Chapter 57 Treating Diseases by Chatting, which is called Teletherapy

On the lookout tower, Wang Jiang's right foot was still stuck in front of him, and his left foot had just been lifted half way up, but he did not know whether to lift it all or not.

Why doesn't she play cards according to the routine?

The atmosphere is set off here. This is the moment when two generals holding black and white chess talk to each other, show their grand plans and ambitions, and share each other's desires and aspirations in a place where no one can reach.

They can shake hands and make peace because their ideas are consistent, and they can fight each other because their positions are opposite, but only——

Only can't start with the words "I can't drink".

But unexpectedly, Wang Jiang's hesitation did not last long. He chuckled, as if he had forgiven the girl's offence.

"It's your freedom to act like a madman, but now that the time is approaching 12 o'clock, don't you worry that I will detonate the death guards hidden in the Tokyo Metropolis?"

There is no emotion in his hoarse voice. He is a giant holding power and a king sitting on the throne. He will not show his weakness because of this despicable means.

On the other hand, it seems that the girl doesn't expect her own words to shake the enemy, so she raises her hand and shrugs.

"I don't care."

The girl answered immediately.

This too quick response made Wang Jiang pause for a while, and he thought with interest.

Li Xiang Fujimaru, he has read a lot of information about girls, but it is the first time for him to have a positive conversation like this, and his first impression is——

I'm so confused with this woman. What's on her mind?

At this time, the rain was still falling, and under the dark clouds, the Tokyo Tower turned into a golden cone pointing straight into the sky, as if a burning sword was about to cut through the sky. The girl turned her back to the burning flame and said.

"There is no heaven or place, neither touching the earth nor approaching the sky. The dialogue here is a secret that neither man nor God can hear."

"I have to say that it's very romantic, very emotional and very forceful." The girl praised, but she raised her arm and pointed directly at General Wang, making a scene of death. The head teacher of the junior high school students questioned the study committee members, and the video game anchor directed the entry-level students.

"But I must ask you a question. What does this operation reveal? If you can't answer it, I can only give you zero."


Gongqing's mask is so funny that his head is crooked. It's not cute, just artificial, and it's simply disgusting. Wang Jiang began to think about the madness of the girl. He found that the girl's words seemed to have a magical charm, which made people involuntarily begin to study their meaning.

However, the more he thinks, the more inconclusive he is.

Does it imply that you are too arrogant and put the battlefield in such a place?

Is it an allegation that he is too arrogant to fight with the elites of the eight snake qi families one-on-one?


"I'm saying that you are too ill and always want to make a big scene." The girl replied with a sincere face.

Silence, another silence.

Wang Jiang put his official mask straight. His heart was shocked, unwilling, and a little ashamed, but he didn't know where to start, let alone whether he should take up the issue.

He is the king who commands all ghosts. His biggest weapon is nothing else. It is his wisdom that transcends ordinary people, his heart that is calmer than the ice of Siberia, and his words and leadership that incite and play with people's hearts.

However, he did not know how to communicate with girls for a while.

This is different from the girl in the report, the girl he saw in his eyes. He is aggressive and open, and runs for others' footwall and the purpose of making people speechless.


How many people did the woman named Teng Maru Lixiang capture and play with with her mouth to have such a sense of oppression?

In Wang Jiang's increasingly curious sight, the girl spoke calmly again.

"This is a simple truth. Ninety nine percent of genius crimes in the world originate from the criminals' emptiness and emptiness in their hearts."

"They, you, think you have rare talent but can't develop, think you are superior and want to show off, show off and show yourself."

"A genius who is not recognized by others is not a genius. A genius who is not expected by all is meaningless. Almost all talented criminals want to be caught when they commit crimes."

"Why did you choose the highest building in Tokyo? Is it really because it is sufficiently secretive? Or do you think it is enough to show your ability, status and height of wildness here?"

"Let me guess what you are thinking."

The girl talked as if there were endless words in her mouth. Wang Jiang thought about interrupting, trying to get back the city and let the atmosphere return to his own control, but he forcibly resisted. It seemed that he was really looking forward to the girl's analysis of himself, which was so absurd that he laughed. Wang Jiang had never had this kind of leisure elegance for any mixed race.

At the same time, Li Xiang Fujimaru pointed to his temple and tapped the tip of his index finger.

"The most basic element of the battle is to think from the perspective of others. If I am the leader of the Haunted Ghosts, what is the significance of my placing the occasion of dialogue on the special lookout of the Tokyo Tower?"

"It will naturally associate with the characteristics of this place, [unable to leave] and [no one can eavesdrop], the former corresponds to the possibility that you will fight with me here. Once you pull out the knife, in this enclosed space with only one elevator, the power supply is cut off by you, and we must separate ourselves."

"But I soon ruled that out."

The girl said quietly on her beautiful face.

"If the goal is simply to defeat Lixiang Fujimaru, there are too many means."

"With your penetration into the eight snake qi families, you can definitely help in this battle. In this case, I can't confirm the explosives in the tower. No matter what method is used to block the exit, Miss Sakura and I will become trapped in a cage."

"Next, when I get to this special observation tower, if you really just want to knock me down by fighting, what you need to do is force Fengjian Glaze to obey your order and come to this floor to clip me."

"Or, when Miss Sakura and I were on the way on the outer ladder, we had countless opportunities to start."

Li Xiang Fujimaru, casually said.

"I have considered all the above possibilities and made preparations, but you haven't done so, which means that your purpose is not to have a 1v1battle or just group fight with me."

"Then the remaining possibilities are left. You want to talk with me."

"This may have two meanings."

"First, you can't wait to tell your thoughts to others, to those who you feel are qualified to listen to your plans and wild prospects. You have a strong desire to show off. This is a disease that needs treatment."

"Second, inviting the enemy general to show off in this case means that you seem to have absolute confidence. Even if I shoot you here, I can't kill you, or you think I won't shoot you at all."

"The above two points, no matter which party to prove, need us to complete through dialogue. That is to say -"

The girl paused.

"Detonating death attendants in Tokyo was a bait that attracted us from the very beginning, and you were absolutely confident at the beginning that you could persuade me to identify with you, understand you, and yearn for your thoughts?"

"Are you planning to compete with me in the speech therapy contest?....."

"Puff and cough."

The girl suddenly made a strange sound, like a twisted sound that had tried to hold a smile but failed. It was long and twisted. Wang Jiang looked at the girl quietly. He was wearing a Gongqing mask and had been smiling meaningfully all the time. But under that smile, Wang Jiang's expression was unknown.

He just waited for the girl to finally stop laughing, then looked up at him and said so.


"If I want to chat, I will not refuse anyone. But because I am in a hurry and my friends are still waiting for me, so -"


Lixiang Fujimaru put his hands together for eleven beats and suddenly laughed. It was a smile without any sign, like a flower, a tree, a pile of snow. It was gorgeous, charming, and charming.

"If I win too fast, don't be angry~"