Chapter 90 Troubles

A week has passed since the leader defeated the Iron Fist Sect and took over the territory of the former Iron Fist Sect.

"In the past week, we have taken over, destroyed and transformed 18 brothels, 11 casinos and 15 shimmering pharmacies from the Iron Fist Gang, rescued 101 male workers, 696 female workers, 501 beggars, vagrants and drug addicts, 621 hooligans, thugs and gang members, and 4087 slave workers."

"Next, we plan to carry out ideological education and labor reform for the beggars, vagrants, drug addicts, gang members and sex workers who have been taken in, provide vocational skills training, and help them re-enter the factory to work and live on their own."


At the meeting of the Leader Association, Lena, as a speaker, made the above report to Li Wei and others who attended the meeting.

"In the past, these people were completely dependent on the Iron Fist Gang. In addition to the slave labor business, the Iron Fist Gang was engaged in nothing more than usury, pornography, gambling and drugs."

"And we plan to completely abandon the underground industry chain formed by the Tiequan Gang in Zu'an people's community, and gradually build the Hicks technology industry cluster based on the existing Hicks audio workshop in the future, relying on the technical patents provided by Professor Victor. Finally, we will gradually transform from the illegal underground service industry and financial industry to the medium and high-end manufacturing industry."


"In the past week, our publicity and recruitment work has also been steadily advancing. Among them, the Leader Association has 412 formal members, and the Pioneer Association has 2011 formal members."

"The number of Cana believers is growing at an exponential rate. I believe that within the next month, the total number of believers will easily reach the goal of breaking ten thousand."


However, in just one week, there were several times more believers in Jana than before. Li Wei and Jana are also several times stronger than before.

The Iron fist Sect, which ruled the Zu'an people's community, was a leech that sucked blood on Zu'an people's heads.

After the leader killed these insects, he didn't finish sending dishes and cooking seed oil, and left a mess and left.

Instead, we established branches and sub branches from the grass-roots level in a down-to-earth manner, replacing the old order with a new and well organized order.

Without the iron fist gang's sustainable blood sucking rule, people's livelihood will naturally improve, and the society will be more harmonious and stable.


After saying these good news, someone will swear at the meeting:

"We have no money, no money, understand?!"

As the only one of the leaders who had worked as an entrepreneur and knew how to earn money, Elvin clapped the table directly in front of Levi:

"Li Wei, Li Wei."

"Don't be so idealistic before you do things. How about seeing the reality?"

"Just now, Lina's report also mentioned that there were 5 or 6000 bonded workers, sex workers and gang members who were originally dependent on the Iron Fist Gang."

"You have liberated more than 5000 people at one time. What do they eat?"

"We have so many jobs for them, do we have so much money to support idle people?"

Elvin put on a "Don't be in charge, don't know the price of firewood", looked at the President Liwei and the Vice President Victor with a sad face.

The last time they were looked down upon so contemptuously, it was when they slapped their heads and raised their apprentices' salaries.

Victor was very impressed and couldn't agree: "Mr. Elvin is really right."

"Although the production line of Hicks Audio Workshop has been transformed successfully in an emergency, it can produce tapes and walkmans in large quantities and go on sale on a large scale."

"But even the most optimistic estimate... after making profits and expanding production, this Hicks Audio Workshop can provide 1000 jobs at most."

The only factory under Pioneer can only provide 1000 jobs in the future.

This is still in the future. This "future" must be at least one or two months later.

If we want to invest in the construction of new factories, it will take a longer time from research and development, financing, factory building, production, listing, sales to profitability.

let alone...

"It also costs money to build a new factory!" Irving angrily scolded: "You have shut down the brothels, casinos and twilight shops that can make money, and there are still 5000 or 6000 more idle people to support -"

"We have to laugh if we don't go bankrupt. How can we get so much money to expand production and build new factories?"

"Er..." Liwei was speechless.

He could tell that Elvin was accusing him of making great strides.

"Then what should we do?" Li Wei asked modestly.

"Well... I know that you are all idealists and have a habit of moral cleanliness." Elvin thought deeply and gave a way to cure the symptoms rather than the root cause:

"You must be unwilling to open brothels and shimmering shops like the Iron Fist Gang to do such businesses as eating human blood steamed buns and exchanging human life for money."

"But I think that the dozens of casinos left by the Iron Fist Gang can continue to open - don't worry, I mean, at the same time of operating casinos, we should reform them to a certain extent, and ask customers to come in for capital verification and set the threshold for access."

"In this way, we can only allow the rich people in Picheng to enter the casino for consumption, while keeping civilians and the poor out of danger."

Only pit the rich, not the poor. To round it off, opening a casino would be like robbing the rich to help the poor.

The casino can also solve the employment of a group of people and relieve the huge employment pressure faced by Zu'an community at present.

Elvin's proposal seems to have some merit.

"No, absolutely not!" Although Li Wei knew there were huge financial difficulties, he still firmly opposed them.

"Our strongest weapon is not money, but thought."

"The perfect image of the goddess Jana is our greatest wealth."

If this is a world without extraordinary power, Levi may agree with Elvin.

After all, organizations have to survive to develop. In the face of the cruel objective reality, moral cleanliness can only bring failure to idealists.

But this is the place of runes, and it's an extraordinary world——

Here, the leader's greatest reliance is the goddess Jana, and the power of Jana comes from the power of belief.

What is the power of belief? It is the recognition of the goddess Jana. What would believers think of him if people knew that he, the god elect of Cana, was taking the lead in running casinos and leading the unhealthy trend?

I'm afraid this will have a very serious negative impact on the image of the goddess Jana.

In short, to be more popular, the most valuable asset of the leader is the "brand" of Jana. If the leader wants to win, he must not let his "brand image" be damaged.

"What you said is reasonable."

Elvin also agreed with Livy.

But he put his hands together and asked, "Now that the ideal is to take care of everything, what about eating?"

"You tell me how to make money?"

Li Wei: "...."

Now the Walkman project of the leader has not started to make profits, and the money is splashed out like water.

And where did the money come from?

Li Wei intended to beat a wave of local tyrants from the Iron Fist Sect and make a fortune after defeating the Iron Fist Sect.

The Iron Fist Sect has been operating in Picheng for many years and has saved a lot of ill gotten gains.

With this huge sum of money, it should not be difficult for the leaders to survive this difficult transition period.

But Li Wei didn't expect

The Iron fist Sect doesn't have that much money at all.

They do a lot of business, but most of the money they earn goes to pay homage to the people behind them.

Avery didn't have as much money as Li Wei thought he had left.

At least, this money is far from enough to maintain a community's long-term operation.

In the end, the Iron Fist Sect died.

What can be left to the leaders to inherit is a Zu'an community full of brothels, casinos and shimmering shops, which is poor and uninformed, with neither industry nor capital.

This is really a big mess.

"The walkman project needs a little time before it becomes profitable."

"Now all the money we spend is from me and Miss Caitlin's family."

Elvin sighed helplessly, and his face was full of flesh aches:

"The money I have saved for so many years will be lost to you in two weeks. I'm afraid the money given by Miss Caitlin's family won't last much."

"Liwei, you really should think about how we can survive!"

Li Wei: "..."

He finally understood how the Caucasian bandits were born.

It has only been half a month

He also wants to rob the bank.