Chapter 44 44. Two Dreams

Chen Jia and Ling Jing were not far from the provincial capital. They returned to the provincial university at noon that day.

Ling Jingjing wants to go back to clean up, while Chen Jia is waiting for Huang Wenda's return in the dormitory.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the dusty Huang Wenda appeared in Chen Jia's sight.

"Ah Da, you have grown a lot since the winter vacation," said Chen Jia.

Huang Wenda smiled and said, "I was so tall in junior high school, and I have stopped growing for many years."

Chen Jia said disapprovingly, "What's the matter? Have you written the two programs? If you don't write them for me, I will beat you back to your height in primary school."

Huang Wenda put down his luggage, took out his computer, and showed it to Chen Jia. He said, "The writing is finished, but in addition to optimization and perfection, we still need to rent a server, which can be used normally in a month and a half at most."

I have been waiting for so long, but it is not bad for these dozens of days. Moreover, Chen Jia also needs to find the right company address, register the company, form a team, and find the anchor to be determined in advance, which takes time. Chen Jia patted Huang Wenda on the shoulder and said with satisfaction, "Don't bother. You can do whatever you want. If you want money, just tell me."

"Brother Chen is magnificent." Hearing this, Huang Wenda was completely relieved.

That night, Chen Jia was dragged out by Yang Zhan and other cattle who had just returned to school to fight for three hundred rounds. Of course, it was on the wine table.

The wine was very enjoyable, but to Chen Jiapo's disappointment, he didn't see Jane Wei in that small barbecue bar. After a winter vacation, I don't know if Jane Wei has become more beautiful than before.

The young body has an advantage in digesting alcohol. The next day, Chen Jia woke up early and went running on the football field. Jane has not become beautiful. Chen Jia has no way to know for the time being, but Pan Xiaomei is really more beautiful than before.

After learning that Chen Jia and Ling quietly talked about their boyfriend and girlfriend, Pan Xiaomei, who was disheartened, seldom sent Chen Jiafa a message, even during the whole winter vacation. Pan Xiaomei only sent a message to Chen Jiafa on the night of New Year's Eve, but it was still sent in groups, that is, to wish Chen Jiafa a happy New Year.

On New Year's Eve, Chen Jia, who spent the whole night with Ling Jingjing, returned the message to Pan Xiaomei the next day.

When the two high school students met again on the football field, Pan Xiaomei and Chen Jia simply greeted each other and passed by.

Pan Xiaomei doesn't have the feeling that she was worried about gain and loss. She saw in the badminton club that Ling Jingjing practiced so hard that a person who could not hold the racket steadily at the beginning could play with her again and again after only half a semester. This really hit Pan Xiaomei a lot. You know, Pan Xiaomei has been playing badminton since childhood. Pan Xiaomei has to admit that Ling Jingjing is really an excellent girl.

Sometimes the saying of talent is true, such as Chen Jia in high school. As long as he wants to work hard, it is never too late. In Pan Xiaomei's eyes, perhaps only girls like Ling Jingjing are qualified to stay with Chen Jia.

Of course, the word "talent" cannot deny Ling Jingjing's efforts. Pan Xiaomei knew that Ling Jingjing would go to the badminton court as soon as she had time, more than anyone else.

Pan Xiaomei doesn't know what she can do better than Ling Jingjing except her academic performance. So Pan Xiaomei had to accept the reality. She felt that she would also talk about love in the future, and she would also meet a person she loved and loved her very much. But that person is definitely not Chen Jia.

In Chen Jia's mind, even if Pan Xiaomei becomes more beautiful, it has nothing to do with him. Pan Xiaomei is not his favorite type. From beginning to end, he has never had a little crush on Pan Xiaomei.

After running, Chen Jia went back to her bedroom to take a bath, changed her clothes, and made a fussy hairstyle. This was called Huang Wenda, and she walked to the classroom with a little anxiety.

Standing at the door of the classroom, Chen Jia glanced around, but did not see the figure of Jane Wei, so he had to sit down with Huang Wenda casually.

At first, Chen Jia thought that Jane Wei was just late, but he didn't expect that the figure he wanted to appear at the door of the classroom until the formal class.

When the class instructor came in, he first wished the students a happy New Year and hoped that they would make further progress in the new year. Then I summarized the learning work of the last semester, and let the students speak enthusiastically, striving to jointly create a better class atmosphere this semester.

The students in the class were really enthusiastic, but Chen Jialing didn't listen to a word.

After class, Chen Jia directly found the class instructor and asked about Jane Wei.

Chen Jia's thoughts on Jane Wei have been clear to the instructor since last semester. He and Chen Jia walked on the school road and truthfully explained what they knew to Chen Jia, "Jane Wei's classmates have some difficulties at home, but the tuition is paid annually, and you give her a scholarship, so it's reasonable for her not to report. But I haven't heard from her or her family about asking for leave. Anyway, I couldn't get through to her mobile phone number, and she didn't leave a home phone. "

Looking at Chen Jia, who was a little worried, the class instructor comforted him: "Maybe Jane Wei has something to do temporarily. We can't tell what the situation is now. Let's wait two days to see what the situation is."

Chen Jia nodded after hearing this, and now he can only do so. He really has no better way.

Chen Jia spent two days in anxiety and uneasiness. Until the third day, he still did not see Jane Wei, nor did he get any information about Jane Wei from the class guide. Finally, he couldn't bear it anymore and asked the instructor for leave directly.

In the same province, Haishi is not far from the provincial capital, only about 500 kilometers away. Even if there is a short section of highway that is difficult to walk, if you drive yourself, you can reach it in half a day.

Haishi, which is close to the sea, is a real tourist city. Every summer, tourists from all over the country come here to play. Because of the huge flow of people, residents of Haishi do not have to worry about their livelihood as long as they can do a little business.

However, the overall GDP of Haicheng City ranks very low in the province for many reasons. First, Haishi, which focuses on tourism, attaches great importance to environmental protection, which leads to the inability of many heavy industries to develop in Haishi, and even some light industries to survive in the cracks. Secondly, almost all tourists go to Haishi with perfect tourism facilities, and the towns around Haishi are hard to get the favor of tourists. The relatively backward towns cannot contribute to the economic development of Haishi, and even many counties and towns are seriously dragging the back legs of Haishi.

A small fishing village under the jurisdiction of a county seat in Haishi.

The small fishing village is the name of the village. The name of the village is a bit of an idyllic place, but the real situation is not like this. The small fishing village is located in the remote suburb in the north of Haishi. Although it is also close to the sea, it is rare to find people. The muddy roads that have not been repaired are enough to persuade most outsiders who want to travel here. When it rains, it is difficult to walk here even by motorcycle.

The isolated small fishing village is very peaceful. The synonym of peace is poverty and backwardness. The children who grew up in the small fishing village had to carry their schoolbags to the town 3 kilometers away to go to primary school and junior high school. In high school, you have to go to more distant counties.

The older generation in the village can't even speak Mandarin, and many children in the village wish to go out of this remote village to live and struggle in a larger city.

Jane Wei, who has lived with her mother since childhood, has been to few places. In addition to the village, she has only been to the town where the school is located for six years in primary school and three years in junior high school. She has been in the county town for three years in senior high school. After college, she was going to Haishi to take the bullet train. It was her first time to Haishi. She passed many places and saw many landscapes by the bullet train. Only then did she know how big the world was.

Jane Wei's first semester in college was not very beautiful. She had to study during the day and work at night to make a living. Not only that, but also she had to face the cold eyes of her roommates when she dragged herself back to the dormitory after work. Except for a boy, she didn't even have a good friend.

But Jianwei was very satisfied. Although she was alone most of the time, for Jianwei, everything that happened in the university, even the smallest thing, was fresher than the monotonous life in the small fishing village day after day. No matter happy or happy, Jane Wei cherishes every minute and every second of her college life in the provincial capital, because she knows that God may someday take back her share of the life that is easily available in the eyes of others.

When she was young, Jane Wei heard from her mother that there were more than a dozen people who went out fishing with her father in the same boat, but in the end, her father was the only one who never came back.

At that time, Jane Wei felt that fate was unfair to their mother and daughter.

Even now, Jane Wei still feels that fate has not cared for her.

Near the beginning of school, Jane Wei was very happy. She wanted to go back to the campus and enjoy the struggling youth wantonly. But her mother suddenly fell ill, which forced Jane Wei, who had been dependent on her mother since childhood, to stay and take care of her mother.

In some ways, Jane is greedy. Since she was young, she has one more dream than other children. She has always had two dreams. One is to go out of the small fishing village. The other is to make mother live better. Now, it seems that she can't realize any of her wishes.

Casual pants, short T-shirt, white shirt, canvas shoes, cap. It seems that Jane Wei will always be dressed like this, which is so simple that it makes people feel distressed. As usual, Jianwei came to the dock in the evening, and the fishing boats that went fishing returned to the port with the day's harvest. The fishermen carried the day's catch off the boat, while the women on the dock rushed up to classify the species and size of those catches. Some women hold tools to process seafood.

After following her mother for so long, Jane Wei would do these jobs when she was young, but she hated doing them.

As a child, she was not as clean as she is now. Every time after her mother sorted these fish, she would have a strong smell of fish. The children in the town always dislike her and isolate her. Later, when she went to junior high school, Jane Wei knew something. After being fed up with the gossip, Jane Wei would wash her body carefully every time she came home, again and again, until the fishy smell on her body was washed away. Sadly, Jane Wei's actions did not improve her position in the class, because there was only one primary school and one junior high school in the town. Even in junior high school, the class was full of people she had known since childhood.

In the end, the situation became better when she was in high school. But at that time, Jane Wei was used to loneliness, and she was not good at communication. She was still not favored by her classmates.

If there is no accident, she will follow her mother's wishes and marry a man in a small fishing village. This sorting job will be with her all her life. Anyone who knows early that the job he hates will be with him all his life will be in a bad mood.

When Jane Wei was immersed in her work, a woman on the side gently touched her and motioned to her to look behind her. The woman said in fluent dialect: "Xiaowei, look at that blue car, it looks very expensive. You have been in a big city, do you know how much that car is worth?"

When Jianwei turned to look, she always felt that she had seen the car somewhere, but she couldn't remember it for a moment, so she could only answer, "I don't know, but I guess it's very expensive."