Chapter 10 Suture

Ebony, who always dislikes words in front of Chen Ye, unexpectedly said, "Yes."

Chen Ye thought he had heard wrong. After all, in his world view, the resurrection of the dead is incredible.

Although there was only one word, Chen Ye still stared incredulously, "Ebony, can people still revive after death?"

Ebony nodded, but didn't explain too much. Bai Yi on one side was not happy. She came forward and her eyes were watery.

"Master, I am the one who can revive the dead! Don't listen to Xiao Hei, she just likes to ask for credit!"

Ebony turned his head to one side. If Chen Ye was not there, the two women would probably have another quarrel.

"What is the cost of the resurrection of the dead?" Chen Ye's face is solemn, and the words of the two women completely subvert Chen Ye's world view.

Bai Yi looked at Gong Baimei for a while, "I will sew her wound with thread. The higher the level of cultivation, the less confident I will be able to save her life."

It seems that the two women are not fooling themselves. Chen Ye thinks for a moment and then says, "Then please Bai Yi. After everything is done, just mention what you need."


Bai Yi licked her lips. She looked at Chen Ye expectantly. It was a matter of course before that she helped the owner, but now she has something to repay. This made her think of many passages in the novel, such as commitment, talents and beauties, and fox female scholars.

Seeing that the direction of things was a little wrong, Ebony was full of vigilance and even prepared to stretch out his hand to pinch Bai Yi's waist, but this time Bai Yi dodged him cleverly.

Seeing Bai Yi who was too excited, Chen Ye's eyelids jumped, as if he had said something extraordinary.

"Well, as long as it's not a strange request."

"Ah (falling tone)~"

The light in Bai Yi's eyes darkened in an instant, and she pursed, "Master, according to what you said, you still have the final right to explain."

Chen Ye coughed and was about to add something, but Bai Yi said with a smile: "But master, I will still help you. Hee hee, helping master is what I need most!"

"Hum." Ebony murmured. This guy has become more and more clever since he read a strange novel.

"What are you looking at, smelly little black, you have been supporting the master, do you want to take advantage of the master again?" Bai Yi glared back to Ebony.

Ebony was thin skinned. After holding up Chen Ye with a red face, he flashed aside. Bai Yi, with a proud face, hummed a tune and went to Gong Baimei's side.

Under the moon, the breeze is beautiful, which has a unique charm when viewed from a distance.

Under Chen Ye's gaze, Bai Yi's right hand grasped in vain, and a silver thread as thin as hair was pinched by her in front of her middle finger and thumb.

After Bai Yi examined the wound on Gong Baimei's neck, his right hand was quickly stitched up, and even Chen Ye's eyesight could barely catch the shadow.

Within three breaths, Gong Baimei's snow-white neck was intact as before, that is, at the end of the sewing, Chen Ye heard Gong Baimei's heartbeat.

"Master, if you don't praise Bai Yi again, I will be sad." Bai Yi looks back at the dejected Chen Ye.

Chen Ye smiled and said, "Bai Yi, your craftsmanship is the only one in the world."

"Slightly, my master, your skills have not changed at all."

Chen Ye sighed in his heart. Why did he feel that the maid became more and more daring after she woke up?

Gong Baimei woke up in less than a moment. She opened her eyes and cried, "Daddy!"

"Cough, Miss Gong, don't try to take advantage of me!"

Hearing the familiar voice, Gong Baimei was stunned, and then saw Chen Ye standing in front of her with a bad smile.

At this time, she did not quarrel with Chen Ye. Instead, she touched her neck. After finding that there was no wound, she asked, "Am I not dead?"

"It's just an illusion. You have suffered a little injury and have been cured by my maid." Chen Ye said with a pale face and a stony heart.

Minor injuries? Gong Baimei's eyes flashed a sense of confusion. The feeling of falling into death was so real that she had never been seriously injured before, which made her firmly believe that she had died just now.

But looking at Chen Ye, who was frank, Gong Baimei burst into tears and held him forward.

"Chen Ye, thank you for saving me."

"Ha ha, it's a small thing."

As in the tavern, Gong Baimei felt two murderous glances again. She released Chen Ye, "Chen Ye, I will never call you bald again."

Chen Ye's mouth twitched slightly. "It's so good."

Gong Baimei bowed deeply to Bai Yi and Ebony again, "Thank you for your help."

After being cured by ebony, Gong Baimei can see the two maids beside Chen Ye, and her own perception ability is much stronger. Such a wonderful feeling makes Gong Baimei firmly believe that Chen Ye is not simple, but also worth relying on.

So Gong Baimei took off her armor in front of Chen Ye,

Chen Ye never saw this scene before. After looking at it again, he quickly closed his eyes, "Miss Gong, what do you mean?"

"Xiao Hei, don't stop me, I want to make this stinking woman into a pill!"

"I will."

Ebony white Yi is also full of murderous feelings. If Chen Ye had not been in front of him, he would have rushed forward.

Rao Shi, Gong Baimei, was very tough. She blushed at the scene, "What are you thinking? I still have clothes on inside!"

Chen Ye opened his eyes just now. In fact, he just took a look and engraved Gong Baimei's appearance into his mind like a camera. The reason why he closed his eyes was just pretending. Cough, I can't help but have good eyesight and memory.

"What are you doing?"

Gong Baimei, who was only wearing gauze, pointed to the armor and said, "This is the black iron that has brought our Gong family to this point. Chen Ye, I will give it to you today."

oh Is this the original flavor in the legend?

At the beginning, Chen Ye saw Gong Baimei's extraordinary armor, but he didn't mention the so-called black iron. Unexpectedly, Gong Baimei took the initiative to present the black iron tonight. It seems that she is ready to report her thigh.

On second thought, my thigh is not very hard. Not long ago, Gong Baimei died.

"Ebony, find a dress for Miss Gong."

Already ready to move, Ebony put a large and thick robe on Gong Baimei, and then wrapped the clothes tightly for her. When she tied the elastic rope around her waist, Gong Baimei felt a bit strangled, and couldn't help but gasp. When heard by Ebony, she stared again.