Chapter 81 81, you are too happy

"It's the same to propose a toast, not to eat, but to punish, to beat you and take you back. The art of enduring the fog..."

After the leading man prepared to fight, he immediately used this silent assassination technique, but he didn't know that Yu Zhibo had already opened the kaleidoscope and started to steal again

The technique of fog concealment is used when fighting Kakashi no longer. It is a kind of ninja in heavy fog. The ninja is full of trace Chakra. Even if it is blown away by wind, it will soon gather again.

Because the fog is full of trace Chakra, the wheel eye can not distinguish the direction of the performer, which is equivalent to being cut off from vision, which is why Kakashi still chooses to defend with a three hook jade.

But if you change it to white eye, it is another matter. The property of white eye is similar to X-ray perspective, which directly makes the performer have nothing to hide.

"Well, the next step should not be silent killing?" Yu Zhibo smiled.

The Silent Killing Skill is a matching skill with the Fog Hidden Skill. It can make people move silently in the fog. Of course, it is useless when there is no fog, but it is a killer in the fog.

[Hum, do you think your eyes are white, hand, foot, head, which one do you want to cut first?]

The voice came from all directions. The leading ninja was obviously in a state of readiness to launch an attack, and several people who followed him also hid in the fog and began to launch an attack.


Several swords and Kuwufei flew to Yu Zhibo and Jun Malu, apparently they had no intention of letting the child go.

Ding ding ding!!

After several sounds of gold and iron, Yu Zhibo's pupils suddenly shrank after the sparks were splashed, because there were several pieces of bitterness with sparks inside. It was obvious that the dark part of Fog Hidden was not as poor as the wandering ninjas, and all of them were added with explosive symbols.

Yes, it's a cheap detonator. One hit is equivalent to a grenade. Ninjas attack high and defend low. Big Snake Pill accidentally hit one on the way to escape, and they were seriously injured immediately

However, Yu Zhibo can't defeat him. The dynamic vision of the kaleidoscope is very good. Although the dense fog is hard to see too far, it's OK to be a few meters away. At the moment of seeing the detonating symbol, he waved the sun wheel knife and used the breathing method.

"The breath of water, the twisting whirlpool flow of land."

Yu Zhibo subconsciously used the Six Directions to defend and attack. This move is an application skill that combines the foot power of the land type "Twist the Vortex" and the participation type "Flow Dance" to absorb the power of the other side into his own actions.

As a breath of water like a panacea, it is not difficult to deal with several detonators.

Just when he blocked the detonating charm, a big knife appeared silently and cut off Yu Zhibo's back. The knife was fast and accurate. Strangely, under the blessing of silent killing, it did not make a sound of breaking the air.

"Be careful..." Before Little Jun Malu could say the two words behind, Yu Zhibo was cut off by the broadsword.

"Ah --"

Jun Malu couldn't believe that the teacher he had just met died like this?

"Cut, I thought how strong it was, but I didn't expect......"


Before the words were finished, a knife pierced the heart of the decapitated Ninja from behind.

And Yu Zhibo, who was killed in front, is slowly turning into a burst of dirt

This was discovered by Yu Zhibo. Although Earth Fenshen spent a little more chakras than Shadow Fenshen, he was also more tolerant to beating. After all, it was earth.

"I have been thinking about a question. You can't see in the thick fog if you don't have bad eyes. With what confidence can you kill the enemy?" Yu Zhibo said.

As early as the other side used the Fog Hidden Skill, he had prepared the Earth Fenshen. Of course, if it was not for the purpose of stealing the division, he would have ended the fight by directly opening the beard within a minute.

As high as, they are all ants——

Of course, it's fake. Against what kind of enemies, you can drive as fast as you can. Lando is not so useful. You should know that the assistant is not an absolute defense, and there is a woman who can break through the assistant

The leader was surprised, and then his whole body became a part of water. Obviously, what he came to kill people was still not the body.

"It really surprised me. When did you use your local avatar?" A figure appeared again behind Yu Zhibo. The difference was that he was targeting children instead of adults this time.

The decapitation sabre cut at Junmali fiercely, and was bound to cut him in two. Junmali hesitated at this time, and the teacher told him not to use bones and veins.

At this time of hesitation, the knife has already cut his body. Of course, even at his age, even if he uses bones and veins, his strength cannot exceed that of Shangren, who is only a few years old

In terms of age, Naruto is only two or three years older than Naruto. Before reaching adulthood, Naruto will certainly not become stronger. Even Cha Tonla's Naruto began to grow rapidly in his youth.

Just when he was about to kill Junmali, Uzhibo came flying with a kaleidoscope.

"Chance, you've been taken --" The leading ninja never aimed at Jun Maliu, but only to lure Yu Zhibo to reveal his flaws.

"The first type of breath of thunder: the thunder flashed quickly." A thunder flash flew past, and Yu Zhibo's knife had deeply pierced the other's heart.

But the masked ninja who was stabbed in the heart was not surprised. Instead, he laughed ferociously, "hahaha, you have been cheated, and now -"

"Escape from water, the art of water dungeon -" × 4

Four ninjas lurking around suddenly appeared. A set of combined ninjas had been ready for a long time. They locked Yu Zhibo and Jun Malu directly in a big prison.

This huge water dungeon, of course, is much smaller than the water dungeon that can lock eight tails in Gui Shan's later period, but it is better than the combined ninja released by four people, which is reliable and stable.

Yu Zhibo frowned in the water, and the prison was full of strange Chakras, firmly sealing himself. Is that why the ninja could not release his ninja in the prison?

"Ha ha ha, it's not difficult to catch this guy. You can see that the four of us can do it." A hidden part of the fog with a fox mask laughed wildly.

"Don't be careless, he can fight with Big Snake Pill for a long time the night before yesterday." The leader came slowly, "for safety's sake, let me cut off his hands and feet, and then take them back......"

Then he raised the decapitation sabre ferociously——

"I said, are you happy too early?"

[PS, the author is puzzled that in the battle between Kakashi and not to kill again, the Shadow Fenshen can kill people with Chakra's illusions of suffering and sabre. If you can use Chakra's illusions of sabre as hard as the real one, why can't the Shadow Fenshen? Otherwise, the Shadow Fenshen will be given a piece of suffering after being transformed into the Shadow Fenshen?]