Chapter 17 This must be the power of the devil, from the flames of hell! (Seeking to read)

Could it be that all the efforts of others have been wasted?

Under Buck's eyes, the sky of starfire soon spread to the whole audience!

[Holy Word Shield]

After breaking away from the influence of "Soul Screaming", Aaron immediately used the protective magic.

The white light shield appears in a semicircle in the void, and little sparks sprinkle on it, immediately eroding the light shield into holes.

Do the remnants of magic that have been weakened a hundred times have such power?

If the huge fireball before hit him directly, Aaron was sure that he would not stop it!

Surprised, a lot of shrill screams were heard in the castle. Aaron turned to look at it, and the whole person was stunned.

Compared with priests who practice divinity, a group of guards have not yet recovered from the impact of "Soul Screaming". Sparks have been attached to their armor, shields, bows and crossbows, as well as exposed limbs and faces.

The terror of white fire appeared in the next second. The weak flame began to spread quickly after contacting the material. The leather shoulder pads and gloves were burned out of large holes. The yellow white flame seemed to be attracted by flesh and blood, and directly penetrated into the skin below.

"Ah!" A shield soldier beat his chest desperately to put out the spreading white phosphorus flame, but the result was that his arms were also lit together, and half of his body was lit into a torch during several breaths

The companions beside him were even more miserable. The flames fell directly into the cracks of the armor. The high temperature of thousands of degrees made him cry out. He tore the armor off with both hands, and then thrust his right hand into his body. Unexpectedly, he pulled out a bloody, flaming piece of meat

Blood, flesh and corpse are the best nourishment for white phosphorus flame, and the fire spreads rapidly.

The scene of burning fire, billowing white smoke and twisted dead soldiers seems to be that hell has come to earth

"Devil, this must be the power of the devil, the fire from hell!"

Such a horrible scene made the elite guards of Nordland completely collapse, and a ring of magic [fear elimination] has completely lost its function. A priest who had escaped the fire shouted at the top of his voice, threw away his scepter and ran away without looking back

Also stunned, Johnny and others almost forgot that Lynn had told them to hold their breath and use magic to get oxygen from the air.

"What kind of magic is this?" Buck shivered deeply, and could feel the pain as if the bone marrow were burned just a little closer.

"This is fireball, don't you also know it? I just improved it a little!" Lynn also noticed the startled eyes of the people, and said to explain.

This is called slightly?

Buck's face became very strange. He felt that Lynn's understanding of this word might not be the same as his own.

Johnny doubted whether Lynn would have broken through the barrier and become an official wizard.

But Lynn has only been exposed to magic for half a year, which is a bit exaggerated... And their teacher, Kelu, has always been poor. How can he afford to buy a source of magic.

Compared with Jonny and Buck, Barton's idea is very simple. It turns out that they can be so powerful when they are combined together!

Barton even felt that as long as everyone worked together, it would not seem that it was difficult to deal with the pursuit of the Holy See.

Just thinking, a dazzling white light shines from a distance, breaking through the barrier of fire and attacking a group of wizard apprentices.

The distracted Barton only saw his brother Buck's anxious face open and said something to him. Then he felt that his body was hit by a strong impact force and flew out. His thin body was torn apart in mid air. The whole person rolled around in the air for several times, and then fell to the ground like a rag doll, and there was no sound in a moment.

The sudden change froze the expression on Jonny and others' faces. Buck's face gradually twisted and shouted at the top of his voice.

"No, Barton!"

Lynn shot at the moment when the white light appeared. Twelve [magic missiles] surrounded him and shot at the end of the corridor in strange arcs in mid air.

At last, more than ten magic missiles were blocked by an invisible wall, and only the ripples that jumped when they collided could be seen

Lynn's heart sank and his eyes fixed on the other side of the fire. He knew that the person he had been waiting for finally appeared, and his strength was far more terrible than his imagination!

Suddenly, a melodious chant sounded in the castle, and the invisible force gradually enveloped the whole audience, and the closed room unexpectedly began to rain!

This is the Three Ring Divine Skill - [Praise of Life]!

The green raindrops contain extremely powerful divine power, which seems that the terrible flame from hell has been gradually suppressed!

The continuous white phosphorus fire, which was almost burning out, was rapidly fading away, and Anthik, wearing a white gilded robe, walked in slowly.


Aaron, who had the fastest reaction on the court and also narrowly escaped the coverage of the spark, shouted excitedly, but there was a trace of resentment and resentment hidden in his words.

The timing of Anthik's appearance was so ingenious that Aaron could not guess that the bishop had been watching here.

Obviously, myself and the elite guards led by Nordland are just tools to test the strength and cards of the other party!

Aaron's heart was half cold. He knew that when this thing was over, he would be severely punished as the commander on the spot.

Anthik ignored Aaron, looked around at the guards who were completely defeated by the death and injury on the ground, and then his pupils shrunk, because the originally extinguished flame showed signs of revival immediately after the end of the magic [life hymn]!

This is a white phosphorus fire. As long as the oxygen in the air is not exhausted and there are objects that can burn, it will never stop!

"Farewell, retreat!"

After the feint of [Magic Missile] failed, Lynn made a choice without hesitation.

The previous giant fireball technique, which read for more than five seconds, has consumed 78% of the white phosphorus produced by him, and the only remaining ones are not enough to defeat the bishops who display powerful magic.

Jonny and White Pigeon are also very aware of the horror of Anthik. Even though they are extremely sad about Patton's death, they also know that there is only a trace of life to escape now.

However, Buck, who lost his brother at the moment, was crazy. He opened his mouth and let out an angry roar. He grabbed the body of a relatively intact guard on the ground as a shield, and rushed to Antioch.

(PS: New books are all about!)