Chapter 15 Braised Fish in Brown Sauce

Lin Ke: Lingling, prepare ten more boxed meals for me at night! This box of meals is always a bit short of food.

Su Lingling: OK.

Su Lingling promised very freely. She always treats Lin Ke generously. She didn't collect any money for the extra.

After all, Lin Ke helped her take such a big order, and she had to give her a little commission.

So Su Lingling always gives Lin Ke twenty more boxed meals.

Although Su Lingling has only opened a shop for two days, the business of the shop is very good. When Su Lingling started cooking in the afternoon, there was a long queue outside the shop.

Su Lingling originally wanted to take the delivery route, but now she thinks the business in her store is good, and most importantly, the delivery may be wasteful.

Some people may eat several boxed meals alone. In this case, Su Lingling can only have a good comment.

Moreover, the packaged soup is not good, and it doesn't taste as good as the local food.

Most importantly, Su Lingling needs a lot of praise.

Su Lingling looked forward to what the next reward would be.

In order to get the most valuable praise, Su Lingling did not choose stir fried meat at night, but chose a new dish, braised fish, which is also a famous dish often eaten in fast food.

Wash grass carp and cut into small pieces, add wine, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, ginger, pepper and marinate to taste.

Then wrap the egg liquid in the pot,

To avoid frying fish in the pan, first heat the pan, wipe the pan with ginger slices, then put oil, and after the oil is heated, put fish pieces. The side with fish skin shall be downward, and the fish shall be fried on one side and then turned over to the other side.

When frying fish, use a low fire, so that it is not easy to fry fish in the pan.

Fry the marinated fish until golden on the outside, drain the oil, and the fish smell will overflow.

The reddish brown fish with jade like scallions, ruby like chili and fish soup, which Su Lingling called "the soul of braised fish in brown sauce", is a perfect match.

In such a scene, the line of diners will only look at it and smell it, and the greedy insects in their bellies will be picked out, and their drool will flow 3000 feet one by one.

The fragrance is overflowing. The fish fragrance is far away, more fragrant than the stir fried meat.

This dish is fresh. Su Lingling saw that there were too many people in the queue. When the dish was still hot and the taste was the best, she immediately began to sell it.

"The landlady, give me ten, and I will take them back to my wife and children to eat."

In fact, when a strong man in line saw that it was not easy to line up with him, even though he had not eaten Su Lingling's food, he just smelled the smell, and he felt that this must be very delicious.

"Big brother, I'm sorry! Everyone here can only buy one. I really have limited energy and can't do too much. You have seen the people waiting in the queue behind me. If you buy more, they will line up for nothing."

Su Lingling explained to the middle-aged man.

"Boss, I see a lot of boxed lunch delivered by you. In this way, I will give you 30 yuan each. You can sell me those boxed lunch delivered by you."

The middle-aged man said to Su Lingling with great pride.

"Big brother, I am a box lunch for my good friend. She helped me all the time when I was in the most difficult situation. This is the box lunch of her company staff. I only sell it to her, and I don't allow ordering takeaway. I can only come to the store to pack a box lunch. Big brother, the soup in the small store is limited in supply, first come, first served, and there is no chance to taste it.

Now you should hurry over to eat with your food. It's still too late. Otherwise, the soup will be beaten away by others. "

The middle-aged man wanted to say something when he heard the words, but he immediately grabbed the rice plate, paid for it, and went to grab soup.

This soup is fresh, and it hasn't been long since it came out.

With his fierce figure, he finally grabbed a bowl of soup and sat on the table.

Looking at the boxed lunch in hand, the delicious smell lingers around the nose, making people salivate. It is refreshing to smell its fragrance.

He immediately picked up a piece of fish and took a bite. This delicious moment made him cry.

The aftertaste is endless. What a "fragrant" word! This fish should only be found in the sky. It is rare to pay for it in the world!

This is too delicious! He had never eaten such delicious fish in his life, and the sour and hot cabbage and vinegar shredded potatoes were also very delicious. The twenty yuan was really worth it.

Another mouthful of vegetable soup is delicious.

"Wow! The fish is really fragrant outside and tender inside. The smell seems to have penetrated into every pore of my body."

"I have never eaten such delicious fish in my life."

"I didn't expect that the fish could be so delicious."

"It's so delicious."

"I can do three bowls of rice with this fish soup."

"The vegetable soup is also delicious! If I mix rice, I can also do three bowls of rice."


The praise in the store has never stopped. These people said while eating that many people actually don't know each other, but because they get together for dinner, they will also chat with each other.

In just one day, these people became familiar with each other.

After all, the queue is too long. Although people can play with their brains, they are living animals, and everyone lives near here. They are neighbors, so they naturally get together to talk.

The old couple and grandson who came to eat in the shop before also ate in the shop. The old man was in poor health, so he asked his grandson to queue up to cook. Then when it was their turn, they would send messages with their brains to inform them to come.

A simple boxed lunch made the three members of the family regain their hope for life and realize the beauty of life.

In order not to occupy their seats, they brought small benches and rice bowls, didn't occupy the tools in the shop, and cooked food. The three people sat out to eat together, cooked a large bowl of soup, and shared it with spoons.

Although such a meal is simple, it is also a big meal for them.

The basic living allowances of the elderly add up to enough expenses.

Sometimes, happiness does not need to be so good, simply, as long as there is family around, it is happiness.

Su Lingling was thankful that there were not many people around here. In addition, there were many people working at this time, and only a few hundred people came to eat.

Otherwise, she has no time to make lunch boxes in Linke Company.

Because there are so many people, Su Lingling has basically finished all the ingredients she prepared today, and the boxed lunch has been sold out early.

Su Lingling also decided to close down early.

Today is really a tiring day. Rao Shi's physique is also a little unbearable. This should be a high-intensity manual labor. So many box lunches, more than a thousand, are all made by Su Lingling alone. Su Lingling is very tired.

Su Lingling was wondering whether it would be good to hire a waiter to help with cooking and chores.

Su Lingling thought of this and couldn't help laughing. She had just come to the world the second day. She didn't even have a place to live, so she wanted to hire someone to be her boss.

Save more money first! No money, no sense of security.

Fortunately, Lin Ke's meals are paid at one meal. If they are paid monthly, Su Lingling will have to drink the wind.

Su Lingling sent the food here, and the financial staff there immediately paid the money, which was very fast.