Chapter 52 Drug Discovery

Xia Yuan felt that he had to be careful. He turned around, stepped on the box, climbed up, and opened the box he had just opened. This is a box of cotton socks. The thick end of the cotton socks also protruded fluff, which seemed very warm.

"Grandma, cotton socks and boots, we must find a way to get some out!"

The camp in front of him was just a golden mountain and silver mountain, which made him greedy. But there was a golden mountain and silver mountain in front of him, but he could not mine it. It hurt!

Xia Yuan sits down on the box and takes off his old boots and wet socks. First, he takes out a pair of socks from the box to wipe his feet and dry them. Then he takes out two pairs of clean socks and puts them on his feet and puts on boots. The originally cold feet become warm. Xia Yuan shows a satisfied smile on his face and receives the rest of the things in the box, And changed the position of the box.

"When I come back, I will go out tonight anyway!"

Xia Yuan stealthily felt out the tent, went to the tent next door, and pried open the box as he did.

Cotton padded clothes are stacked neatly in the box.

"Good thing! Why there is no space for such things as rings? Grandma, I'm greedy!"

The things in these two camps make Xia Yuanlong greedy. He grabs a set of cotton padded clothes and touches them again. These are good things for volunteer soldiers!

He also saw that there were still two kinds of boxes in the tent. He stepped on the box that had just been opened, climbed up to the height, and pried open the box inside. What was inside was actually a duck feather sleeping bag. Looking around, the boxes with materials piled up into a hill. Roughly, there were two or three hundred boxes. There are not only two camps here, but more than 20 camps for storing materials. It is impossible to estimate the amount of these materials. From this point of view, the logistics support of the US military is as solid as a city wall.

"Smith has set up supply stations along the way, and there is definitely more than one such material point."

Xia Yuan is very keen on these things, but he has no ability to transport them away. However, if he can transport a military tent, it will be a great help to the whole volunteer army.

After looking at the time, it was already 30 in the morning. I can't delay any longer.

"We need to act quickly. First, we need to find a car!"

Xia Yuan didn't go to the place where he supplied gasoline for trucks to look for vehicles. Although there were many trucks there, they didn't have car keys, which were taken away by truck drivers. If he goes there, he still needs to look for car keys.

He remembered that when he first came in, he saw the American army loading and unloading goods at the airport. There were cars there. Xia Yuan decided to get one from there.

"I hope it's too late!"

Xia Yuan looked at the camp quietly, determined that it was safe, and then moved quickly to the south.

To the south is the airport, where he found the American army loading and unloading materials. To the north is the place where trucks are fed with fuel, and the center of Xiajieyu is the artillery position. In the west is the U.S. military camp, and in the east is the U.S. military supplies. After nearly two and a half hours of exploration, he recorded the composition of the entire U.S. military in Xiajieyu.

"Go get a car first, and then go to the east to pull supplies!"

Xia Yuan hid himself in the dark and moved quickly towards the airport in the south.

The airport in Xiajieyu is very simple, it is a spacious open land. I have to say that Smith still has his vision. The airport in Xiajieyu has reversed the plight of the First Marine Division, taken a large number of wounded, and directly let the First Marine Division unload a heavy burden.

At the moment, the airport has not been completely established. The US military has only cleared a piece of vacant land, and there is still a large area of vacant land that has not been cleared. According to the time, the airport in Xiajieyuli is likely to be established before the arrival of the general offensive of the volunteer army.

Xia Yuan groped here and observed carefully. The airport was brightly lit, and several trucks were transporting goods. At this time, the American soldiers who were responsible for loading and unloading materials had been stranded. Several trucks were empty, and it was estimated that their material transportation was nearing the end.

There are American transport planes parked in the airport, and many materials are transported to Xiajieyu by air.

These materials are the vanguard troops to be delivered to Liutanli, and also the main force of the First Marine Division in Liutanli.

Xia Yuan watched carefully. His eyes stopped on trucks more than 100 meters away. Seven or eight trucks formed a truck convoy. A group of soldiers finished loading and unloading the last supplies, waved to the truck driver, and the convoy slowly started. The last supplies were obviously few, three or four of which were empty.

The truck has come. Xia Yuan quickly hides on the side of the road that the truck must pass. With the help of the moonlight disguise, he waits quietly. His eyes stop on the American troops in the distance. After loading and unloading materials, the American troops walk loosely toward the camp, and many people are breathing.

Good opportunity! MD! Done!

Xia Yuan gritted his teeth and planned to come here tonight to do something and withdraw. But when he saw the American army's supplies, he really didn't want to let them go. In particular, the enemy's artillery positions, it would be better to do one vote tonight. If they succeed, they will become successful. If they fail, they will hide and won't be found.

He has plenty of ways to hide.

When the American soldiers left, there were only seven or eight vehicles left, which created opportunities for him.

When the truck passed his hiding place, Xia Yuan quickly lay on the ground, raised his eyes and stared at the truck in front of him. When the last truck passed by his eyes, Xia Yuan got off quickly and walked vigorously, breaking out his strongest speed ever.

Grab the edge of the truck with both hands, slightly exert force, directly drive your whole body, leave the ground with both feet, hook the back carriage of the truck with one foot, and turn it over with force.

Lying on the ground, Xia Yuan took a deep breath, reached out and touched his abdomen, showing his teeth.

"The wound is torn again, let it go!"

Now the opportunity has come. Xia Yuan can't manage his own injuries and is full of how to get the enemy's supplies.

The last few cars were loaded with goods. The empty car went ahead without goods, and the car with goods went at the end. The car was not full of goods. When the car was loaded, the goods were gone.

Xia Yuan calmed down, lay on the ground and looked around. He quickly determined that there was no sentry tower around. His eyes fell on the goods of the small car, took out the bayonet, opened a box, and stared.

Reach out and grab the things inside and look carefully.

TNND! It's a bottle of medicine!

Open the other boxes as you did, and the goods in front of you are all medicines!

First aid cotton, hemostatic bandages, disposable syringes, pain killers, anti-inflammatory drugs and other drugs.


Xia Yuan's eyes shine, all good things, all good things! Regardless, even if you blow up the camp, you have to transport it out at the risk of your life! I have to transport a car!

After being excited, Xia Yuan calmed down, grabbed the medicine and observed, "pain relievers, anti-inflammatory drugs."

He still knows the English words of painkillers, but he recognized the anti-inflammatory drugs when he met the health workers of the Sixth Company earlier. Xia Yuan paid special attention to them and remembered these English words. Even if he doesn't know other drugs, it is not necessary to say that they are probably related to drugs for dealing with gunshot wounds, colds and fever.

Xia Yuan carefully opened a bottle of pain medicine, threw one into his mouth, put it back in the box, and closed the lid.

These medicines will make a noise when they are put on him. Xia Yuan is excited, but he is still very calm when he is excited. He quickly thinks about the previous countermeasures. He planned to get some clothes, weapons and ammunition before retreating. The appearance of the medicine makes him have a more crazy idea.

"Then do it boldly!"

Xia Yuan took a deep breath and carefully looked out to see his position. Suddenly, he turned back. At a fork in the road ahead, several empty cars separated from the last three cars with medicine.

The car with medicine was moving towards the east where the US military supplies had been observed before, while the empty car was moving towards the north.