Chapter 60 Carrying Snow to the Field

After entering the feeding room courtyard, Wang Manyin chatted with familiar people, while Orchid and several aunts gathered together.

The two villages are not far away from each other. They can also meet each other when working in communes for meetings. Less than a month after her marriage, Orchid recognized most of the women in Guanzi Village.

As soon as Wang Manyin sat down, he was called by Wang Gui.

"Man Yin, you've come at the right time. Tell us whether what these educated youth in the city say is true or not. There is a kind of fish in the sea that can grow more than ten zhang long. Killing one can let us can eat for half a month... Why do I sound like a fool?"

"That's why there is such a big fish. I used to eat fish when I worked in the former West County. The largest fish is only three feet long." Wang Shouchang also wrote disbelief on his face.

At least he has eaten fish, and many people in Jar Village have not even seen it.

"Yes, they are talking about whales, which can grow to more than ten feet at most, and weigh more than 100 tons, that is, more than 200000 jin."

Now people have a single way to get information, not to mention the creatures in the coastal zone, even though some things in the original West County have never been heard of.

Wang Manyin comes from later generations. Naturally, he knows what kind of creature the educated youth say fish is, and he has even seen it in the aquarium.

"Is it really so big? The two production teams in our Canzi Village collected less than 200000 jin of grain last year. If we catch one, it will be enough for us to eat for a whole year."

"Can the sea hold such a big fish?"

"Why don't people catch whales?"

Wang Manyin's answer immediately caused quite a stir.

From their experience, it is impossible to imagine how big such whales are.

"Yes, whales are treasures all over the body, and many countries will catch and kill them to eat meat. In addition, they can also be refined into whale oil for lighting, or into lubricating oil... The ambergris, as the ancient Chinese said, is also the secretion of whales!"

To prove what he said was true, Wang Manyin found a branch and drew a rough picture of a whale on the snow.

In the same sentence, he was careful when he was gossiping, and what he said was the knowledge that had already existed in books in this era.

Wang Manyin would not say anything that might cause trouble.

"If only we had been born at the seaside. I bathe every day..."

"Bathing is nothing. We should catch whales every day. We don't need to farm."

"That is, I don't have to worry about watering crops every day..."

After listening to the story, many members began to use their imagination again.

"Uncle Shou, there is no way to irrigate the ground with sea water, it is salt water," Liu Xiangyang, an educated youth, could not help correcting.

"Yes, the salt we eat is boiled from sea water, and many production teams along the coast earn jobs by drying salt." Wang Manyin added.


After chatting for a while, he turned to several educated youth and asked them, "You didn't go home for the Spring Festival?"

"If you want to return, the commune will not allow you."

Mention this matter, all educated youth face with depression. They are teenagers. For the first time, they are so far away from home. Naturally, they want to go home for a visit during the Spring Festival.

Unfortunately, their request for leave was not approved at all, and was denied in the commune.

At this time, tables and benches have been placed in front of the breeding room. Two angry horse lanterns were also hung on the two wooden poles nearby.

When people were almost there, Zhao Jianhai and others sat down on the stage.

Wang Yanqiang commanded the militiamen to bring several people with their heads down to the meeting place. Then someone complained and shouted slogans.

After a set of procedures, Zhao Jianhai officially spoke, "According to the spirit of the XX meeting, we should take XX as the key link, never forget XX, and remember XX..."

Wang Manyin didn't know how to describe it: Zhao Jianhai always made these opening remarks. Don't mention that Wang Shouchang can recite. He can recite fluently even after listening for a long time.

"In order to show the achievements of 'XXX' and the high enthusiasm of our members in Guanzi Village, we should actively respond to the call of the commune and have a 'XX Spring Festival'. What is the specific embodiment, that is, tomorrow is not the Spring Festival, and then half day work!"

"I discussed with Mandun Zhishu and several production leaders about the specific work to be done. We will 'transport snow to the fields' tomorrow, which is to mobilize the members of the community to transport the snow under the cliff to the fields, so that every drop of water will not be wasted and contribute to our food production and harvest."

Hearing this, Wang Manyin was completely silent.

On the first day of the New Year, we will not be idle. We will transport snow to the fields.

When the snow didn't melt a few days ago, I had already done something.

It is estimated that at this moment, many commune members are cursing in their hearts. But no one dared to say anything, and they listened honestly.

When Wang Manyin arrived home after the meeting, he lay on the warm adobe bed with orchids in his arms.

Unconsciously, it has been three or four months since I came to take this world with me.

From the initial confusion, to now has been fully adapted.

He married his mother-in-law and aunt again, and really had a family.

Some impressions and memories of later generations also began to become blurred.

Although it is only a few months, it seems to have been separated for a long time.

This made Wang Manyin panic.

The reason why he firmly believes that he will develop well in the future is that in addition to having space, he carries precious memories of later generations.

We can seize several opportunities at certain key points of time to realize wealth freedom.

But as he merged with the world, he was afraid that his memory would be completely forgotten.

Wang Manyin plans to find an opportunity to write down all the great events in the future and put them into the space.

The place can only be entered by one person, and it is absolutely safe and reliable.

Feeling that the man could not sleep over and over, orchid immediately leaned over and asked: "Full of silver, what's wrong?"

"It's OK. I'm thinking about our future. It feels like a dream. Now there are my orchids..." Holding my mother-in-law and aunt, Wang Manyin's hands soon became irregular.

After marriage, the orchid's figure becomes more and more plump, just like a treasure waiting to be explored.

"Full of silver, the New Year's Eve..." The woman snorted.

"Hmm... It's just to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new," Wang Manyin said.

In the middle of the night, there was a crackling sound of firecrackers in the village.

Hearing the news, the broken children in the village climbed up from the kang one after another and ran all over the village to pick up the guns.

This is also one of the few fun for children to celebrate the Spring Festival.

Some broken children are brave. They often rush to pick up the firecrackers just after they are lit, and many of them are killed.

But most of them are real, and they can only cry a few times. Fortunately, these days they are all earthen guns, which are not very powerful.

Wang Manyin's family was no exception. He wanted to be lazy, but he was pushed up by orchids early.

Offering incense, setting off firecrackers and offering tribute to gods... Strictly speaking, this is not allowed, but many people do it secretly.

In any case, no one comes to check most of the night, as long as the things are collected before dawn.

In this case, the village also turned a blind eye. Thousands of years of customs are not easy to change.

On the first day of the New Year, breakfast was still very simple, and we finished with some dumplings.

After eating, the village loudspeaker sounded and called for everyone to assemble immediately.

On the tableland at the head of the village, colorful flags are flying, and everyone is working hard.

However, after Zhao Jianhai left, many members became addicted to cigarettes again. Three or five people got together and squatted on the ridge of the field to continue talking.

Now even many male educated youth have learned to smoke. However, they are not interested in dry tobacco bags. They are all boxed cigarettes bought from consignment stores.

Wang Manyin was also allowed one... He didn't intend to smoke. But now I don't smoke, and I'm in the minority.

It seems that a box of cigarettes should also be put in the pocket when working in the future.

It was not until noon that the two production teams finished work one after another.

Go back to your home and have your meals.