privately

"You can put it in my bag first. If you trust me,"

"I can't trust anything, so I don't give you much time."

"Then tell me about the wealth here. I'm ready to make room"

"Let me tell you something, as far as I know, the wealth in this island is not only twice as much as that in your warehouse, but even three times as much."

"With so much wealth, how do you know there is so much wealth here? It seems that you have opened a pair of perspective eyes. It seems that the desire of advanced creatures has not been given up, but now time does not allow. If time allows, nothing will happen.

"Can you give away your belongings?"

"Brother Sheng, are you thinking about my things?"

"Pure curiosity is the expression of nothing"

"Curiosity kills the cat. You'd better not be so curious. After all, many things are not known by everyone, and some secrets cannot be told to others casually."

"Then you can seize the time to start working. I will tell you where there is something, and then you can quickly load everything here that can be loaded."

"Okay, tell me, do I need to take a book to record?"

"Whatever, as long as you can remember this position."

"I haven't eaten seafood for a long time. Shall we have seafood later?"

"It's a good idea to eat seafood. I agree. It's OK."

"I agree with you, too." I unknowingly began to prepare meals. After dinner, they began to dig treasures according to Li Fusheng's requirements.