Chapter 12 Liu Liu Is Saved

Chapter 9

Most of the audience subconsciously showed their disgust when they saw the group of five sided beasts, while the woman in front of the camera was calm, neither flustered nor busy, watching them go to the cactus.

[What is this? Five sided beasts do great harm to cacti. They eat countless seeds and dead cacti every year]

[Look at that five sided beast still standing on the head of the boss and pulling Baba!]

[Ah ah ah! You are not clean, boss]

[Silence, is the anchor going to do this? If you don't stop the cactus, they will peck through. They are very bad.]


The people on the bomb screen have become furious. You should know how valuable a strong and clever plant is to StarCraft. It's a bit dark for the anchor to let those bad guys bully the seedlings.

Here Yu Susu is still just sitting on the chair in the courtyard watching the "farce"

"Five sided beasts feed on nectar. Generally, they do not peck the epidermis of plants. If they peck the plants, it is because the plants have insects inside, and they occasionally help catch insects."

Because of people's one-sided understanding of the pentagon, people will subconsciously feel that it is doing bad things when they see it. This is true of all human beings. If a label is placed on a person, that is the landmark.

Yu Susu doesn't like this practice of partial coverage.

Really? Then why do they attack humans

[I also think they are not as bad as the introduction. Do you think they have a good relationship with cacti now? They are the most popular warcraft for magical plants.]

[There is no basis to explain that they are helping cacti, and which of these cacti bloomed?]

[I agree with you upstairs. These crafty things often turn around and cheat me out of a high priced plant seed!]


Yu Susu doesn't care about the controversy of the bullet screen. She looks at the five sided animals that have stopped in the middle of the sky after a busy day. She hands them the prepared water. The water bags are very cheap, and it doesn't need many star coins to buy five or six. Yu Susu won't be distressed by the water bags that are sent once.

Yu Susu pointed at the back of the five sided beast and said, "You, you just didn't work hard, and you need to deduct your salary. There are others beside you. You have been stabbed in the wings, and I will bear the medical expenses of work-related injuries. There are leaders, and you haven't supervised them in the first place...."

Yu Susu's lecture made the audience dumbfounded. "What kind of ghost is this?" flashed through their heads

[I'm wrong, I'm wrong, I'm going to work now! Don't deduct my salary]

[Yes, I am. Damn it. I came here to plant. Why do I seem to see the livestock themselves]

[At this moment, I inexplicably sympathize with the Five way Beasts. Everyone is a social animal. Why is it too urgent to get involved?]

[The anchor is good at turning back customers, so the five beasts dare not raise the price, and they will not be dissatisfied if there is a penalty and a reward!]

[High is really high!]


In the bullet screen, a lot of people who seem to get it suddenly are staring at Yu Susu through the screen

And we are being praised by Yu Da Congming Susu who is now taking the medicine to scratch the five sided beast. If she looked at the bullet screen at the moment, she would say: She didn't! She used to lead a team to study plant growth experiments in Yamashun Forest, and often needed to observe the situation of nearby or team members.

It can only be said that this is a habit.

Standing at a place where the camera could not take a picture, Yu was the only one who opened his brain to praise those who said that his sister was smart.


After the live broadcast, Yu Susu did not quit Guangnao, but looked at Xu Sancai's news and said that one of his friends also wanted to buy a Tianxinghua seedling and wanted to come to see it.

Yu Susu thought for a while and agreed, but nothing happened recently. These stars still need to be sold, but it is not very good to find the owner's family. It is very common to buy and sell plants, and Mozhi has his own ideas about the owner's choice.

I hope there will be more buyers so that she can confirm the data.

The next morning, Yu Susu met the man who wanted to buy flowers. He had golden hedgehog hair, was tall, had obvious muscles, and was strong enough to wear clothes

While she was observing the man, the Taoist priest was also looking at the girl who was not able to reach his chest at present. Is this the talented planter who was praised by Xu Xiaosan?

It doesn't look so powerful, soft and weak. Can you really raise magic plants?

The two men looked at each other without saying anything, and Xu Sancai had to come out to introduce them. Yu Susu took people to the shed, and the only one was still watering inside. The kumquat planted before was almost ready to sprout.

When the three men came to the warehouse, Daoxuan saw a green bud sprouting on the ground next to a boy. After his watering can poured, a green bud would sprout. They all saw the magic scene.

Yu Susu expected the time of germination, but unexpectedly, she had already taken out her brain to record the scene.

Yu Dui didn't notice the scene behind him at all. After he poured water all the way, he looked back and saw that all the evil plants behind him had broken through the ground. With their cool faces and petulant expressions, they were lovely to the people present.

"Only one, it's great. You are so popular, and flowers bloom!" Yu Susu took his hand and said

Yu Dui listened to his sister's teasing, and the corners of his mouth closed, but the slightly raised corners of his mouth showed that he was very happy.

Xu Sancai and Daoxuan quickly stopped looking at each other in surprise after they reacted. The relationship between the two brothers and sisters was really warm.

"Boss, is this a new magic plant?"

Xu Sancai took the lead in asking, his eyes shining at the seedling.

"Jinju was bought by accident before." Yu Susu didn't say how to buy it

Xu Sancai didn't care about Su Su's worries. After hearing about Jinju, he subconsciously looked at his friend who was obviously tense.

Yu Sussu and Yu Youyi also noticed his difference, but they were not familiar with him, so they couldn't talk much.

After a while, the tense atmosphere in the air disappeared, and Daoxuan looked at Yu Susu. He slowly said, "Do you... know where the man who sells... kumquats is?"

Yu Susu recognized his eagerness, but

"I don't believe you. You have to tell me what to do with him." She is so blind that she can't take someone who may cause harm to him.

"Woman, mind your own business!" Taoist Xuan's face turned pale. He was ferocious, but he didn't act.

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Xu Sancai stopped him and said, "Well, Ah Xuan, can't you stop your temper? Let me tell you, in fact, Ah Xuan is from the Golden City, and the Kumquat sold to you may be his housekeeper. He is a one eyed man."

By the way, Yu Susu and Yu Yiyi looked at each other and said these words in their hearts.