Chapter 82 The Night Attack Begins

Seeing this, Wanyan Zongbi hurriedly said: "Bullshit, this is the magic method used by the Song army. Don't be afraid, follow me to the city wall, open the city gate, and plunder."

"You've been to most of the Liao Kingdom. It's so rich. What I want to tell you now is that the capital of the Song Dynasty is far richer than the capital of the Liao Kingdom."

"As long as we break the gate of Kaifeng, all the wealth inside is ours, and all the women inside can play with it!"

"The Han woman is more moist than the Liao woman!"

These words of Wanyan Zongbi are very persuasive.

After all, though the State of Jin was established at this time, most of the places it occupied were still the base of Liao, mainly nomadic, and most of the living materials were robbed.

For a nation whose food and clothing problems have not yet been solved, it is still difficult for people to tell the truth about their beliefs.

At this time, having money, food and women is the greatest pursuit of these Jin soldiers.

So, after Wanyan Zongbi said these words, the soldiers of the Jin army immediately adjusted their mood and began to move closer to Kaifeng again.

The huge explosion naturally attracted the attention of the Song army on the city wall.

However, in Wanyan Zongbi's opinion, even if the Song army noticed it, what's the use? It's a dark light. Can the Song army still have eyes and see its own army?

Wearing night clothes, they seem to blend into the night.

However, Wanyan Zongbi underestimated the Song army.

Before the Jin army led by Yan Zongbi reached the north gate, he saw a huge brazier burning on the wall of the north city.

Wanyan Zongbi sneered. Even if the Song army set up a brazier, it would be useless.

At this time, Yan Zongbi was still secretly scolding the general of the Song army in his heart for being mentally retarded. What's the use of lighting a torch at this time? It can not only not illuminate the bottom, but also reveal the position of the soldiers on his side.

However, the next wave of Song Jun's operations made Wan Zongbi realize that he still thought too simply.

I saw Song Jun standing a huge copper mirror behind the brazier, which clearly reflected the bright light of the brazier to the ground 100 meters outside the city wall.

When one copper mirror is erected, the light is not obvious, but when hundreds of copper mirrors are erected together, the whole world has changed.

Although it was still very dark, the hundred meters around the city wall under Kaifeng were illuminated.

Although the brightness is not as bright as in the daytime, it is impossible for people to hide in this area.

As soon as Zhijin Jun shows up, he will be found by Song Jun.

"General, the Song army is so cunning. What should we do now?"

The deputy general stood beside Wanyan Zongbi and said with an ugly face.

Wanyan Zongbi was also a bit foolish. Maybe it was too smooth to kill him all the way, so he looked down on Song Jun psychologically. But the Song Jun in this meeting seemed to have changed completely, which made him hard to accept for a while.

"General, can we just withdraw like this?"

The deputy general said to Wanyan Zongbi with an ugly face.

Twenty thousand people have come here in such a big way. If they go back like this, they will be laughed off, right?

At the most critical moment, Wanyan Zongbi proposed the night attack on his own initiative. It's really a shame to escape without fighting.

After all, at the beginning, all the generals of the Jin army were against the night attack, which was a dilemma.

Wanyan Zongbi had no such idea.

According to historical records, Wanyan Zongbi was the fourth son of Wanyan Aguta, the first ancestor of the Jin State, and was one of the leaders in the war against the Song Dynasty.

To sum up, the main task of fighting with Yue Fei was him. He had a more well-known name in the Song Dynasty, Jin Wushu.

It has to be said that Jin Wu Shu is a militant, which is very similar to Yang Zaixing.

As a warmonger, he gave the order to charge even though he knew that he would not succeed if he rushed forward.

I can't help it. I didn't even fight. If I just retreat, I can't afford to lose such people.

Of course, Wan Yan Zongbi was still very young at this time, and he had not been beaten by life. He did not know that, in fact, sometimes, humiliation is really nothing.

Life is more important than face.

Wanyan Zongbi still didn't understand this truth, so the elite of 20000 Jin troops began to attack Bianjing.

To be precise, this is no longer a night attack, but a front of hard steel.

After the explosion, the fierce war drums sounded in the Song army camp, and the sound of "enemy attack" broke the silent night sky.

War is imminent.


In Zhao Kai's tent.

Wanyan Shigu naturally heard the war drums outside, as well as the shouts of people attacking at night.

Wanyan Shigu thought Zhao Kai would push him away. Seeing him like this, he was puzzled and asked:

"Someone outside called Jin Jun to attack the camp. Aren't you going out to have a look?"

"I want to go. I'm afraid you won't let me go."

Zhao Kai did not answer, but asked instead.

Wanyan Shigu is a smart man. Zhao Kai's answer means that even if Zhao Kai doesn't go, the Jin army will not succeed in this night attack.

"Are you so sure that we can't succeed in the night attack?"

Wanyan Shigu said unconvinced.

Zhao Kai smiled and said to Wanyan Shigu:

"Do you want to make a bet?"

Wanyan Shigu looked at the man's bad smile and forced his impulse to agree down.

"In the daytime, you can use that bomb to cause trouble to our army. Now it is dark at night. Are you going to drop this bomb?"

Wanyan Shigu asked doubtfully.

Zhao Kai looked at Wanyan Shigu, smiled and said nothing.

Wanyan Shigu pouts. This bastard is deliberately playing tricks on himself.

"Hey, can you tell me?"

Wanyan Shigu said angrily.

Zhao Kai smiled and said to Wanyan Shigu:

"You want to know, let me be happy first......"