Chapter 10 The Lost Third Brother (Seeking Collection, Seeking Sao Comments, Seeking Living People)


Dark clouds roll and thunder rumbles.

On the sky, the rain drizzled down. Wherever the rain comes, wash it. The sound of rain is louder and faster, and the rhythm is faster and faster. It swarms down like thousands of troops, as if to wash the land.

The crystal clear water curtains connect the sky and the earth.

At this time, a man was lying on the roadside. Wet hair sticks to your face like mop strips. The blue cat beside him shook the rain on his hair and cried, "Meow, meow."

He slowly opened his eyes, sat up and drooped his leg, hung his dead fish eyes and looked up at the sky: "Hmm, here is..." Zhou Yan looked at the familiar and strange environment around him. "... school?"

He lowered his head, clenched his fists, and shook his shoulders: "I... TM finally woke up!".

Zhou Yan shouted loudly: "Wuhu~bless this beautiful world!"

Suddenly Zhou Yan sneezed: "Ah Qiu, it's raining hard." He sniffed and wiped the rain off his face.

After wiping, Zhou Yan found his glasses missing: "Eh? Strange, where are my glasses flying? Hmm? - cats?" He saw the blue cats walking around beside him. Zhou Yan is a bit absent-minded, seems to be like Tom?

"Oh! What am I thinking? It's just a dream!" But soon Zhou Yan was amused by his own idea.

"Go to see the doctor tomorrow and ask if you want to wash your stomach. The illusion is getting worse and worse."

Just as he was about to get up, Zhou Yan was stunned when he saw the mobile phone beside him.

"Mamma Mia, this... this is my phone?" Looking at the broken screen, Zhou Yan's voice could not help shaking, picked it up carefully, and unlocked the fingerprint - power on!!!!!!!

Seen from the fragile screen.

June 15, 202x

20:00 p.m

One missed call and three missed messages.

Zhou Yan Point Open

[Brother Fu: Brother Yan, what are you doing?]

[Brother Fu: Is it raining outside?]

[President Wang: Will you return the number later?]

Zhou Yan replied:

[Take a walk before!]

[Now I need shampoo and shower gel to take a bath]

[No, in the bath φ (°▽ ° *).]

After sending the message, Zhou Yan looked down at the blue cat at his feet. He kept taking advantage of Zhou Yan's trouser legs. Zhou Yan smiled and said, "It seems that you like my appearance very much? Hmm... No cat card? It seems that you are a stray cat?"

"Maybe this is fate! In that case, I will adopt you first! Tom!" He picked up the cat and smiled at Tom.

Tom: "?" What is he talking about?

Time flashed back -- 19:55!

Two people landed safely!

Tom looked around doubtfully, "Where is this? How come it's so dark?"

Suddenly, Zhou Yan was lying on the ground. Tom went up to check, and found that Zhou Yan was getting bigger, or he was getting smaller. "Hmm? Boss, why are you getting bigger? Get up soon?"

Then, look at Zhou Yan's ghost howling operation?

Tom was relieved when he looked at it. "It's OK. Everything is normal."

As a result, Zhou Yan was confused with himself at first? Are you Tom again? Finally, a series of puzzling operations were carried out for adoption.

Tom felt that Yan Zhibu was ill again this week. I had to follow him first, so as not to die later.

But Zhou Yan, who is in a happy mood, doesn't know that he has become a neurotic again unconsciously.

"The rain is really big!" Zhou Yancai found that the world was so beautiful after being caught in the rain.

At the moment, Zhou Yan can calm down his inner joy when he "wakes up" only when he is bathed in the heavy rain.

Only then did Zhou Yan really understand.

People are so lonely in this world.

People will experience many things and people in their life. Maybe it's a friend, maybe it's a classmate, maybe it's a colleague, maybe it's a family member.

But you are the only one who can really finish the journey!

Zhou Yan grinned and said, "Allah, I'm dreaming again. I'm only twenty years old, and I haven't lived enough yet! It seems that I have to go back to take a bath." Looking at the wet clothes, Zhou Yan felt helpless.

"Meow~~" Tom's mouth goes down, I believe you are a ghost! As you play with your life, you don't seem to live enough?

One man and one cat running in the rain, running in a mess and happily!

"Dong Dong Dong"

"I'm back, open the door." A bit embarrassed Zhou Yan, holding Tom in one hand and knocking at the door in the other. How smart he was running in the rain before, how embarrassed he is now.

The wet bangs covered his eyes: "I really don't like rain."

"Coming." Fang Shao opened the door while tapping the keyboard. "Alas, lying in the trough~Brother Yan, did you take a bath? You are all wet, go to wash it quickly. Wait? This is...... Cat?" Fang looked at Tom in Zhou Yanhuai incredulously.

"Later, I'll take a bath first!" Zhou Yan wanted to go into the bathroom with Tom in his arms.

One person and one cat, start to wash.

Three people with a blank face.

Fang Shao looked at Brother Jin and Brother Fu and said, "Did he... bring a cat back?"

Brother Fu nodded blankly: "It seems that...?"

Jinge was also not very confident and looked back at Zhou Yan who was singing in the bathroom. "Should he be?"

Three people look at each other with less confidence!

You know, you can't keep pets in college dormitories. Except cockroaches and mice.

After washing, Zhou Yan blew Tom's hair.

The third brother also turned to look at Zhou Yan, waiting for his explanation.

"Cough, everyone, this is Tom!" Zhou Yan solemnly introduced Tom to his third brother.

Fang Shao covered his face with his hands and said, "My God? Do we want to hear this?"

Brother Jin shook his head regretfully: "It's over, it's over, it's over. Since Brother Yan ate that 'see green hands' last time, his mind is getting more and more beautiful day by day."

Brother Fu sighed, "Alas, let's call 120!"

Fang Shaohe and Brother Jin nodded, "It's OK!"

Tom also nodded: Meow!

Zhou Yan was not happy: "Hey, hey, what's wrong with my brain? Can I introduce Tom to you?"

Brother Fu shook his head: "He doesn't understand."

Brother Jin shook his head: "He really didn't understand."

Fang Shao shook his head and said, "No help."

Tom shook his head: "Meow" Indeed, he can't understand.

Zhou Yan was puzzled: "So... what is it?"

Brother Fu couldn't bear it: "Brother Yan, what we want to know is not what the cat is called, but why you brought it back. OK!"

"Oh, I picked it up." Zhou Yan suddenly.

Fang Shao clapped his hands excitedly and fled the topic: "Beautiful, I went to play games."

Brother Jin put on an inexpressible expression and applauded Zhou Yan: "Nice job, I'm going to see the variety show. Can you help me?"

Brother Fu shook his head in a drunken manner and ran away: "Of course, I will move down the stool."

"Huh?" Zhou Yan was left in a mess.

Tom went over, put the cat's paw on Zhou Yan's foot, shook his head and sighed, and left.

"So... what happened? Who will explain?"