Chapter 249 Mermaid of Jinhai Nationality

  • Holy sun burns the sky
  • Moking
  • 3107 words
  • 2015-05-21 11:25:59

Shi Lei could not resist, so he had to fight hard.

"Chi Chi!"

He plucked out the burning god to cry, and waved it in the middle of the sea of death.

It's a totally different feeling. It's full of sword moves. At the beginning, the hand weighs a thousand kilograms, as if it can't dance at all.

As Shi Lei masters the change of water potential, the sword moves with the water, and adjusts the sword style. The resistance force is much smaller at once.


The sword qi stirred by the burning god's sobs, carrying the huge current whirlpool, ran towards the big sorcerer golden shark.

At the same time, the current whirlpool brings Shilei's

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