Chapter 147 Life is Gathering, Gathering and Scattering

In a twinkling of an eye.

Winter comes quietly in November.

Under the towering green trees are withered leaves, and dense thorns, wild flowers and weeds are covered with a layer of white things.

"Hua Hua Hua~"

A waterfall as high as 100 meters fell from the cliff and hit the rock on the bank. The sound of "flopping" water flow covers the cold winter.

If you look closer, you will find a figure below.

In the sunlight, Lorenz is sitting under the waterfall to practice.

The cold water splashed against Lorenz.

Lorenz, who closed his eyes in meditation, secretly opened one eye and looked at the boulder not far away. No, people under the boulder, to be exact!

"Lin Lei... Is he all right?" Renault said uncertainly.

"Fool, Lin Lei has just been lovelorn. How can he be all right?" Yale cursed.

George touched his chin: "But... it's too calm. He has been squatting under the boulder for nearly ten hours?"

"The third brother in the grass is expensive" looks at Lin Lei anxiously not far away!

"Is this the way to go, Lin Lei?" Lorenz closed his eyes again and thought, "But it's also good, at least he won't set foot on the road of revenge."


Suddenly, Lin Lei moved.

He took a flat knife in his hand and carved on the huge stone.

Lin Lei, who is dancing with his youth, thinks of everything with Alice, from the initial strangeness → the youth of communication → the passionate love for you and me → the conflict of quarrel → the breakup of heartache.

There are five people carved on the huge stone. The human shaped stone carving on the far left is so tender and weak that it makes people pity.

The second human shaped stone carving is so lovely and lively that it is so exciting.

The third human shaped stone carving is like a girl blushing in front of herself.

The five people in the stone carving have independent verve.

Renault, George and Yale stared at the stone carving. They were completely shocked by the stone carving. In their eyes, the five figures in the stone carving seemed to have souls——

Lin Lei gazes at the stone carving, but he feels like a dream. These five beautiful figures are memories in a dream, and now he wakes up.

"Tick tock~" The wet Lawrence stood up and walked to Lin Lei: "Lin Lei."

Lin Lei looks at Lorenz, a childhood sweetheart who used to be mischievous, weak and sickly (just revived, weak), and becomes more and more calm.

Lawrence smiled: "I thought it would be at least a year before you reached this point."

Lin Lei is stunned.

"Feel the changes in your body carefully!"

Lin Lei frowns slightly.

I immediately felt the overwhelming spiritual power, which is much stronger than in the past. If Lin Lei's spiritual power was just a small tree ten days ago, now Lin Lei's spiritual power is a flourishing towering tree.

"How can it increase so much?" Lin Leixin was shocked.

The "three brothers in the grass are expensive" also came forward quietly.

Lorenz smiled and said, "Congratulations on your 'enlightenment'. Let your mental power go directly from the beginning to the level of level six magician to the level of level seven magician."

Lin Lei also felt a little unbelievable.

Too much has been added.

"You don't have to believe Lin Lei. You should know that it is very rare for the soul to completely match with nature," Lawrence said.

Lin Lei nods and admits.

If that state is easy to enter, I'm afraid 'divine works' are not rare.

At this time, a rare heavy snow fell in the Kingdom of Finlay, spreading snow like goose feathers.

The sky and earth are white, and there is a layer of snow on the ground of the whole back hill.

"It's snowing. It's time to wake up. Lin Lei!" Lorenz raised his head and reached out to catch the snowflakes.

"Yes! 'The dream should wake up'!" Lin Lei also looked up at Xue and said.

The three brothers, Gui Yale, George and Renault, who were watching the play, came over with some food. "Lin Lei, you... you are seven?" Renault said in a trembling voice.

Lin Lei smiled but said nothing.

George slapped Renault on the head and said, "Fool, Lin Lei hasn't eaten for three days

"Right, right! Lin Lei, eat quickly." Renault kept nodding.

Lin Lei stood still in front of the huge stone for a day, and it took another two days and two nights to carve, which was almost three days ago.

If it were some ordinary people, they would die if they didn't drink water for three days. But even the ordinary level four or five magicians don't eat or drink every day for more than ten days. It is estimated that they are weak, pale and weak.

At the same time, because Lin Lei has entered that special state, when he is fully compatible with nature, the elements of the earth system and the wind system constantly pour into his body to supplement energy consumption, and constantly improve Lin Lei's physique.

"Well, I'm really hungry," Lin Lei said with a smile.

"Let's go, I'll cook today!" Laurence put his arm around Lin Lei and beckoned the third brother Gui to go to the tent not far away.

George opened two iron boxes with food prepared in advance. "Come on, cushion your stomach first."

"How can you eat without drinking? I'll send someone to get it right away." Yale laughed and told the attendants nearby.

Lin Lei felt warm when he saw his good brother busy.

"Thank you, we have been good brothers all our lives," Lin Lei said firmly in his heart.

"Come on, have some first," George said enthusiastically.


So, several people were eating and drinking on the vast snow. They laughed and laughed with each other, and the shadow rat 'Beibei' also ate and drank excitedly beside them. Even Father Delin showed his voice, but only Lin Lei could hear him.

After eating.

Lin Lei got up and stood up. "Yale, please save this stone carving for me. I decided to go to the Mountain of Warcraft again and have a good trial for a period of time."

Yale, George and Renault were stunned. And Lorenz drank the wine and smiled!

"Lin Lei, why do you want to go to the Mountain of Warcraft?" Yale was worried. George and Renault were also worried.

In their opinion, Lin Lei has just experienced a shock. He hasn't eaten or drunk for a few days. His mood has just improved a bit. He is going to the most ferocious place in the whole Yulan Continent, "WoW Mountain", which has to worry the three of them at Yale.

Lin Lei said with a smile, "Well, don't worry about it. I'm very rational now. If I haven't gone out of the shadow, I will destroy this stone carving."

Turn your head and look at the stone carving "Dream Awake".

Looking at this stone carving, Lin Lei seems to see his own life in the past year. Now Lin Lei's heart is more peaceful than ever before.

"That's just a memory, just a setback in life. Because of Alice, my pace of cultivation has slowed down," Lin Lei looked at Lorenz, smiled at the three Yale people, and took up his own package. "Now, I can't delay any longer. I won't go back to the college and start directly."

"But..." The three tried to dissuade them, but Laurence reached out and stopped them: "What reason do you have to stop a man's growth?"

The three men were silent: "..."



Lin Lei holds a package.

"There are all kinds of magic drugs, alchemy bombs, magic scrolls. Don't be too rigid. Good luck, Lin Lei!" Laurence drank the liquor and raised the bottle.

Lin Lei focused his eyes on the four Lorenz and smiled. "Of course, you don't need to say that! I really thank you, Yale, George and Renault. I'm glad to have brothers like you."

After saying that, Lin Lei carried the package and Beibei, and walked east on the snow.

Yale, Renault and George watched Lin Lei's figure get farther and farther, and finally disappeared into the snow colored world.

"Let's go, life always comes together and goes apart. My journey is about to start, three!" Laurence said meaningfully!

Lorenz took the wine bottle and walked unsteadily towards the west.

Stay, shake their heads from side to side and blink their eyes.
