Chapter 73 is not enough

After a while, Chen Fan came to the riverside and walked a short distance upstream of the water carrying dock. He didn't stop until he saw a clump of lush water plants.

First, he put his fishing rod into the water to test the depth of the water. The place near the shore was very shallow, but it suddenly sank more than one meter away, and the fishing rod could not reach the bottom.

Delie, here it is.

First put a piece of meat on the hook, then move the buoy to a height of more than three meters from the hook, grab a bit of bait mixed with white rice and rice to make a nest, and swish out the fishing rod.

Then he squatted and waited.

One minute, two minutes

Five minutes, ten minutes

Chen Fan squatted so numb that he didn't catch a small fish.

This is not a beaver.

When I lifted the fishing rod, I saw that the shredded meat had disappeared long ago, and my face turned black immediately.

I ate my bait but didn't bite. The fish here are really rude.

He angrily re hung a piece of shredded meat and was about to throw it out when he suddenly found a small fish swimming in the water. His eyes could not help but turn slightly and shouted to the fish, "Hey, little fish, come here."

However, the fish ignored him and swam in the water.

Chen Fan frowned. Does his animal language not include fish?

Or the level is not enough, or the fish have no brains?

But fish have brains. It's delicious.

Chen Fan squatted silently by the river, pinching his chin and thinking about his fishing skills in winter.

Oh, yes.

It suddenly occurred to him that in winter, when the water temperature dropped, most of the fish would sink to the bottom.

Chen Fan looks into the distance.

Is it in the middle of the river?

The area near the river bank is in shallow water, which can be seen from the bottom at a glance. It seems that the small fish just swam from the deep water area, so most of the fish are there.

Chen Fan's face is wrinkled, but how to get through it?

His eyes turned twice. Suddenly, his eyes lit up, he put the fishing rod on the ground, turned and ran back.

Zhang Wenliang and Huang Keeper are chatting. Jiang Lili is washing vegetables at the kitchen door. A large wooden basin is filled with water, and all vegetables are soaked in it. After two shakes, they can be washed clean, and then they can be cleaned again.

Then the three saw Chen Fan running in slowly and getting into a room.

A few minutes later, he suddenly ran out again, with a waist basin on his head and a basket hanging in front. When he went out, he followed a five meter thick bamboo pole.

Zhang Wenliang looked blankly at the keeper Huang. "What is he doing?"

Keeper Huang thought for a moment, "I don't think I'm going fishing in the middle of the river, right?"

Why else bring a kidney basin?

"Go fishing in the river?"

Zhang Wenliang turned his eyes slightly. "Go and have a look."

They got up and went out.

Anyway, I'm free. I'd better go to see the activity.

The two men walked slowly to the bank of the river and saw Chen Fan sitting in the waist basin, his legs straight, his basket on his legs, and his fishing rod straight. They pulled water from left to right across the bamboo pole, and soon rowed to the middle of the river.

He then put the bamboo pole upright and stuck it to the bottom. It was just one meter high. Obviously, the water depth here was only about four meters.

In winter, the water flow is very slow, and it is almost invisible that the water is flowing. Chen Fan holds the bamboo pole to ensure that he will not drift with the tide.

The next moment is to witness the miracle!

Cavitation and downing are completed in one go.

Chen Fan was about to take a breath when suddenly the fishing rod tightened, which scared him.

Shit, is that the hook?

Pull the fishing rod tightly at once and pull it up slowly.

Nest to go, so heavy, absolutely a big fish.

It's a pity that the fishing rod is too antique. There is no wheel to reel in the thread. Besides, he is sitting in the waist basin, and it's hard to exert himself. He doesn't dare to exert himself too much, so he is afraid of breaking the fishing rod.

In order to prevent the boat from overturning, he leaned back with his feet on the basin edge and his back against the basin edge, trying to keep balance, and at the same time, he did not forget to pull the bamboo pole tightly inserted in the water to prevent the boat from being washed away by the water.

Even so, the boat was still dragged to the left and right. He could only hold the fishing rod firmly with both hands, and did not compete with the big fish. Instead, he walked along the fish without letting it unhook.

Zhang Wenliang and Huang Keeper were still watching the activity on the riverbank. When they saw this, they looked at each other.

The keeper Huang immediately said, "Look here, I'll find the rope."

If this is your own boy, he still wants to find the rope? If you don't immediately take off your shoes and hit him, it's OK!

While talking, the situation in the river changed.

Zhang Wenliang pulled him, "Wait, look."

After Chen Fan was stable, he clamped the fishing rod between his legs and pressed it down with his buttocks, freed one hand to grasp the bamboo rod, pulled it out, and then leaned against the bank.

Zhang Wenliang and Huang Keeper immediately ran under the embankment.

When they ran to the water's edge, Chen Fan was almost there. Zhang Wenliang shouted, "Stretch out the bamboo pole."

Chen Fan handed the bamboo pole to him, and the two men pulled him to the shore.

Keeper Huang grabbed the waist basin, and Zhang Wenliang took the fishing rod in his hand again. The next second, he held it tightly, and his eyes almost popped out. "You've caught a big fish!"

Breathing heavily, Chen Fan climbed up from the waist basin and pulled the wooden basin up. Then he picked up the basket and said to Zhang Wenliang, "Brother Three Tigers, walk the fish to the side. I'll take this copy."

Zhang Wenliang then understood why he took the basket with him, and immediately laughed, "You are a good idea."

Then slowly close the shot, and move back a little bit at the same time.

After walking for several minutes, a huge shadow appeared in front of the three people, which surprised even the keeper Huang. "What a big black fish!"

Chen Fan stood by the bank, one foot quickly stepped into the water, and when the black fish was pulled closer, he saw right and copied the basket.

The black fish entered the basket smoothly and was picked up.

The river water soon leaked clean, and the black fish unwilling to enter the basket jumped in. Chen Fan only felt that he was holding a monster, and almost could not catch the basket on his back.

Keeper Huang hurriedly helped him to get it, steadily lifted the basket and weighed it twice, grinned, "Boy, it's estimated to weigh 20 kg."

The head of the fish is at the bottom of the basket, but the tail of the fish is exposed. It's really possible to weigh 20 kg.

When he catches a big fish, he returns triumphantly.

Huang Keeper carried the basket to the front. Chen Fan and Zhang Wenliang put other things in the waist basin, carried the basin together, and then walked back proudly with fishing poles and bamboo poles.

Just at this time, Yang Ju also called back Captain Yang and Accountant Liu. When they met, they commented on the big black fish again.

Captain Yang, "Braised fish in brown sauce, stewed head and tail with white radish."

Liu accountant, "You can also make a fish slip."

Huang Keeper, "Cut some fish slices and marinate them with ginger, salt and wine, then steam them in a pot, and finally sprinkle some scallions for fragrance."

Zhang Wenliang grinned, "If you have a casserole, you can also use it to stuffy, add some pepper, pepper, and soup is best served."

Chen Fan blinked aside and looked at the big black fish. According to their method, this fish might not be enough?