Chapter 45 Retirement Benefits

"Yes, in order to ensure the continuity of the combat effectiveness of the team, each country has formulated special conditions, and retirement is allowed only when the conditions are met."

"Like what?"

"South Korea's requirements are relatively low, mainly because their country is not good. If the rules are too rigid or too high, their soldiers can be transferred to other countries, such as the United States. For example, our country has added a merit medal system. You can either get first class merit once or second class merit ten times, and then you can retire. After retirement, members will still be treated as battle heroes, and we will meet a wish within our ability. "

Yu Hongshi rolled his eyes funny and said, "So I can propose retirement now? Don't you always make things for me because of this? Are you so sure that I will propose retirement?"

Lao Wu was silent for a moment, then suddenly asked, "Will you propose retirement?"



The old Wuchang sighed and began to change his mind. "Look at our team now. If you retire, I will take a disabled person and a vegetable with me at the age of nearly 100 years, plus a minor. I'm so sad!"

Yu Hongshi was unmoved. "I heard that Yang Guo had not been out of the house for more than half a year, and that such a stable teammate could not be found with a lantern. Jiao Jiao, although a minor, was usually very lively, and would never lose her grip in battle."

Jiao Jiao looked sideways and was unexpectedly praised!

"As for the captain... At least the vegetable will not drag you back, just put it in any cabinet, and then pass it along after the end."

Old Wu's eyelids fluttered. "But I won't use Pandora's Box. If you withdraw, we will lose a trump card."

"I can teach you, or even draw you the weapon patterns that the magic box can change!"

"But now that you have two tails, you can't stay out of it, can you?"

"Is it against the law to keep a cat? As long as you provide free cat food, I can guarantee that he will not make trouble, which is already a contribution to the society. Well, it should be enough to get another first-class medal of merit!"

"But... but are you not afraid of the revenge of the dark shadow?" Old Wu was a little worried. Why didn't the boy get in?

Yu Hongshi was happy. "Retaliation? I'll borrow his courage. I guess I will run as far as I can when I hear the cat!"

Lao Wu felt his scalp buzzing and almost didn't drive the nanny car under the bridge.

There was silence in the car for ten minutes. Yu Hongshi just looked at the rear-view mirror. The expression in his eyes was obvious. If you didn't have enough reason, I would go back.

"Do you still remember Pengzi?"

Yu Hongshi's eyebrows were locked and his face was ugly. "Using dead people? It's a bit too much!"

The temperature in the nanny's car suddenly seems to be several degrees lower.

"The last thing Peng Zi did before he died was to protect this country!"

"Play moral kidnapping with me? Believe it or not, even if I do it alone, I won't be worse than you!" Yu Hongshi is also angry.

"I know that you are very strong, and your strength is also ahead of the leaders in all generations. But... we are not moral kidnappers, just... Please, at least you can wait for the appearance of the new leader, and finish the transition between the old and the new, so that we have a new hope!"

Yu Hongshi closed his eyes again, and the picture before Pengzi's death turned into a tide in his mind and began to hit him. He had said before that he didn't like sacrifice, even though he knew that there were always people in the world who would carry a heavy load, he still didn't want to see the sacrifice happening around him.

As time went by, Lao Wu drove his nanny car to the national highway. After half an hour

"Hurry up and don't be late for recording, or others will think we are playing big!"

"Oh, yes."


This should be Yu Hongshi's second visit to Mordor. The last time he came back with a large amount of pawnshop goods, this time he went straight to Mordor Haolong Hotel.

Haolong Hotel is a twin tower building in the shape of two cylinders. Its hotel focuses on luxury, which is very famous in the whole devil capital.

This time, the program is jointly organized by three TV stations, which is also rich and powerful. We rented the whole building AB of Haolong Hotel.

Guests' accommodation and program recording are completed in the hotel

"Live broadcast? This time there is a live broadcast? Aren't you afraid of the dark shadow jumping over the wall to work with me, and then exposed in the live broadcast?" Yu Hongshi watched the program planning in the nanny car.

Old Wu didn't turn back while driving. "It's not the whole broadcast. You can ask to leave with the photographer. At the same time, you can live in your own house in Mordor if you want."

"I don't have a house in Mordor." Yu Hongshi raised his eyebrows and felt that his suggestion was obvious.

Old Wu's voice hardly stopped. "We are ready. The 15th floor and the 400 square floor of the Bund Binjiang No.1 Courtyard have been decorated long ago. The house is under your name, and you can stay at any time. This is the key."

Yu Hongshi reached out and took the key from Lao Wu. The mansion is the mansion, and the keys are sparkling.

"What are you waiting for? Go to see what my family looks like first. Hmm, you can also bring my flowers and cats here."

Old Wu Le said, "Sure, I'll send someone to your house to bring cats and flowers. Anyway, there are still a few days to record. You can get familiar with the environment first."

Li Daxi, of course, is selfish. First, he wants to ease the relationship between us. Second, the base is near the sea of Mordor. Even if Yu Hongshi retires one day, he also lives in Mordor. He can help to invite Erwei to help. In the worst case, he can also let Erwei help suppress those who always want to open the door from the other side!

Of course, Lao Wu believes that Yu Hongshi is so smart that he can't think of this layer. It's just a tacit understanding.

"Why didn't Yangguo come with us? Community fear?"

Lao Wu was a little helpless. "He will come, but he will not join the team. It's a kind of peripheral support."

"Why? He looks down on the entertainment industry? He doesn't even want to touch it!" Yu Hongshi is funny. Yang Guo is so good-natured?

Lao Wu and Jiao Jiao looked at each other, but didn't mean to hide it. "Do you know how his arm was broken?"

"Let me guess... It can't be that he has a demon in his right arm, and then he pulls it up by himself!"

"Put away your fantasy of winning the second prize!" Old Wu let out an angry buzz. "At that time, Yangguo was an ordinary college student. When he crossed the road with his girlfriend, an oil tanker hit him. He pushed his girlfriend away, and he was hit and flew away, losing an arm."

"Well, what does it have to do with him not coming to the task?"

"He became disabled, and his girlfriend's family hated him because of this, so they forced the girl to break up with him."

Yu Hongshi suddenly said, "Don't tell me what kind of star that scum girl is. Just take part in this show! Then I have to give him a voice. Well, I think such a woman must be the target of the dark shadow. Let's deal with her first!"

Old Wu tutted twice, "Can you let me finish? That girl is also a tough girl. She really broke up with Yang Guo to meet the family requirements, but turned around and published in the newspaper to cut off the kinship relationship with her parents. Later, she went out alone to fight. Now she is a famous disciplinarian in the circle."

Yu Hongshi choked up and said, "It's the first time that my children broke off their relationship with their parents when they published in the newspaper. It's probably the first time that I heard that their reputation is bad. No matter what the reason, it's all unfilial and will be scolded by others. What's Yang Guo afraid of? Come back again!"

Old Wu sighed, "That girl's family also has some connections. He recycled the newspaper of that day. As for Yangguo... he only has second class merit once now. Maybe sometime... how dare he delay another girl?"