Chapter 38 Wind and Cloud Rise

It doesn't rain much in winter in Nanjing.

But sometimes the next one, like those who have prostatitis,

After November, the weather became obviously cold.

"Zhanyong, you are not up yet. You will go outside the city to meet your majesty."

In the Eastern Palace, I was busy early in the morning.

Zhu Di is coming back today.

This is absolutely the biggest event in the world.

"Didn't it say that we would enter the city at noon? What's the hurry?"

Zhu Zhanyong is not a diligent person.

He never gets up early when he can sleep late.

This is especially true in winter when the weather is cold.

"Say it's noon, you must not go out ahead of time to wait? In case your majesty has arrived by then, and you have not yet arrived, you cannot be impeached?"

Although Zhang Yan has a strong voice in the East Palace, she obviously doesn't pay enough attention to Zhu Di.

She is smart and naturally doesn't want to make mistakes on such occasions.

"I'll get up after a little more sleep."

Zhu Zhanyong pulled up the quilt and directly covered his head.

"If you don't get up, I will lift the quilt."

"Mother, I don't like to wear clothes when I sleep. Don't lift it."

"Then you can't get up!"

Obviously, if Zhu Zhanyong doesn't get up today, Zhang Yan will not stop.

"All right, I admit defeat, get up now!"

Zhu Zhanyong was so helpless that he had to sit up.

Soon, Wang Fugui took two palace maids to help him change clothes.

Sleeping without clothes is a joke.

"It's said that your elder brother made great achievements in Mobei this time. The relationship between your two brothers has always been very good. Even if you want to see your elder brother earlier, you should get up actively."

Seeing Zhu Zhanyong's face was still a little unhappy, Zhang Yan could not help but continue to nag.

"The second uncle and the third uncle should have come back together with grandpa, right?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense?"

Hearing Zhu Zhanyong mention Zhu Gaoxu and Zhu Gaosui, Zhang Yan was inexplicably upset.

These two guys did many bad things to get Zhu Gaochi out of the crown prince's position.

But Zhu Di didn't know many things, or regarded them as unknown.

Zhu Gaochi, the benevolence and righteousness of being a big brother, doesn't care.

In the end, Zhang Yan is just like an outsider.

"Niang, in the year my grandfather went to war, my father didn't do anything behind his back, did he?"

Zhu Zhanyong thought that his two uncles would continue to struggle after they returned to Nanjing.

If there is something obvious in the East Palace that falls into the hands of others, then Dad's life will be difficult.

Everyone gets up earlier than a chicken every day, and everyone gets up later than a dog. They are so tired that they don't want to.

The result is still not recognized.

Thinking of this, Zhu Zhanyong felt distressed for his father.

"What are you talking about? Don't you know who your father is? What can he do? If he really wants to do something, I won't have to worry about it!"

Zhang Yan glared at her son angrily.

This guy has no good words in the early morning. It's really annoying.

However, Zhang Yan likes talking to her son now.

Unlike her youngest son Zhu Zhandang, who only knows how to read all day long, Zhang Yan does not like to stay with him although she is very popular with those great Confucians.

"I wish there were no small movements, but there are countless eyes staring at him."

In Zhu Zhanyong's opinion, as long as Dad doesn't make mistakes, he will be fine.

As for the merit, it is just icing on the cake.

Yes, nature is the best.

No, it doesn't matter.

"Just you!"

What Zhang Yan said sounded a little dissatisfied, but she was very happy inside.

My son has grown up now. He also knows how to care about things in the East Palace and his father.

Soon, Zhu Zhanyong and Zhang Yan finished breakfast together.

Then follow the bookworm's younger brother Zhu Zhangui and get ready to go out.

At the same time, near the Taipingmen, several strong men were hiding in the private room of a restaurant, closely watching every move on the street.

They have heard that Zhu Di will not follow the army into the city.

Instead, they will lead a small group of people into the city directly from the Taiping Gate.

When they were sensible, they were taught that their parents were all ministers of Emperor Jianwen and died at the hands of rebellious Zhu Di.

So practicing martial arts is for revenge.

Even if they know that they are like dead men, they are also willing.

I can't help but be indoctrinated with such ideas from childhood to adulthood, even if I am unwilling to do so.

"Boss, take a look at this picture. This is the retreat route I set. Once we get it, don't be nostalgic. We will retreat from these routes immediately and meet again outside the city."

Although they are dead, it doesn't mean they want to die.

It's a good thing to be able to successfully complete the goal and save your life.

"Well, I see! Just take a look at this thing. The key is to kill the old thief Zhu Di."

The boss obviously has more information.

He is not very concerned with the retreat.

Of course, he was also very clear that the possibility of success this time was very small only by their strength.

But he had no way to resist the plan.

Besides, after more than ten years of hate indoctrination, he also wants to release it.

After all, this is the closest opportunity for them to Zhu Di.

While they were talking, a team of several hundred people slowly came to the city gate outside the Taiping Gate.

"Dad, this time we came back from Mobei with a big victory. In fact, we should go into the city with great fanfare, so that the people can see the majesty of the Ming Emperor and sneak into the city like this. Who among the people knows that you have returned triumphantly?"

Zhu Gaoxu picked up a tall horse to guard a carriage.

Zhu Di was an emperor on horseback, but for safety reasons, Zhu Gaoxu persuaded him to take a carriage when he entered the city.

This is convenient for his guard.

"This time we attacked the Oirats and defeated them, but our losses were not small. Many people in Nanjing have to wear the bullet of filial piety. What's the meaning of the triumphal ceremony at this time?"

Zhu Di is a proud man.

Otherwise, he would not go to Mobei five times in his life, in order to destroy all Mongolian tribes.

However, the enemies on the grassland are not so easy to conquer.

Strictly speaking, his five personal expeditions to Mobei only served as a deterrent and suppression, and did not really weaken the strength of the grassland departments.

It was a little hard to say, so I felt lonely.

Otherwise, there will be no change of the earthworks.

"Dad, you are too modest. The Oura tribe is a big tribe. This time, we disabled it. It's definitely a victory."

While flattering Zhu Di, Zhu Gaoxu kept an alert eye on everything around him.

Wearing armor, he also looked very heroic.

No wonder Zhu Di likes him.