Chapter 67 How to deal with leaders?

Non violence and non cooperation. Although the word "non cooperation" is eye-catching, the most important word of "non violence" is that the more you taste it, the more you taste it.

"As we all know, these barefoot Zu'an people are not afraid of wearing shoes. It is always dishonest to kill by killing."

The role of bloody repression is temporary, which can only make a group of people, at most a generation, honest.

With the passage of time and the accumulation of contradictions, the naturally radical young people will naturally replace the middle-aged people who have lost their blood and become the main force of the new generation in controlling Zu'an's voice.

Most of them have not experienced the bloody repression of the previous generation, and they cannot know what barbarism and terror lies behind the image of Picheng's "weak civilization" city-state.

At the same time, they feel oppressed and suffer.

So every ten years or so, Zu'an people are bound to make a big fight with the kung fu of almost a generation.

"If these thugs can lay down their weapons and engage in 'non violence and non cooperation' with us, we will be much more relieved."

"I don't think we need to overreact. If we can make Zu'an people believe the conclusions of this booklet, it will be a good thing!"

"Good thing?" Another congressman asked angrily, "Do you think those Zu'an people are fools?"

"We can't really give money to these gutter mice. Sooner or later, they will find that nonviolent and uncooperative methods do not work and become barbaric again."

"That is to let everything return to the original state at most!" A member of parliament immediately retorted: "Zu'an people are all thugs. Let them be honest for a while and then turn back to thugs, can the situation be worse?"

They didn't realize at this time:

When the Zu'an people who accepted this set of scientific ideas and had theoretical guidance became "thugs" again, how powerful these "thinking thugs" would be.

Therefore, in the eyes of legislators, there is no essential difference between the leader organization and the enterprises in Picheng and the gangsters in Zu'an.

They are not aware, nor can they be aware. Because this is a new thing that has never appeared in the place of Runwen, and it is a new chapter in human history.

Everyone could not predict what kind of storm this humble pamphlet would set off in the future.

As a result, the legislators did not feel that they were playing with fire.

Some legislators even smiled and shook the "Brief Introduction to Jana Thought" in their hands, saying: "The author's theory is a bit dangerous, because it is too profound."

"But the more incisive and rigorous his analysis is, the more reliable and trustworthy his conclusions will be."

"There must be some Zu'an people willing to believe;"

"There must be some people who don't believe it, or as you said before, they 'wake up' after believing it."

"What does that mean?"

Members of Parliament are worthy of being members of Parliament. However, after thinking about it, they found a way to reverse practice the Jana Thought:

"It means that we can use this book to further divide Zu'an people into 'moderates' who believe in their conclusions and' radicals' who insist on violence, and then try to intensify their contradictions and provoke them to kill each other."

"If the moderates become stronger, we will support the radicals, and if the radicals become stronger, we will support the moderates."

"Just like a few years ago, Hilco merged with Vander -"

"If such infighting can happen in Zu'an every few years, then these Zu'an men will have no strength to attack the Canal Bridge and come over to haunt us... hahaha."

More than one senator thinks so.

Mrs. Gillamann agreed.

Hemmerdinger was unwilling to comment on politics, but he also nodded unconditionally.

After all, one of their daughters and one of their students was involved, and they certainly did not want to regard the leader as an enemy.

They alone have two votes. Despite the fact that Senator Mel has never expressed his opinion, most of the other six members of Parliament here support temporarily allowing the existence of leaders, and even tolerate the ideological propaganda of leaders.

However, one member of Parliament was strongly opposed: "No, absolutely not!"

"In any case, those leaders are smearing our Picheng Parliament, using their fabricated so-called historical truth to slander our great families that have led the progress of human civilization."

"Yes, their attitude is moderate. But even so, we must not condone such dangerous words that incite hatred of the rich."

"Otherwise, once the opening is opened, there will be some more unreasonable lunatics in the future!"

The congressman slapped the table excitedly and looked at Miss Mayer carefully:

"What do you think, Senator Mel?"

"Should this so-called leader organization be eliminated as soon as possible?!"

When he asked, everyone looked at him expectantly.

Mel was the only member of Parliament present who had not yet expressed his opinion, and he was also the one with the strongest voice among them.

Even now, legislators who tolerate leaders have an overwhelming advantage over those who are hostile to leaders.

But as soon as Miss Mayer spoke, the wind would change with her at any time.

"I think everyone has a point."

Mel smiled and said something nonsense, and then said as if casually:

"Mrs. Gillamagne, you seem to have mentioned before... Miss Caitlin has cooperated with Professor Victor to pull up a team with people and guns, right?"

As soon as this was said, the air became much more dignified.

Yes, it means non violence and non cooperation? Why even illegal armed forces have been pulled up?

"This..." Mrs. Gillamagne was also vaguely worried.

But considering that Caitlin was already involved, she had to explain calmly for her daughter:

"It's just that Caitlin is' going home '. I can guarantee that she is on our side anyway."

"I understand." Mel quickly explained politely: "Since Miss Caitlin wants to run a gang herself, of course, no one can be without a gun. Even if she and those leaders form private arms, it does not mean that they are the enemy."

"I'm not doubting anything, I just want to find out how powerful this leader organization is."

"Whether we want to treat them as enemies or as friends, we should first find out the strength of each other, shouldn't we?"

This made everyone suddenly wake up:

Yes, strength is the key.

If the leader organization is weak, it can be tolerated and eradicated. It's not too late to discuss it again.

If the leader organization is not weak or strong, which can just threaten the Picheng Council, it should be eradicated. Even if it is not eradicated, it should be properly suppressed.

And if the leader organization is strong Then don't talk about whether to shovel or not. It is not certain who will eradicate them.

"But it seems that there is no need to discuss this issue, right?" The former member of parliament who strongly opposed the leader could not help questioning:

"A university professor, a group of young students, and a group of untrained Zu'an apprentices... What can they achieve even if they are given weapons?"

"Miss Mayer, you are worried."

"I think as long as you send a team of law enforcement officers over, you can easily take them down."

"Calm down, sir." Mel reminded, "We haven't formally voted yet. Should we allow the leader to exist?"

"Moreover, if we directly send law enforcement officers to arrest them, we will break our face with each other completely."

Tear your face?

Everyone was slightly stunned:

They suddenly found that Mel had unknowingly regarded the leader association, whose members were only naive students and ordinary workers, as equivalent to the status of Picheng Council.

Still tearing your face? Is it the leaders who deserve the face of the council?

Face is earned by oneself.

Does the leader have this strength?

"This is what I want to find out." Mel gently flipped the page in his hand and said, "Don't forget. The leader is not Miss Caitlin and Professor Victor we are familiar with, but the author of this book -"

"Master, Mr. Liwei."

"So what?" The member of parliament who opposed the leader was still puzzled: "Although the mage is powerful, it is not enough to have a mage at random, so we should be careful to offer?"

"Ordinary mage, of course not. But..."

Mel turned over his pamphlet to the first page and spread it out in front of everyone:

"What if it was Jana's divine choice?"

Li Wei stated on the first page of the article that these thoughts are from the goddess Jana.

"There are some things that ordinary people don't understand, but it is impossible for us big families with a long history not to record."

"I think everyone here should be very clear -"

Mel subtly tapped the table with his finger:

"Jana is real."