Chapter 9 White Fire and Spell Position

Lynn concentrated on emptying the air around the red phosphorus as much as possible, while using the principle of accelerating the molecular movement speed to heat up.

More than ten seconds later, wisps of white fog floated out, gathered together under the constraint of magic, and then quickly cooled down to solidify into a translucent yellow powder.

This is white phosphorus!

Lin En, who knew the horror of this thing, did not dare to touch it with his hands. He held his breath throughout the whole process to maintain [Master's Hand], and put the collected white phosphorus into the original bag containing [Red Fire embers].

This kind of storage bag specially used for storing magic materials has a good isolation effect and can effectively prevent the sudden spontaneous combustion of white phosphorus

After all this, Lynn's forehead was already sweating.

Lin En, who was still a wizard apprentice, was somewhat reluctant to complete such a complicated process. If it was not for his spiritual integration during the journey that his control of magic was greatly improved, I'm afraid that this attempt could only end in failure.

Fortunately, everything was just as he expected.

Lynn put the storage bag in place, recalled the terrible scene of white phosphorus burning the earth, and shivered.

I just hope it won't be useful

As a Christian who grew up in the peaceful era, Lin En is still very reverent for life, but he also knows that in this different world where human life is like grass root, in order to protect himself, he has to die a friend instead of a poor one

"071!" After all this, Lynn shouted silently in his heart.

This has become his daily routine since his brain was forced to shut down five days ago.

Obviously, no response was received this time.

Lynn would have doubted whether 071 had completely disappeared if the magic in his body was not slowly losing and the energy used to supply the brain.

His brain is an important support for his survival in this strange world. Just by connecting the neural network, he can greatly improve his thinking ability, which is enough to extricate himself from many crises.

Not to mention that in that special state, he can transform magic into elements and complete the release of magic without preparing materials in advance.

Thinking of the scene of his mentor Kelu performing the second ring magic [Group Ice Blade], Lynn had a vague guess. Whether he could use magic to transform elements might be the key to distinguish the wizard apprentice from the official wizard!

He is sure that Carl, as an apprentice, can never do this, and there is no relevant memory in his brain. Most of them are spiritual fusion after passing through, and with the help of intelligent brain, they let themselves break through this layer of shackles for a short time

Lynn meditated, and the extremely magical world of elements appeared again.

But now Lynn's attention has focused on the strange rune floating in the sea of recognition.

Inside the strange runes are countless tiny points and lines, which are arranged together in a very special way and look exquisite and full of beauty.

Lynn tentatively touched it with mental force, and the rune lit up instantly.

Then Lynn noticed that the magic power in his body had decreased by one tenth at that moment. When he opened his eyes, a diamond shaped "Ice Blade" floated in his palm.

"It's kind of like... a spell position?"

Lynn touched his chin, and soon remembered the magic bit mentioned in the book "Analysis of Elements".

This is also the ability of the official wizard, which can greatly increase the casting speed.

In general, the process of building a spell bit is a bit like programming in a previous life. Set various parameters in advance, and then press the Enter key when necessary to export the results immediately.

So the arrangement of the runes roughly refers to: one equal part of oxygen+two equal parts of hydrogen+reduced molecular motion speed+special configuration=ice blade?

Well, I have to say, this is very scientific!

Lin Enrao was interested in trying other kinds of magic, but unexpectedly no new spell position was formed.

After thinking about it, Lynn soon guessed the reason, and if he wanted to build a corresponding spell position, he might need to perform a complete round of magic without using the casting materials.

Thinking of this, Lin Enwei has the intention to give up temporarily to continue to solidify the spell position. Without the blessing of auxiliary brain, he still has a big gap with the official wizard.

Lynn looked up at the sky outside his eyes. Maybe it's time to meet those wizard apprentices

Today is the lunar day and the last day of the agreement!


[Drunkard] The tavern is located in the most prosperous area of Ur Town.

Lynn could not have imagined that Johnny would have chosen this place to meet if he hadn't followed the secret signs all the way.

Seventeen copper is just the price of a glass of guluo wine!

Is it dark under the lamp?

Lynn murmured in his heart, but as soon as he opened the door, his eyebrows began to frown.

As a gathering place for the lower class, the interior of the [Drunkard] Tavern is very lively. The rising stove dispels the cold wind at night, and the space less than 100 square meters is crowded... The wooden floor is full of wine stains and vomit, with a strong smell, which almost smoked Lynn to death.

On the long table at the entrance of the tavern, a drunken halfling saw Lynn coming in at a glance. Seeing that he was young and still a stranger, he cried out with malice.

"Boy, won't you come over for a drink?"

Lynn turned his head and looked at the drunken halfling with inquiring eyes.

Half body people are a unique species in this continent. The reason why they are called this name is not because they have only half body, but because they are short, about half the height of adults, like a dwarf.

However, these people are not the product of genetic defects, but another group of people. Half body people are strong and powerful, and their muscles seem to be naturally endowed, a bit like the dwarves in the previous western fantasy works.

It is unknown what the body structure and genetic composition of these halflings are like, and what are the differences between them and humans.

Lynn's instinct as a data storekeeper is ready to move

The drunken halfling shivered involuntarily under Lynn's probing eyes, and felt a cold air rising from the bottom of his feet.

Five years ago, in Nordland, he had a meeting with the notorious craniotomy man Luke.

That was a vicious thug who was very loyal to breaking people into pieces.

Lynn's eyes were particularly similar to Luke's at that time, and the other side's eyes seemed to be a corpse waiting to be dissected