Chapter 60 Say to Love: Da Ba!

Looking at the things connected with grass in his hand, Bi Xuan felt as if he was going back to his youth again

I can't hold my breath!

Throw away the garbage in his hand, he stares at Ye Kong, and his murderous spirit rises. He has decided to give the kid who dares to play with him to Nen!

The great master, especially the great master in the world of high martial arts, has a very strange force: things that can be solved with genuine qi are not necessary. You have to do it yourself!

Looking at Bi Xuan who rushed at him, Ye Kong was too empty to be afraid!

Do you think there is something wrong with this sentence?


Ye Kong is not afraid because he has a way to escape at any time, but this does not prevent him from being guilty... Because no matter how powerful the Kai Tian Three Moves are, they may not be able to solve the great master... It's not that the sword moves are bad, but that he is too good!

In the middle of the attack, Bi Xuan felt the crisis. He finally knew why Shi Zhixuan had turned back when he was on the street, but it didn't matter. This sense of crisis was not fatal, so Bi Xuan didn't turn back, but continued to attack Ye Kong. With his speed and distance, only three breaths were needed

Fuck me!

When he was about to win, the sense of crisis reached a fatal level in an instant. Bi Xuan did not even think about it. He turned sideways and dodged. However, his hiding was the same as that of not hiding. A burst of sword qi still rubbed him, but even if it was rubbed, it was enough to make Bi Xuan's eyes black and his blood gushed out uncontrollably.

In fact, not only he but also all the people standing on the same line with him saw the gate of the underworld at that moment

Those with strength and cleverness dodged in advance, and some people directly lay on the ground. But one by one, they were wiped by the sword qi. Those with strong strength still left their breath, while those with weak strength simply disappeared.

Ning Dodge, Song Que and Fu Cailin were all saved by Shi Zhixuan, because when Bi Xuan rushed to Ye Kong, the evil king knew that it was bad, so he hurried to one side. Ning Dodge and others didn't know why, but they followed him to escape. So these high achievers will be fine except for their pale faces.

But Song Que was different. He didn't look at Ye Kong, but at Shi Zhixuan, because he realized that it was not the evil king who was diversifying, but was frightened back

Everyone stopped. When they saw Bi Xuan standing up again, they vomited a few more mouthfuls of blood. But when they looked at Ye Kong again, they found no one there?

What's going on? Is this a way to die together?

Just when Ning Dodge and others were wondering whether to fight Bi Xuan again, Ye Kong ran back with the grass leaves in his clothes, and then looked at the people who stopped: "Are you still fighting? The War God Temple is coming out, do you want to go in?"

Although he left three points of strength, Ye Kong was still shocked by his sword moves. When he landed, he rolled several times. But when he got up, he saw an additional top on the ground, emitting a kind of desolate ancient air. Needless to say, this is the Temple of War God that everyone in the Tang Wulin is looking for.

So he ran back and told everyone the news

Ye Kong is not soft hearted. He can't see the death of these people, but he feels the crisis in the Temple of God of War. It's a pity that these people died here. How about letting them explore the way? At least, they can step on the mechanism?

Sure enough, after hearing the news of the birth of the Temple of God of War, these people were in no mood to fight, and rushed in the direction of Ye Kong's fingers

Why is Bi Xuan strong?

It is not because he entered the Temple of God of War and learned the Yanyang Divine Skill from the Temple of God of War. No one will think that his talent is poor, and only that his chance has not arrived, and this Temple of War is their chance!

Of course, not everyone went. For example, Bi Xuan did not go. He looked at the group of people and smiled quietly. But when his eyes turned and looked at the grass covered leaves, his eyes involuntarily shrank

This boy is smiling at himself!

He still has a face to smile?

"Return my Agushhuaya, and forget it this time!"

Ye Kong shook his head, his eyes were wide open, and he put his hand in his ear and said, "What are you talking about? I can't hear!"

In a shameless manner, Bi Xuan vomited blood again. He pointed Ye Kong with his hands, and then said, "OK, boy, I remember you. My Agushhuaya will be put at your place first, and will come back to you after recovering from the injury."

In the face of the great master's threat, Ye Kong can't play dumb anymore. He first kept silent for a while, and then looked at Bi Xuan and said, "Why don't I give you a show? How about the big change? I promise that if you change away, you won't come back..."

Before he finished speaking, he smelled a fragrance, looked up, and was stunned: "Why don't you two go in?"

It was none other than Wan Wan and Shi Xuan's concubine who came. Wan Wan took his right hand and smiled, "Didn't you agree to go to the War God Temple with me?"

Concubine Shi Xuan is still reserved. She holds Ye Kong's coat and says, "If you change, you will never change back, will you?"

Ye Kong's face was straight: "What nonsense? How can you not come back?"

Ye Kong suddenly became serious. He looked at Wan Wan and said, "You haven't reached the 18th floor of the Demon Skill, can't you break your body?"

Her eyes darkened

Ye Kong looked at Shi Xuan's concubine again and said, "You haven't reached the heart of the sword yet, so it's not suitable to talk about love, is it?"

Concubine Shi Xuan nodded

Ye Kong sighed: "What's the meaning of my staying like you? Let me go..."

Ye Kong is a normal person who has lived for two generations. In his eighteen year old body, he is a forty year old soul, a Platonic love?


He's not the twin dragons. Those big stupid forks, okay?

Wanwan also knew his own situation and sighed: "You don't want to go to the War God Temple to have a look? It's not hard to realize a peerless martial arts with your ability, young master?"

Not that it is not difficult, but that it is not!

Ye Kong also talked to Lao Shu about this matter. The way to strengthen difficult businessmen is not in martial arts, but in fairy science. The six turn golden pill is extremely powerful. Now his body can't bear it. Only slowly increase the strength of his body can stimulate the drug again and again.

If you practice martial arts, it will take at least 200 years to fully stimulate the medicinal properties, but he may die on the way to the next transaction... or die of old age before the medicinal properties are fully stimulated

So martial arts is unnecessary. It's too slow!

What I have to do is to practice the three opening moves. If I can't beat them, I will run

These...... He won't say it, because Wanwan can't understand it.

"Young Master..." Wan Wan's eyes moistened: "Can you wait for Wan Wan for several years? After Wan Wan has trained the Devil Cure, can you repair it with him?"

Concubine Shi Xuan did not speak, but she tightened her hand at the corner of her clothes.

"Da baa!"

Ye Kong refused mercilessly!

Now he can't afford it in this world, but when he can afford it, his beauty will grow old, and he is still in his prime. The lack of long-term love will only hurt his heart in vain.

Originally, I wanted to go to the Temple of God of War for a walk, but now... Ye Kong smiled at the three of them and said, "Ladies and gentlemen, I have been out for a long time, and I am homesick. See you later."

After saying that, he disappeared directly

Wan Wan gritted his teeth and flew towards the Temple of War God. Concubine Shi Xuan was very polite and saluted Bi Xuan before leaving.

On the other hand, Bi Xuan sighed, a little melancholy on his face: the weapon he had accompanied himself for so many years would be gone if he said no...... Who is that shameless boy?