Chapter 56 Cunning Zhu Gaosui

No matter what dynasty it is, there is no shortage of eyes on the prince.

Therefore, it's hard not to know every move of Donggong.

Unless you deliberately hide it.

But the East Palace had no intention of concealing anything when it bought the women from the refugees outside the city.

As a result, the news spread quickly.

Those who know the truth know that others are rescuing refugees.

People who don't know what Donggong wants to do.

But some people do things deliberately, which leads to misunderstanding.

"Second brother, let me tell you something. You are absolutely interested."

Zhu Gaosui has been walking happily these days.

Zhu Gaoxu supervises the country, and his influence is also rising.

"Third, I'm busy. Let's fart!"

Zhu Gaoxu looked at all the memorials on the table, and his head was very big.

The joy of the prison state has gradually disappeared, but it is replaced by various troubles.

Of course, this is just the beginning after all, and he can bear it.

"Zhan Yong has opened a workshop near Zhengyangmen. It is said that every day women are sent in, and then they don't come out.

This workshop is under the name of cotton workshop, but no one knows what's going on inside. "

Zhu Gaosui clearly knew what information his second brother was most interested in.

Although the content of your information is vague, there are various possibilities behind it.

Sure enough, Zhu Gaoxu immediately put down his pen after hearing this and asked: "This is what Yong did himself? Is Donggong involved in it?"

Zhu Gaoxu is not interested in Zhu Zhanyong.

But when dealing with Zhu Gaochi, he will be very active.

"How old is Zhan Yong? No matter what he does, he can't get rid of the relationship with the East Palace. Besides, I heard that the women were bought by the female officials of the East Palace.

How could it be possible without your permission? "

Zhu Gaosui said this, and Zhu Gaoxu couldn't help nodding.

"Have you found out whether there are many women in that workshop?"

"Of course! Of the five hundred people, there are at least five hundred. There is definitely a big problem."

"Go, follow me to find Dad."

Zhu Gaoxu also stopped reviewing the memorial. At this time, it was obviously more important to complain to Zhu Di.

"Second brother, is it better to find an imperial historian to start this kind of thing than to do it ourselves? Otherwise, my father will be uncomfortable when he sees that we are complaining about the elder brother."

Zhu Gaosui obviously thought more.

And he came here prepared this time, "I have a suitable candidate for the imperial historian. If he knew this news, he would definitely come forward to impeach."

"Third, your style is a little different from that of you, or are you such a person?"

Inexplicably, zhu gaoxi looked at his younger brother a few times more.

He always thinks it seems strange today.

"Second brother, I am sad that you talk like this. In order to make you become the prince of the prison country smoothly, I will do everything to help you. What benefits can I get? It is not all for brotherhood!"

Zhu Gaosui looked at Zhu Gaoxu innocently and said righteous words.

"When did you collude with the imperial historian?"

"What kind of collusion? It's terrible! Wei Shigeng, you must have heard of his name. Do you think he is willing to collude with me?"

Hearing Zhu Gaosui say the name of Wei Shigeng, Zhu Gaoxu immediately became interested.

Although this guy is only a seventh rank imperial historian, he is really famous in the imperial court.

The most important thing is that he not only impeached Lv Zhen, the minister of the Ministry of Rites, but also impeached Xia Yuanji, the minister of the Ministry of Transfer, and even said that Zhu Gaochi was wrong.

It can be said that this guy has a strong head.

"Can you persuade him to help us?"

Zhu Gaoxu's eyes were full of excitement.

If Wei Shi directly impeached the Eastern Palace at the court meeting, the effect would be much better than if he went to Zhu Di to complain.

"This is very simple. We just need to unintentionally reveal the news to Wei Shiyue. With his' integrity ', he will definitely stand up to impeach. I heard that his little daughter was lost on the street in those days, and it's the last thing to hear about buying and selling women."

"If you don't buy or sell women, who will be his servant girl?"

"Second brother, don't mention that there are only a few old servants in Wei Shigeng's house, not even a servant girl. Besides, he can't afford to buy a servant girl even though he is poor and jingling."

Obviously, Zhu Gaosui went to learn about Wei Shigeng.

"Then you said that we would send a generous gift to him. Can we let him serve us?"

Zhu Gaoxu's former subordinates were basically generals in the army, and did not have much influence among the civil servants of the imperial court.

Especially in the procuratorate, he has no one of his own.

It would be very useful to buy an imperial historian, even if it was just the most ordinary seven rank imperial historian.

"No, no! Second brother, Wei Shi is famous for his honesty. The emperor thinks highly of him."

Zhu Gaosui quickly stopped Zhu Gaoxu's act of adding to the snake's feet.

"Oh? I still have officials who don't love money?"

Zhu Gaoxu felt that officials who do not love money are difficult to understand.

If you really don't love, it must be that you haven't given enough money.

"Second brother, I'll tell you a few small things. When Wei Shi became the official of the Imperial Court, according to the custom of our Ming officialdom, when new officials arrived and old friends were promoted, someone would always send some gifts to congratulate them. As long as the amount of these gifts was small, it was human nature, and the court would not investigate them.

However, Wei Shi returned the gifts from others one by one, including those from old friends. As for the public's cheapness, it doesn't take a penny. Once, the lumi sent by the Ministry of Household weighed two jin, so he had to calculate it and return it.

Such a person is seeking fame. Money is not what he wants. Giving gifts is self defeating. "

Zhu Gaosui's explanation made Zhu Gaoxu more interested. "In this way, Wei Shi is really a good candidate. Let him impeach the Eastern Palace. No matter whether he succeeds or fails, it will not hurt us. For Wei Shi, even the prince of the current dynasty dares to impeach, and his reputation will be more resounding."

When the Imperial Historian impeached himself, Zhu Gaosui felt that these Imperial Historians deserved to die. He wished he could kill them himself.

But if Zhu Gaochi is impeached by the Imperial Historian, he will feel that these Imperial Historians are really cute.

He has been accustomed to double standards since childhood, and doesn't think there is anything wrong with this idea.

"So... Second Brother, I will arrange this?"

"Go ahead! If I ascend to the throne in the future, I will make you king side by side!"

It's free to draw big cakes.

Zhu Gaoxu is already good at this.