Chapter 96 Warm

  • Holy sun burns the sky
  • Moking
  • 2218 characters
  • 2015-02-08 23:35:11

Day and night passed.

At first, the hail was only the size of a grain of rice, and then it grew bigger and bigger. Some of them were the size of a man's fist and fell on the ground, forming pits.

"Lan Er!" Evil Lord called softly, and the emaciated woman smiled weakly, and she reached out to touch his face. The white spots on the thin arm disappeared completely.

When Shi Lei patted the storage bag, a jade slip floated out, the light spot on the fingertip of his right hand danced, and a paragraph of text appeared in the jade slip.

"There are four prescriptions in total. Change one every month. Remember to go step by step. Don't get the wrong order. After that, ask the doctor to write some

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